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 Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver

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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2012 4:35 pm

Hello model guns friends ,


I am here for another review of the M19 Metal 4 inch. Like you can read in the title, it is a gold finish metal model like all the last generation of Kokusai metal.
The gold finish is so "ugly" that I had to sand this Smile. I had already done on Colt Python with, I think, a good result, so I decide to do the same thing for this S&W M19.

Here is the model gun like I receive it :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0253
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0254
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0255
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0256
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0257

Ok, we can see some details not very nice :

- The gold finish of course
- The grip which is really ABS (without any weights inside Shocked Shocked )
- The right frame which is not engraved with the Smith & Wesson logo (I still don't know why )

My mission is to make a very nice model gun with this item Smile.....Ok I accept, let's go....

Middle of work :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0259

After work and several days.....

Let's introduce you my new model gun in metal with wood grips:

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0343

I can now do a real good review Smile

The first look :

What I receive :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0320

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0321

In the box :the model gun, 6 cartridges, a metal loading tool and a very little user's manual.

It's a double action revolver with 6 cartridges in cylinder. This model gun uses 7 mm caps.

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0354
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0352

It's full metal and the weight is really impressive :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0335

We can see the hammer and the trigger are half-painted black :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0331

I hesitate to remove the black on the hammer and trigger but I decide to keep it like this, the look stay nice like that.


Just push the ejector button (I don't know the exact word) and push the cylinder too by the right side.
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0345
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0348
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0333

The cartridges are special for Kokusai metal model guns. They are shorter than the carts of Kokusai ABS.

3 parts inside :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0358
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0359

You can see it's a blocked barrel. The cylinder is also blocked :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0347

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0332

Pull the hammer and push the trigger and BANG six times.

The mechanism of this kokusai is really good, the sound of metal is cooollll Smile

Photos :

I don't have much things to say about this model gun, I prefer show you photos :

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0371
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0368
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0367
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0365
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0364
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0363
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0362
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0356
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0339
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0330
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0329
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0328
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0326
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0325
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0336
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0341

To conclude :

Ok, it's a really nice model gun with this silver colour. The metal is here and with the wood grips, I think we can say it's so much better Rolling Eyes
The markings of the frame are missing but maybe I can found one somewhere, anyway, this is a superb model gun, that's all....

Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0361
Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   IMG_0344


PS: I hope you forgive me for all my reviews not very detailed, but write in English isn't easy. I balance it by putting lots of pictures. Laughing Laughing
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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2012 6:10 pm

good work..look the real thing...
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Modelgun Enthusiast
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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2012 7:53 pm

As usual, awesome job!
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Modelgun Enthusiast
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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 2:27 am

Great pictures are worth more than words.
Well done! Smile
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Modelgun Master
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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 8:39 am

D'accord! I agree totally! cheers
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 11:46 am

You've done a beautiful job Momo', very, very nice. The replacement wooden grips look fantastic, what a superb colour they are Very Happy

All the discussions about removing gold plate have inspired me to do the same with my Marushin .44 Automag. It's looking much better already and I'll try posting some photos up once it's finished. Thanks for the inspiration Very Happy


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Modelgun Master
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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 7:37 pm

Thank you very much all !!

It's true, the result is not perfect but not bad Wink

Cerwyn, I must say I would love to own an Automag metal....Take your time Cerwyn Smile

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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeWed Jan 25, 2012 6:26 am

Great work!
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 6:34 pm

Momocampo, you make me cry.
I wanna do the same with an 6.5" or 8 3/4" as soon as possible!
And I will need tips on the polishing!
Did you ever think of doing a tutorial for cheap noobs like me? Rolling Eyes 
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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver    Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver   Icon_minitime

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Kokusai Smith & Wesson M19 4 inch Metal gold finish - becomes Silver
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