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 Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Registration date : 2008-08-06

Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series Empty
PostSubject: Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series   Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 9:35 am

I can remember that we were discussing the MGC magazines that came with their M4A1 and M733 series, but I can't find it anymore.

The M4A1 series came with a blued magazine with metal follower as a standard. The blued steel did not look right or realistic for a mils spec M16 anyway.

MGC made a nice grey finish magazine with a black plastic follower for their earlier M16 ABS models. These magazines came as 20 and 30 rd versions and also fit the later HW series. Bear in mind that the older MGC blued steel magazines made for their paper cap M16 models in the late 1970s/early 1980s do not fit the later CP design ABS and HW models.

They grey finish looks much more realistic but tends to turn brown from rust if used easily.

Towards the end some MGC M4A1 RIS models and some M733 Commandos came with a magazine that had a nice flat black finish. Anyway not all came with that magazine as my M4A1 RIS came with the blued one so I was very disappointed back then.

With the help of Shazhib I was finally able to get such a magazine for my collection. Thank you, Shazhib!

Let's see some pictures:

Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series LusuhEI

Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series LK26XGx

Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series NNu0Etf

Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series Yp6Baww

Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series 3wBYSmj

Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series ExTQogS
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Magazines of the MGC M4A1/M733 series
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