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 Discounted Hogue grips "Cosmetic Seconds"

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 1823
Location / Country : Poland
Registration date : 2009-03-03

Discounted Hogue grips "Cosmetic Seconds" Empty
PostSubject: Discounted Hogue grips "Cosmetic Seconds"   Discounted Hogue grips "Cosmetic Seconds" Icon_minitimeSun Dec 26, 2010 8:40 pm

Hogue sells out B-grade grips at discounted prices, through auctions:

They claim to ship internationally. Price is a bit high for "just" a pair of grips (over 30$ for Poland), but it might be interesting if you plan to group more in one shipment:
Quote :

For Overseas shipments, we use Global Express Mail™ (3 - 5 Day Service) from the United States Postal Service (USPS). You can visit the USPS Postal Rate Calculator site where you can estimate your shipping fees using Global Express Mail™. A single ready to ship grip weighs approximately 1 pound.

Overseas/International shippments will only be charged actual shipping fees. All shipping fees will be applied at time of billing.

Definition of grade:
Quote :

“Cosmetic Seconds”: These items function correctly and safely but have a “cosmetic” flaw of some type. Due to the range of possible cosmetic discrepancies and quantity of seconds available for auction, it is not possible to list the exact discrepancy for each auction item. Below is a list of possible discrepancies an item may have. This list is not all inclusive.

* Slight imperfections in finish
* Non-aesthetic wood grain
* Slight warpage which may produce a small gap between grip and or frame
* Slight under/over size which may cause the grip to show or hide part of the frame
* Mismatched wood color and or grain pattern
* Nicks, chips or small voids in wood grain or checked pattern

No Flaw will affect the proper function of the product.
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Discounted Hogue grips "Cosmetic Seconds"
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