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 Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special"

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Empty
PostSubject: Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special"   Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 3:00 pm

Post by shazhib

Here is another SAA review, from Hartford.
Hartford used to be one of gun shop selling parts or custom models. But they become a maker, using old CMC mold to make SAA. Because those SAA from HWS uses CMC mold, parts are interchangeable except grip (HWS make it bigger than original CMC). HWS now having other range of ex-CMC model, S&W M19, Smython, S&W M15 master piece, S&W M36, Remington Army.

HWS's main focus is good old western models, needless to say, SAA. HWS also list wide range of custom parts for SAA, steel hammer, wide trigger, ABS of HW cylinger, chromed trigger guard or back strap.....

Therefore, for those who want to fire, FD or play, I would say HWS would be a best one.

OK, let's start the photos:

FD model with white plastic grip
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010002

From right side
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010004

markings on a barrel and FD special cylinder pin
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010005

Close up from left side and it's marking
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010010-1

Right side around trigger. Can you see this one has wide trigger
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010012

Another unique point of this gun, "non-skip-cylinder". There is a metal tip inserted just right next to a notch to prevent cylinder overrun when you play really fast
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010016-1

From front of cylinder. Kokusai like small insert
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010021-3

You can see a color differece between barrel and frame. Barrel is made from ABS where body is from HW. This is due to, HW may not bear hard FD action
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010022-1

Look of the rounds. The size is not real size unfortunately, around .41 size.
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010026-2

View from back side. Although, this gun does not have realistic marking or followed detail as CAW does, very fun to play with
Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" P1010028-3


Last edited by Cerwyn on Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special"   Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 3:01 pm

Post by jim

Once again thank you so much for posting your revolver collection shazhib (would love to see other types of guns as well such as Type 100 SMG from the same maker - now I can see 4 Type 100s hanging around HK gun shops...)

One there any light-brown wood grip available for replacement?
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special"   Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 3:02 pm

Post by shazhib


You know what, I've got CAW Type 100. Maybe I can upload the photo sometime soon.

Regarding the brown grip, are you referring to the one for HWS?

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special"   Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 3:03 pm

Post by jim

Yes, man - you revealed it before...and I think I can get it very easily in HK now if I can afford to (since nobody in HK seems to be interested in this one...historical reason maybe?)

As I mentioned before - the Type 100 is a combination of Bergmann MP18, the MP41 as well as another it's a bargain to get this one instead of three just like Kinder Surprise...

And grips...yes I want to see if any can be fitted into the HWS SAAs (since you mentioned that sizes are different)
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Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special"   Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special" Icon_minitime

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Hartford (HWS) Colt SAA "Fast Draw Special"
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