As far as I understand they are handling a HobbyFix M4A1 with some modifications at a current show. Most comments seem to be admiring the realism of this 20 year old model.
I have enjoyed the video, but started to feel really old ...
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Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11092 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
Subject: Re: HobbyFix M4A1 handled at a show in Japan Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:42 pm
I saw this video very recently but did not realise it is a Hobby Fix model. I was impressed by how realistic this M4A1 looks and sounds. Very, very niceĀ
_________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
8ace Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 2561 Location / Country : UK Registration date : 2008-08-06
Subject: Re: HobbyFix M4A1 handled at a show in Japan Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:58 pm
They are definitely the pinnacle of AR15 models.
Was that live blanks he was dry cycling through
MadMike Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 658 Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart) Registration date : 2008-08-06
Subject: Re: HobbyFix M4A1 handled at a show in Japan Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:51 am
Hi 8ace! Yes, they look like real crimped blank carts.
As the HF model is lacking a full size firing pin they can not ignite. Anyway a real blank would blow the model to bits I am sure, so it would still be dangerous to handle life blanks. I do not think they are available in Japan tough due to their strict gun regulations. Maybe they are dummies?
MadMike Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 658 Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart) Registration date : 2008-08-06
Subject: Re: HobbyFix M4A1 handled at a show in Japan Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:48 pm
Here is another video:
This is a nice Japanese video showing how to operate a M4 as well as immediate action drills if there is a malfunction, using a HobbyFix M4A1 model.
Sadly the HobbyFix M4A1 is a dummy modelgun, but you can cycle dummy rounds, so it is better than a real deact. Other than that it is as realistic as a model can be. Of course it is expensive. Even used models do not sell cheaper than 2000 USD in Japan, often going up to 3500 USD. But there were only 150 (first production run in 2000) and 70 (I am not totally sure about this number - second production run in 2001) made, so this is one of the rarest modelguns, even in Japan.
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Subject: Re: HobbyFix M4A1 handled at a show in Japan