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 Polymer frames

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Fight Designer
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Polymer frames Empty
PostSubject: Polymer frames   Polymer frames Icon_minitimeMon Mar 30, 2009 8:00 pm

I remember seeing something on a gun forum years back about DIY stippling done with a soldering iron on polymer frame handguns (Glocks, Steyr M series, XD, etc).

Was just wondering... if anyone else has the blank firing Glock 17s (or the compact version of the same), do you think it would be doable to add a rail? Seems like if you could heat up a metal rail mount and a metal rod, you could probably to some degree mold a tactical rail into the frame of one of those Glock 17s, giving it a bit more of an updated look.

Any idea if this would get in the way of any functions and/or compromise the structural integrity of the frame?
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