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 Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems

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Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Empty
PostSubject: Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems   Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2011 4:05 pm

Hi model gun friends!

I recently acquired a pristine mgc mp40, late model though. But I can't seem to disassemble it. I could really need some help in this matter, I have studied the other disassembly post also.

Do I need to remove the barrel before I can remove the upper receiver? To remove the barrel do I need to take out this metal pin seen in this picture:

Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Mp40

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Modelgun Perfectionist
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Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems   Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2011 7:17 pm

To remove the upper and lower receiver you pull the pin on the lower receiver (the knurled pin) pull and twist so it locks out then twist the upper receiver to the left about 45 degrees keep the trigget pulled and then pull the receiver forward. As for the barrel the barrel nut should just screw off but looks like you have a pin in place that you will have to knock out first.
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Modelgun Master
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Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems   Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2011 7:24 pm

Hi Jeppo.

This might help re your barrel removal:

removing your grub screw might be a challenge. If you can't get it out using a screw remover bit on a power-drill (set to "reverse" mode) then you might have to be "creative".

I've resorted to wedging a flat-bladed (slightly over-wide) screw driver into the hole, and gently trying to unscrew it - AFTER well lubricating it with Liquid Wrench & letting it soak in.

I'm sure other Forum members can suggest their other ideas based on their experiences too!

Keep us posted on how you do!

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Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems   Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2011 7:35 pm

Thanks guys!
In theory I know how to remove the upper receiver, thanks to all the guides on this forum , but no matter how it will not come off.
My thought was if the barrel needs to be removed first?
As for the upper I can turn it approx 30 degrees, pulling the trigger, but not more, and then it wont move.

/ j
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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PostSubject: Re: Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems   Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 11:13 am

Hi Jeppo,

The receiver should dissassemble with the barrel still attached.

The receiver is locked in place by the knurled wheel and pin
Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems DSC00221

pull the wheel down and outwards, turn it about a quarter turn to lock in place.

The Trigger has to be kept squeezed because the Sear protrudes into the Receiver through a slot.

A basic "bayonet" type fixing also locks the receiver tube into the cap at the back of the lower receiver. This is the reason why the receiver has to be twisted around until the rear sights almost touch the frame.
I remember my first attempts at stripping my MGC '40 were made difficult by a very stiff bayonet fixing. It need a determined effort to unlock it.

The following article could help you,

please note the photos below are of Marushin MP40 but the mag'well lug is essentially the same

Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems MP40Magwellslotparthome

Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems MP40Magwellslotlockedhome

I hope this helps.
I'll have to take photos of my MGC '40 next time I strip it. We don't have a step by step guide specifically for this model


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PostSubject: Re: Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems   Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 12:27 pm

Thank you!!!
Finally I got it off! It just took a little more force than I originally dared to put in! Very Happy

Next task; barrel removal!

Again, thanks!

/ Jeppo
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PostSubject: Re: Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems   Late MGC 68 MP40 disassembly problems Icon_minitime

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