MGC 68 MP40 late model with spring, not plunger. Pristine, with replica sling and additional real Schmeisser manufactured mag also Tokyo Toys (I think) all zinc MP40, very heavy.
MGCMP40 SOLD - thank you.
I do not know if the MGC fires PFC or not, it doesn't look like it ever has.
These should go to a good home, the MGC is just really nice, and clean.
Buyer pays shipping, depending on what he chooses, it will be cost.
SOLD Thank you Jeppo! for a super clean
MGC MP40 with repro sling, original mag, plus original WW2 mag - This probably has to go to a US customer, I don't want anyone not to receive their purchase for some "customs" reason.
$400 for the Tokyo Toy all zinc MP40 - beater, but could clean up nicely.
$400 for
five 5Xused metal replica handguns in varying condition (2x1911.45's, 2xS&W 27's) - and an MGC Ingram (broken front sight) - these are all ex-movie guns, there are a bunch of brass carts, silencer, strap and wood colored spare grips, multiple mags with the ingram, but non of these have been looked after, they were used as background props, the actions are questionable - especially on one of the revolvers, but could be fun to clean up, tweak, and get looking good.
(Not the Python in the picture, that is the double to a real Python I'm keeping)
$300 - Boxed Record 8mm blank firing Luger with repro holster (one price for both).
This is a forward firing replica, that fires, but I cannot get it to cycle or eject, it is boxed and hasn't been used very much at all, so someone mechanically inclined may have better luck than me. Wood grips, flare cup, papers, etc.
-I bought this from madmike (it was quite a deal getting it into the US) - I think he has pictures of the same model on his blank gun collection page, it's a nice clean replica.
The holster I bought from someone who said it was an original for $100 - it does say PO8 on it, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't made during the second world war, and probably not in Europe, but it goes with the Luger
Except for the MGC MP40 and the Luger these have all worked, and are now no longer needed.
This post will be up for a while, and then I'm taking it down, I think they are fair prices, they're for sale on other forums but they are not for sale at these prices anywhere else - MP40 forums only.
"Charlie Valentine" Trailer: