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 Two Mg42's.

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4 posters
Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Registration date : 2008-09-07

Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2014 7:17 pm

Actually one MG42 and one M53.
The German AA sight set-up is quite rare and original - not easy to fit.
The Lafette is a Yugo postwar, but basically very, very similar - the straps are Yugo -
These are movie guns so, $200 dollar leather is better than $700 leather that may break or get lost Smile
Cans, drums, cleaning kit, ammo + belt (dummies) all original.

Two Mg42's. 1408125550_zps674307ef

Two Mg42's. 1408125916_zpsb6556c79

Two Mg42's. 1408123157_zpse7deb5b4

Two Mg42's. 1408122975_zps506f9bf0
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2014 8:49 pm

I'll raise you an MG34.
Two Mg42's. DSCF0054-1
Two Mg42's. DSCF0055-1
Two Mg42's. DSCF0039
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

Number of posts : 620
Location / Country : Hollywood, California
Registration date : 2008-09-07

Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 15, 2014 9:32 pm

Nice pair - my '34 is on a job - I have a TNW one.

The MG42's have worked on more films than all my other guns, except the Ak47's.
The M53 .308 system works like butter with blanks - as long as you use an assault drum.

Had the MG26(t) - ZB26 out -
(Actually we had almost everything out, to photograph.)

Two Mg42's. 1407896817_zps6077f01c

PS - while researching the elbow rear AA sight, I found reproductions ones for sale from Marstar in CAN and AASniper in France. Mine is an original, and as I mention, a somewhat rare item.
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

Number of posts : 620
Location / Country : Hollywood, California
Registration date : 2008-09-07

Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2014 6:13 am

Absolutely love your Lafette's BTW Lampwick - with the MGZ optics set up - very, very nice.

The only thing I did "mount-accessoriy-wise" was get really good quality Yugo shoulder straps and slip a spare bolt into the compartment.  I was told I would have extractor issues, but at 3000+ rounds, nothing yet.
I have top covers, grips sticks and feed trays, but I suspect I will wear out before the '42 does, lol.

To those that haven't played with a Lafette - it is akin to the feeling of slipping a well fitted and oiled bayonet onto a Bolt action rifle, the MG42 slips into it's lugs really efficiently, then whips out, with the press of a switch, ready for use really quickly.

The Lafette, although it looks complex, can be folded away really quickly, it's a pig to carry, but you would have a trooper whose responsibility that was.  Once it's on your back it's really pretty secure.  
I would't have liked to hit cover in the prone position with it on my back, especially in cold weather, thankfully, I will never have to.

Please feel free to post pics of any LMG, GPMG, HMG pics in your collections - deactivated, live or airsoft.
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Registration date : 2008-09-11

Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2014 3:37 pm

The '34 Lafette is a MUCH more impressive piece of machinery especially with the lug that breaks the MG in half to enable a barrel change.
Two Mg42's. Sellmg2
Two Mg42's. 9
Two Mg42's. A3
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2014 8:12 pm

I still cuss over not getting a (Yugo) Lafette for measly 150$, as I did not have time to drive over to pick it up (owner wouldn't ship) :-/ Mere tripod sells for twice that price now.

It would have made a sweet completion to MG42, especially if put on a balcony as display ;-)

Last edited by smootik on Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:27 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Lafette (MG42 base), not Lafayette (general in American/French revolution), as pitfighter pointed out)
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

Number of posts : 620
Location / Country : Hollywood, California
Registration date : 2008-09-07

Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2014 8:32 pm

Lafette not Lafayette.

I keep my AA mounted MG in my production office - people usually say, is that a... gun?

It is not a very politically correct move in my business, but, you never know when there might be an air attack by BF109's - in my office, at the studio.
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gary gordon
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Two Mg42's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2014 2:53 pm

Fantastic collection mate. Very nice photos.
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PostSubject: Re: Two Mg42's.   Two Mg42's. Icon_minitime

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