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 Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver

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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2011 2:11 pm

Hello everybody,

I carry on my "burst" of reviews by a dual Beretta 92 by Marushin. These 2 are model gun kit.

I begin by saying the difficulty of this kit is quite easy. The only little problem is to know which spring goes where, except this, all is well assemble and easy to mount.

I must say the grips are guarder grip, there are really much nice than the marushin....
I have to say too I have not mount the front size of the silver one, I have to paint it and it's easier not mounted.
I will use BK for the black one and SLV for the silver one.

1 / The boxes :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_4282
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7478

And the model guns :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7500
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7490
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7502
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7485

Ok it's important to know we have a Heavy Weight model gun (the black one) and a ABS model gun (the silver one).
Each box contains 5 cartridges, the loading tool, 2 allen keys (for remove detonator pin and to remove safety) and the user manual(the same for each, see in the instruction forum).
The magazine are all metal.

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7527

2 / Markings :

Good markings for the 2 model guns, markings on each side of the slide.

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7498
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7499
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7483
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7482

3 / Differences :

Ok let's go for looking closely this 2 model guns. First difference , the barrel size : The BK has longer barrel, look:

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7507
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7508

yes, the SLV has very short barrel and the look is pretty good I think.

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7493

Second difference, it's the part for remove the slide(I don't know the good word), which turn for remove slide look this :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7510
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7511

The silver's part is cut. It's pretty nice too.

Third difference is the hammer :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7503
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7486

The hammer of the SLV is hollow(I hope is the good word).

Now the real difference and I think the most important : The material => the weight.
When you take the black one, the weight is really good and well balanced. The silver is really light.

Let's see the weight :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7515
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7516

Whaouh! 163 gr between the 2. The magazines are empty, so no cartridges at all.

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7518
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7517
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7519
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7520

You can understand now what is the difference when you take each in your hand, not really the same weight....To be honest, when you take the silver, you feel easily it's plastic, for the black one it's more difficult.

4 / Moulding :

Yes what about the finishing of this 2 items.

First one the black :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7505
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7506

Some traces of mold are visible. And we see the diffrence between the color of the barrel and the slide :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7524

Not really perfect....

Ok look at the silver :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7495
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7494
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7523

It's really better, no moulding traces.

Now the same problem on each gun :

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7504
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7489

Arrg, Mister Marushin, what do you think about that????Are you proud?? I hope not !

5 / Compatibility :

Can we switch between the 2 slides?? Yes no problem, you can mix the 2 !!

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7512
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7513
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7514

Everything is ok, you can use the slide you want....but it's not very nice for the eyes Smile

6 / Cartridges :

The cartridges are center fire carts. You have to put a O-ring on the piston but I don't do this because I think the model guns work better without it.

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7521
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7522

7 / Fire :

Just my opinion for this section. Even I have sometimes bad fires, I have to say this 2 M92 fire quite well. We have a beautiful "BAng" and the cart is ejected far. Like I have already say to Cerwyn, sometimes I have no sound at all but the cart is well ejected, I'm still looking for why....
Anyway, I really love this 2 model guns especially the black one which is HW plastic. When you pull the slide the sound is really better on the HW. The sound of the silver is a plastic sound, you can't go wrong.
I have seen at Den Trinity there is a "Excellent Heavy Weight" version, I wonder what it is? And the difference between mine.

It's time to say : good night my 2 little friends and sleep well Smile

Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7528
Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  IMG_7530

Thanks and see you soon

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2011 10:15 pm

Good info in there, I'm glad you have this "burst" :-)
Beretta 92 seems like Colt 1911 - practically the same model, just different details ;-) Looks like Marushin could not use original Beretta markings.

It's surprising to see moulding difference, silver model is much smoother here! Maybe ABS is easier than HW to avoid moulding lines.

