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 VP70 & MGC BLK Carts

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PostSubject: VP70 & MGC BLK Carts   VP70 & MGC BLK Carts Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 4:09 am

Hey guys, so I just got this in.

VP70 & MGC BLK Carts XtH30lO

Thing is, I have no real clue how the MGCap stays in the cart. It just doesn't seem to be the correct diameter, and falls right out. Did these old BLK carts take a different cap than the ones still around today?

VP70 & MGC BLK Carts N7byGj7
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PostSubject: Re: VP70 & MGC BLK Carts   VP70 & MGC BLK Carts Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 4:40 am

Ok so I'm really dumb. Of course, as soon as I hit send it dawned on me that since the 5mm caps were falling out maybe I should try... I dunno... the 7mm caps Smile All good. Shot some carts all the way across the room into the cat's litter box Shocked

Will these take the regular MGC 9mm carts, though? Also, has anybody changed the det pin out for one that would let them fire the P220 carts? Not that it's that big a deal, honestly these BLK carts work pretty well.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
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PostSubject: Re: VP70 & MGC BLK Carts   VP70 & MGC BLK Carts Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 7:12 pm

Thats a nice rare model you have there, do you have the stock for it so it can do 3 round burst? you may be able to change to a p220 type round but of course you would need to change the det pin. To be honest if the open rounds are working fine stick with them, easier to load easier to clean, i stick to open rounds in my M11.
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PostSubject: Re: VP70 & MGC BLK Carts   VP70 & MGC BLK Carts Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 8:54 pm

claymore wrote:
Thats a nice rare model you have there, do you have the stock for it so it can do 3 round burst? you may be able to change to a p220 type round but of course you would need to change the det pin. To be honest if the open rounds are working fine stick with them, easier to load easier to clean, i stick to open rounds in my M11.

I don't have the stock, unfortunately. That model is outside of my budget at the moment, and when I came across this mint standard model I couldn't pass it up (got it for about 1/3 what I've seen the version with stock go for). Funny enough, the first time I shot it it gave off a 3-shot burst, but I couldn't replicate that.

I kind of like the open carts. Like you said, super easy to clean. I think when I first saw them I was afraid of losing the primers, but the cap really sits quite snug down over them. Even excavating that one from the litter box, it was still intact... that one got a very deep cleaning.

One thing I noticed was that the extractor on this thing seems pretty aggressive. Like I said, this was mint in box when I received it, and the few carts I used are kinda chewed up already after only two times through the pistol. I'll have to watch out for that.
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PostSubject: Re: VP70 & MGC BLK Carts   VP70 & MGC BLK Carts Icon_minitime

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