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 MGC M4 Commando

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

MGC M4 Commando Empty
PostSubject: MGC M4 Commando   MGC M4 Commando Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 9:32 am

Post by BRMoore

Well I bought this from as its one of only 2 official publicly recognised online sites that actually sell these of course.
MGC M4 Commando 005
First off I want to check if this is a common issue with MGC, when I received the M4 everyone knows when you pull back the charging handle on a rifle it pulls the bolt back past the round(the one next in line in the mag) and then goes back foreward collecting the round and pushing it into the breech(now ready to fire). However when I attempted this after getting it, with the spring fully back there was too much of it and the bolt wouldnt go far enough to get behind any of the rounds to push them foreward so I had to shorten the spring, which it being new I wasn't to glad about. Just wanted some general opinion on this the gun fires fine and I'm a genius so it was all easy to fix im not fussed but tell me what you think.
I also splashed out randomly and bought a real Tapco 6 Position stock, now Tapco make stocks for real firearms which is partly why I wanted it for my gun. So I bought it not really putting loads of thought into the fact that model guns are designed to do anything but shoot a live round and received this from some small one man band seller.
The spring and buffer didn't fit but I knew the spring and buffer wouldnt they power the bolt on a real weapon they were just extras but I didn't like that the inner tube didn't fit I didn't realise till later that MGC made the thread smaller as it went into the receiver which was a bummer so I lost the '6 positioning' of the tapco stock but I still had the actual stock itself which required some minor adjusting and is now on my gun, however at the back you can see(when the stock is collapsed) that the inner tube from MGC doesn't go all the way to the back of the stock(falles about an inch short) so it was a bit of a bummer in terms of most of the money wasn't just the stock but that's all I got out of it, I don't regret the purchase as that plasticy stock that MGC make completely ruined the MGC M4 Commando experience for me but now I love it so I can't complain.
Here is the gun as it is now with the tapco stock, you can't say that doesn't look better:P It also provides me 2 slots for a sling(the slot like on the MGC stock e.g. 3 point slings, and a more swivel type).
MGC M4 Commando 001
MGC M4 Commando 058
and some more pics just for fun because you all love model guns:P
MGC M4 Commando 055
MGC M4 Commando 057
MGC M4 Commando 060
MGC M4 Commando 063
MGC M4 Commando 064
MGC M4 Commando 065


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

MGC M4 Commando Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4 Commando   MGC M4 Commando Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 9:33 am

Post by Claymore

first off nice pics and a good choice for a modelgun just a pity about the stock but if these models were easy to adapt to use real parts then i think we would have a lot of problems from the authorities.
Anyway to your problem with the bolt, do you mean you cannot cock the bolt fully if so then that is strange, mine was perfect from the start and worked great so what was wrong with your spring i dont know, not usual though i would say.

There are other problems at times with the model the ejector for instance gets burrs on it so sticks and causes jams, you need to take the bolt apart to file it smooth and when you do watch out for the 2 small bearings that have springs under them as you will get them shooting across the room and without the bearings the gun does not function well.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

MGC M4 Commando Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4 Commando   MGC M4 Commando Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 9:34 am

Post by Madmike

A nice review and a nice gun for sure, exactly my cup of tea. I knew that no real stock assemblies fit the MGC AR-15s, neither the Marushin AR-15s. The reasons are different measures and threads. Of course the original buffer spring can´t be used as it would be too stiff for the weak caps. Sometimes people feel the wish to replace the stock on the Marushin XM177E2 (only 2 position, but rather good copy of the original despite being plastic) or on the MGC AR-15s (here the stocks wobble far too much and make a rather cheap impression on that otherwise great gun).

But I managed to put a real AR-15 no-name Taiwan made stock on my M733 (here the tube seems to be slightly thinner than the tube used on the M4. The M4 can´t take a real stock without modification) which does no longer wobble. It fits really good and feels and looks much better. I like the dull finish and the more modern design (MGC put the XM177E1/E2 stock on their M733, but the real M733 normally has the later version 2 or 3 stock).

Here is the M733 out of the box, note the shiny stock:

MGC M4 Commando M733-stock-1

Here is the same gun with Taiwan made no-name stock for real AR-15s:

MGC M4 Commando M733-stock-2

And I managed to fit real M4A1 "over size" handguards to my M4A1. (I have already done a short review about that conversion). But the standard handguards look all right on your short barreled M4A1 Commando. I am quite sure that only the 14,5 inch barrel Carbine has the oversized hand guards.

Regarding the issue with the gun failing to chamber the rounds when pulling back the charging handle, I am really bewildered as I have never heard of the problem before. Sometimes when firing caps a cap has not enough power to push the bolt back far enough. But that should not be a problem when chambering by hand. Did you already shorten your buffer spring? Or did you contact your seller?


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

MGC M4 Commando Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4 Commando   MGC M4 Commando Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 9:35 am

Post by BRMoore

yea that first pic is what my original stock looked like.

Oh I've been away from this forum quite some time and fixed the problem I shortened the buffer spring turns out the spring was so long when fully compressed there was "too much" spring if you like for it to be able to go back far enough for the bolt to catch the round...dissapointing but the gun works well on semi and auto...obviously with model guns getting auto that doesn't jam once in a mag is hard but it's still good:P SO everything is fine however now I might sell it because im 16 not far from 17(you know, car stage and all) so will need money, however if I'm successful and get into the army not only will I get paid quite alot for being 16 I'll also get my license and stuff done by the army so I might not have to, but I don't use the model gun much it stays packed away and I don't have any caps left(200 have gone through this m4 and it's still in "as new" condition really) with no intention of buying more right now...
Owner of an M4 Commando. Tapco real steel stock fitted.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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PostSubject: Re: MGC M4 Commando   MGC M4 Commando Icon_minitime

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