Number of posts : 175 Age : 49 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-08-30
Subject: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:39 am
Kokusai Model Gun Colt Python 357 Magnum 6"
Intro I can't even remember exactly how it all started, but a few months ago I was stroke by the sudden need to get what could be the closest replica to a Colt Python 357 Magnum. I'm a concept designer for video games and most of the characters I'm drawing ends up with plenty of pouches and guns. It probably helped somehow. That and the TV shows I used to watch as a kid. Anyway, I started looking for a replica, tried the easy and cheap (inexpensive) options first. Airsoft revolvers, Denix replica etc.. although they might be satisfying they weren't close enough to what I was looking for.
And then I've found this forum. The sesame doors to more options, much more attractive, more expensive too. I don't want to be any kind of gun hipster but I have to say that this outdated niche of a hobby fascinates me. It has history, infos sometimes are difficult to get, and I also have an endless admiration for japanese craftsmanship. I've been collecting guitars and toys for the last 2 decades and when it comes to look for what's best I always end up with japanese products.
Meanwhile, I've been re-watching Dirty Harry movies (twice) and needed a S&W M29 model gun and lost my previous goal. Then I finally came across the opportunity to get back to the previous plan and get myself a full heavy metal Colt 357 6". So here we go!
The Kokusai Model Gun Colt Python 357 Magnum 6"
Packaging. The gun was advertised as an MGC model but is a Kokusai - as stated below by Ozguns. And although I can't read Japanese, it's the same script on my Kokusai S&W M19 box. Oh well… There's nothing spectacular or relevant to say about this box but it's simple, pro and well, fits the gun. No surprise here.
What's included The gun, the cartridge and a crappy instructions photocopy in Japanese. Nevermind, it's a used item. There's a deep smell in the box. I don't know if it comes from the storage or the previous caps use but it's strong.
I'm impressed. The gun is heavy thanks to the metal material.
I won't use caps with the cartridge but I still enjoy putting them in the cylinder.
Markings & logos The markings look fairly realistic and their thickness matches the real steel version (according to the hi res pics I've found so far) Don't know if it's the dirt or paint but they're filled with some black tint. As there is also black stuff on the hammer, I wonder if this beautiful shiny (nickel plated ?) replica has always been in this silver finish or if it comes from previous owner(s) use or if it was like this out of the factory.
It's a toy. Not a gun. I'm looking for the most accurate replica and the Kokusai delivers...
...but I also like the details we find on every model that show it's harmless.
Final word: Some details are inaccurate or don't have the sharpness of the real version but I gotta say I'm impressed and pleased. The model is heavy, solid, it clicks with a very pleasant sound and the yelloish metal finish (which makes me think it might be nickel rather than chrome) gives it a really nice 50's feel. I'm gonna polish this thing until I can use it as a mirror or just for the enjoyment of disassembly/reassembly. I could compare it with the Denix version but it wouldn't be fair. I want more metal models.
Bonus More gun porn:
Last edited by cosmitron on Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:30 am; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : Wrong Brand. Thanks Ozguns.)
Ozguns Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 333 Location / Country : Perth, Western Australia Registration date : 2008-08-21
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:13 am
This looks like the same as one of the guns I have, and I was told on this forum that it was a Kokusai. It looks exactly the same.
cosmitron Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 175 Age : 49 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-08-30
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:44 am
Oh! How can I check ?
cosmitron Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 175 Age : 49 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-08-30
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:55 am
Number of posts : 175 Age : 49 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-08-30
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:06 am
just unscrewed the grips and yeah, it's a Kokusai. Thanks for your input Ozguns.
Ozguns Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 333 Location / Country : Perth, Western Australia Registration date : 2008-08-21
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:50 am
Yep now worries. I'm no expert at these things, but I originally thought mine was MGC until someone corrected it. I see you changed the title of the thread.
Don't forget the review though.
cosmitron Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 175 Age : 49 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-08-30
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:19 pm
Added a promo video I did this afternoon. Who said I had time to kill?
Momocampo Modelgun Master
Number of posts : 390 Age : 51 Location / Country : France Registration date : 2011-01-31
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:45 pm
Hey Cosmitron,
Thanks for this good review, I see you write now, it's better than just photos
Anyway, I must add it's not the last version of Kokusai colt python metal gun. It's quite easy to see because your carts are not the same system than the last. On yours, you have to put a cap ON the head of cart, in the newest system, you put the cap IN the cart (like the most of last model gun). That's means too that the cylinder is not the same. You can see the difference here :
Anyway, it's a real beautiful model gun, I have several pythons (metal and abs).
Last thing, if you want to sand some metal model gun, please tell me I love that
cosmitron Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 175 Age : 49 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-08-30
Subject: Re: KOKUSAI Colt 357 Magnum Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:57 pm
Hey Thanks Momocampo
Thanks for the heads up. I believe this Kokusai Colt was born in 1987 (according to the serial on the frame). I wonder if I could change the barrel for another one. And yeah I'm still in the market for a full Metal S&W revolver. Found some in fugly gold. I will ask for your help then, again. (btw thanks for your link. Again, beautiful work buddy)