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 FS: MGC Artillery Luger

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FS: MGC Artillery Luger Empty
PostSubject: FS: MGC Artillery Luger   FS: MGC Artillery Luger Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 1:29 am

MGC Artillery Luger in very good condition, complete, everything works.
Will drop few cartridges on top of the deal.

$250 shipped in US, international buyers pls inquire about shipping cost

FS: MGC Artillery Luger DSC04097
FS: MGC Artillery Luger DSC04083
FS: MGC Artillery Luger DSC04084
FS: MGC Artillery Luger DSC04085
FS: MGC Artillery Luger DSC04088
FS: MGC Artillery Luger DSC04089
FS: MGC Artillery Luger DSC04093

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FS: MGC Artillery Luger
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