Is there difference in firing performance? You mentioned that sound is nicer on HW, what about "recoil"?
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 12:56 pm

Excellent Review again Momocampo, thank you Exclamation

It is possible to remove the moulding lines or "flash" from these plastic kits by careful use of craft knives, abrasive paper and brass brushes. With time and care, all traces of the moulding lines can be removed.
This is easier with Black plastic as it's so much easier to repaint or even Blue finish using suitable compounds. Have a look at articles here discussing Bluing and Bluing HWABS models for more information on this.
Silver is rather more difficult to find a good matching colour paint.

It's most likely the kits need to have all the parts finished and polished before assembly to achieve the perfect appearance. Factory assembled models would have all the parts cleaned up and prepared on the assembly lines. There's a good video here on assembling Marushin's MP40 ABS kit showing removal of moulding flash.

I really like the contrasting black frame/silver slide and vice versa look, very nice Very Happy

I was trying to get more smoke effect during firing a little while ago and noticed that Marushin's 7mm silver caps will almost always punch a neat hole in the base as they fire. The MG 7mm gold caps do not tend to have this neat hole.
This happens frequently enough to make me think it's more than coincidence and could just be a factor to consider when thinking about loudness of the "Bang" as the caps fire Idea Question
When firing pistols, espcially revolvers, I'd say the Marushin caps make a louder Bang. Could the hole punched through the cap let more sound out Question

The only downside of HWABS is that it is brittle and can break rather easily. I have a Marushin M9 Dolphin, it's a beautiful model, has good weight, sounds great when racking the slide but it broke 2 firing blocks and it's barrel. Barrel breakages are common with HWABS models of all types unfortunately. Get yourself some spare barrels (and slides) if you can just in case.

I think the "Excellent Heavy Weight" has even more metallic particles in the plastic mix than HWABS to give more weight and a nice cold feel much more like real metal.
There have been "Super Heavy Weight" models produced too. While these look and feel much more like metal, the plastic is even more brittle. These are better for display and collector use rather than firing caps.

(there's another novel for you Momo' Embarassed )

Keep your reviews coming, they're great Very Happy


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Modelgun Master
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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 2:24 pm

Hey Cerwyn, yes you make me a novel and when you write a post, it is longer than my review..... Laughing
Could you give me the lonk for the video about mp40 kit please?
Anyway, thanks to you Cerwyn and Smootik for compliments, it's nice.

Don't worry, I haven't finish my "burst" of reviews, I have made some custom quite nice Smile I am wainting for somre parts and when I will have it, you will have the full review Smile.

For Smootik, I think there is no really big difference about firing performance. I have to try again for check.
When I speak about nicer sound on the HW, it's only when you rack the slide, when you fire, if all is good, you don't really ear the slide sound but the "bang" of your cap.
I must confess I don't compare the firing sound/performance, it is just a feeling. I don't remember a big difference between the 2.

At last, I want to say how nice it's to read answers to his reviews, it encourages me to continue cheers

See you friends.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 2:58 pm

Hi Momocampo,

I agree, once I start writing, I find it difficult to stop Embarassed Exclamation

Here's the MP40 kit build video:

Till later mon ami


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 5:16 pm

Momocampo wrote:
For Smootik, I think there is no really big difference about firing performance. ...
I must confess I don't compare the firing sound/performance, it is just a feeling. I don't remember a big difference between the 2.
Thanks for info! I was just curious if there is a firing difference due to material. I did not really think so, and you confirmed.
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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 8:28 pm

do you note that on the m92f cqb lack the front sight..?
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Modelgun Master
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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 11:10 pm

Thanks Luchs but if you read again the review, it is written " I have to say too I have not mount the front size of the silver one, I have to paint it and it's easier not mounted."
That's why there is no front size... Smile

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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2011 5:42 pm

Momocampo wrote:
Thanks Luchs but if you read again the review, it is written " I have to say too I have not mount the front size of the silver one, I have to paint it and it's easier not mounted."
That's why there is no front size... Smile

oops sorry..
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Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver    Dual Kits : Marushin M9 Heavy Weight and Marushin M92F CQB Silver  Icon_minitime

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