Post by Spencerman (May 05, 2008) Why oh why oh why??? I have not seen this film, but apparently it took three years to make as it was independantly financed, and was shot on locations where the events took place.
Here is the gun that killed John Lennon:
Here is a clip from the film:
And here is my problem. This is a scan of the dvd...
What the hell did they do that for? As if it wasnt bad enough with MGM taking the Sig on the cover of Ronin and then cobbling together a poor photoshop attempt to make the rear of a Beretta 93 but the front of a Beretta 92, still retaining the grip and levers from the Sig. If I am not mistaken, this is a revolver with an upside down 1911 bushing as the barrel/sight? Why oh why oh why?????