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 WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)

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3 posters
Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 988
Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 17, 2011 9:33 am

Got it late last year when WE managed to release the version with Springfield reference stamped on the top part of receiver and RA-Tech managed to make real wood stock and some steel reinforced parts for it...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101703

This gun's too long so I've to lay it on my bed for this full shot...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101704

Wish the colour of the wood stock can somehow match the plastic barrel shield...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101705

The marking - the font can somehow get more realistic than this...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101706

The right side...the trigger bar had been replaced with RA-Tech's...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101702

The real gun function bolt and catch on the left as well - made by RA-Tech (originally WE skipped this feature)...not running too smooth though...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101707

Supplied with the BB loader tube as well as the magazine spring which allows the mag to load 10 more rounds (from 20 to 30 rds).

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101708

The first time I've seen a 2-door wood stock (not coupe)...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 261020101723

This is the original WE plastic "chemiwood"stock (1kg heavier than the wood stock fitted)

Blowbacks are strong and it is plenty of fun - but after reading some posts from the Taiwanese forum described as a M14 turned into a M1 Garand when the original zinc slide cover breaks and fly out just like the Garand clip - I fire my other GBBs instead until all the parts in risk have been replaced (also the trigger pull getting unsmooth as it seems to be in friction with some part inside). Nevertheless a good gun in essence and WE's effort is appreciated (at least they took the first step by bombarding the tired markets with exciting new models).

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) 251020101711

In the end - this is the longest GBB rifle that I ever have...and glad the mag haven't leak (yet)...
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Registration date : 2008-07-20

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 17, 2011 11:40 am

Thanks for your review Jim Very Happy

This is a very attractive looking rifle, it is good to see WE producing new and fresh models rather than flooding the market with more of the same.

I have been tempted by several of their newer releases but worry about reliability issues you've mentioned.

Your rifle rack has some wonderful models in it, very nice Wink


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 1823
Location / Country : Poland
Registration date : 2009-03-03

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 17, 2011 12:20 pm

Nice review :-)
I didn't realize M14 is so long!
Probably the only longer one would be SVD, but not by much.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 988
Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 18, 2011 8:56 am

Thanks Guys for the appreciations Very Happy - I strongly believe the length is one of the main factors making it failed in Vietnam (others include weight / inappropriate calibre / wood stock used for Vietnam's climate, etc)...

The Socom as well as the EBR have surely reinvented M14 nicely - or else leave it as a sniper weapon only (or for National Day March)...

News from recent HK Toy Show - a certain HK maker will make a co2 powered SVD but strangely the gas will only be used for the blowback action (and the BB will be powered by spring action) - not too sure how it will work so let's see...

The most ideal GBB rifle for me: a WE GBB built completely with RA-Tech parts (so in the end only the system is WE)... Laughing
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 988
Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 6:03 am

I actually in favour of the custom socom version (compared with EBR) it the same as the "Tanker" version minus the scope mount Question

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Rag_custome_work056
WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Rag_custome_work056_d1
WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Rag_custome_work056_d2

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 988
Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 22, 2011 6:45 am

The GBB SVD mentioned earlier...made by this new company APS...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) APS
WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) APS-ASK207

Also the Cybergun that breaks the harmony - their booth in the HK Toy Show 2011...

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) CybergunHK

SunHill999 likes this post

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 1823
Location / Country : Poland
Registration date : 2009-03-03

WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 22, 2011 9:31 pm

That's an interesting development!
CO2 is now more modern and popular than green gas, and this model could be cheaper and better than G&P one (good looking, but with very poor performance).

Good to see another company coming up, too.
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WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)   WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech) Icon_minitime

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WE M14 (with wood stock & some internal bits from RA-Tech)
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