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 Firing glock and beretta

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Firing glock and beretta Empty
PostSubject: Firing glock and beretta   Firing glock and beretta Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 9:30 am

i did some test firing of my modelguns and i thought id share with you guys.

Tanaka Glock 18 with CCP cartridges.  7mm+5mm MG caps with hollow detonator pin and hollow inner pistons.
Marushin Beretta 92FS with CPF cartridges 7mm+7mm MG caps with stock detonator pin,

the glock was louder than i thought and the beretta is really quiet with the silencer. sounds like single cap cartridges even tho its wcap carts
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Age : 64
Location / Country : London
Registration date : 2008-09-07

Firing glock and beretta Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firing glock and beretta   Firing glock and beretta Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 9:56 am

Hi, First off i think you are a brave man using 2 caps and firing a tanaka glock, not the strongest models in the world, glad to see it survived. Does not look like the Glock liked the rounds though, i have to ask what make are the CPP and CPF rounds and are they designed for 2 caps?

How good are those hollow inner pistons, great for flash effect i am sure but the old hudson thompson rounds had a hollow piston and they really did not work, never allowed enough pressure to get proper blow back.

I tried a silencer once on my 93R, it got blown off the barrel every-time i fired it so i gave up, how do you attach it to your beretta?
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Firing glock and beretta Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firing glock and beretta   Firing glock and beretta Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 11:38 am


the CPF w cap cartridge is designed for marushin/MGC/tanaka HW Beretta 92 series by C-tec. these cartrieges do not use o rings so you dont really have to worry about replacing broken ones with new so its easier to clean and maintaine. you need 2 caps in order to make it work. single cap only wouldn't work.
Firing glock and beretta Sss10

the CPP/CPFC cartridges were designed by a modelgun custom shop called ''Cold Steel''  so the glock i fired in the video is one of their customized modelguns.  one cap only does not work because the inners and detonator pin are holed, not enough pressure so you need 2 caps to make it work. i actually did fire it with a single cap only but yea slide didnt even move.  
Unfortunately, the shop does not exist anymore.
this is the site where you can see some photos of someone firing the shop custom beretta 84FS with the CPFC carts

C-tec has once sold threaded barrels for Tanaka glock, 92 and marushin 92
Firing glock and beretta G10
Firing glock and beretta A10
Firing glock and beretta S10
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 1253
Age : 64
Location / Country : London
Registration date : 2008-09-07

Firing glock and beretta Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firing glock and beretta   Firing glock and beretta Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 12:15 pm

Thanks for that, makes sense on the 2 caps now. damn if only you could still get those barrels, we miss out on a lot of this stuff in the UK, by the time we know it exists they have sold out and stopped making them. very frustrating.
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PostSubject: Re: Firing glock and beretta   Firing glock and beretta Icon_minitime

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