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billy can
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Number of posts : 4
Location / Country : chesham bucks UK
Registration date : 2009-11-17

PostSubject: ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1   ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2009 11:03 am

Hello Iam new to this forum , Iam an reenactor and a keen shooter , I would like to buy an Enfield Revolver .model gun , are 7mm caps loud ? who on the forum sells them ? do they feel as heavy as the real thing? I have seen them for about $150 or £90 , I would like the long barrel model with the hammer spur , and wooden grips , can anyone help , thanks BILLY CAN.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
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Registration date : 2008-07-20

PostSubject: Re: ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1   ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2009 12:58 pm

Hello Billy and welcome to the forums, it's always a pleasure welcoming new members ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_biggrin

Here's a list of Modelgun Dealers that should be able to help you find an Enfield ...

Kevin at UK Based
John at UK Based
Jay at Based in France
Francky at Based in Tokyo
Shazhib easiest way to contact Shaz' is via PM on this forum, Based in Tokyo

All the above listed are long established suppliers except for Plugfirecapguns UK, this is a new company that started trading in October this year. I have bought accessories from this company and am perfectly happy with the service provided.
The others, are all well known to us here as good sources of Model guns.

There's always a chance one of the other members might have one for sale privately too ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_wink

As a Re-enactor, you'll know all about the VCRA 2007 and the legal requirements that go with it. You'll have to supply proof of Re-enactors Group, Group Secs' contact details, PLI Documents... you'll know the score there.
Armed with correct legal documents, you'll be able to import from Japan without too much hassle.
so don't be put off by the fact Francky and Shazhib are in Tokyo.

Caps aren't as loud as Blank Fire rounds. They're certainly loud enough to be fun to fire indoors (without scaring the neighbours) but I'd imagine the sound would be drowned out by everything else on a Reenactment battle field.

If you buy an ABS or Heavy Weight ABS model, it won't feel as heavy as the real thing. It'll look spot-on, no worries there, you wouldn't know the difference until you picked it up ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_smile

There's a couple of Reviews here that might be of interest to you:

I hope the above helps, I'm sure you'll get a few more helpful replies off the other lads too ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_biggrin


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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billy can
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Number of posts : 4
Location / Country : chesham bucks UK
Registration date : 2009-11-17

PostSubject: Re: ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1   ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2009 4:02 pm

[quote="Cerwyn"]Hello Billy and welcome to the forums, it's always a pleasure welcoming new members ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_biggrin

Here's a list of Modelgun Dealers that should be able to help you find an Enfield ...

Kevin at UK Based
John at UK Based
Jay at Based in France
Francky at Based in Tokyo
Shazhib easiest way to contact Shaz' is via PM on this forum, Based in Tokyo

All the above listed are long established suppliers except for Plugfirecapguns UK, this is a new company that started trading in October this year. I have bought accessories from this company and am perfectly happy with the service provided.
The others, are all well known to us here as good sources of Model guns.

There's always a chance one of the other members might have one for sale privately too ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_wink

As a Re-enactor, you'll know all about the VCRA 2007 and the legal requirements that go with it. You'll have to supply proof of Re-enactors Group, Group Secs' contact details, PLI Documents... you'll know the score there.
Armed with correct legal documents, you'll be able to import from Japan without too much hassle.
so don't be put off by the fact Francky and Shazhib are in Tokyo.

Caps aren't as loud as Blank Fire rounds. They're certainly loud enough to be fun to fire indoors (without scaring the neighbours) but I'd imagine the sound would be drowned out by everything else on a Reenactment battle field.

If you buy an ABS or Heavy Weight ABS model, it won't feel as heavy as the real thing. It'll look spot-on, no worries there, you wouldn't know the difference until you picked it up ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_smile

There's a couple of Reviews here that might be of interest to you:

[Thanks for the reply I have sent you a PM BILLY
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billy can
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Number of posts : 4
Location / Country : chesham bucks UK
Registration date : 2009-11-17

PostSubject: Re: ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1   ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2009 4:33 pm

billy can wrote:
Hello Iam new to this forum , Iam an reenactor and a keen shooter , I would like to buy an Enfield Revolver .model gun , are 7mm caps loud ? who on the forum sells them ? do they feel as heavy as the real thing? I have seen them for about $150 or £90 , I would like the long barrel model with the hammer spur , and wooden grips , can anyone help , thanks BILLY CAN.
I have looked at Francky's website and I think his prices are good , far cheaper than the UK , but my main concern is Customs , have any of you Lads had Problems getting Guns from Francky and what are the shipping charges ,approx, thanks again BILLYCAN
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 1823
Location / Country : Poland
Registration date : 2009-03-03

PostSubject: Re: ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1   ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2009 4:50 pm


Prices on website might not be the latest, as JPY exchange rate fluctuated. Francky will give you the lastest price when you ask him for particular item, this will avoid you surprise that price has changed. He will also provide you estimate, and later exact shipping quote after packing when he knows total for order, including spare cartridges and firing caps.

Shipping prices from Japan to Europe are reasonable for inter-continental. A single pistol/revolver should be about 40-45$,
two pistols 50-60$, three about 70$. It is worth to get many items in one package, as it costs less than shipping separately.

Please remember that to price&shipping you need to add 4% PayPal fee.

As for import, our UK guys would be more knowleadgable about procedures, taxes and customs fees.

I would advise you to get a factory-built revolver, rather than cheaper self-build kit. Quality and finish on factory models seems to be better, and you have more chance that replica is properly tuned for fire (even if revolver has the simplest mechanism).
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PostSubject: Re: ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1   ENFIELD REVOLVER no2 mk1 Icon_minitime

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