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 Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW

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3 posters
Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Registration date : 2013-08-30

Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Empty
PostSubject: Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW    Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2013 8:41 am

Hey guys! I just received my 2 first model guns yesterday (and my girlfriend is mad)
Wanted to share pictures of them.
I just got them so a review wouldn't be possible, but still you'll have my first impression.
Let's start with the Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW.

Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno1_1280
The M29 is well made and details are accurate despite the lack of S&W on the right side metal plate.
The painting is so-so but somehow, still convincing.
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno2_1280
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno3_1280
It's not the hyper polished blued finish you would wish from such a replica but the new old stock metal sparkle paint is still neat imho.
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno4_1280
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno5_1280
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno6_1280
There was no 6.5" available (I could get) so I pulled the trigger on this 6" one. There's enough of Dirty Harry in it for my satisfaction.
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno7_1280
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tasArS21rpidqno8_1280
The wood grips are surprisingly convincing despite their plastic feel.
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tdfcpbF1rpidqno2_1280
...but this gap is very annoying. Does anyone have suggestions to fix this?
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tdfcpbF1rpidqno3_1280
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tdfcpbF1rpidqno4_1280
Thanks to the cartridges, The gun weight reaches a very impressive feel of realism.
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tdfcpbF1rpidqno5_1280
Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Tumblr_mt3tdfcpbF1rpidqno6_1280

Like I said, it's not a review. But I hope you've enjoyed the short ride. Smile

Last edited by cosmitron on Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW    Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2013 3:24 pm

Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  140920137206_zps2802a3d9

Thanks for the Beautiful Photos cosmitron Very Happy : This is one of my HW M29 in 8 3/8 inch barrel Very Happy ...

As I reckon - modelguns might not be extremely realistic but they are special & delicate in their own rights...there's just something about the Heavy Weight material...

Regarding the gap between the plastic grips: never seen it before so might try to rescrew your grips...otherwise get yourself a pair of exotic wood grips as real grips usually fits Kokusai revolvers without fail...
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Registration date : 2013-08-30

Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW    Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2013 4:20 pm

You're more than welcome Jim! I'm all for gun porn!
I just tried to fit my other S&W M29 replica's grips (with no gap on it) and I have the same gap. Might come from the gun itself. I'll see if I can get some wood grips and if I can mod them.

BTW, d'you have a gallery of your models? I'd like to see them. Razz
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

Number of posts : 175
Age : 49
Location / Country : Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-30

Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW    Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2013 6:59 pm

Ok! Just fixed the gap!!
On each side of the handle there's a small plastic tip at the bottom that goes in the grip.
On one side one tip still had excess plastic from the mold. Fixed it with a cutter.
I'm very happy. Very Happy
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW    Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2013 8:17 pm

Little thing, but big impact :-)

M29 is a nice revolver model, good to hear you enjoy it!
Thanks for sharing photos, too, they eventually come handy.
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Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW    Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW  Icon_minitime

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Kokusai S&W M29 6" HW
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