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 Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40?

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Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Empty
PostSubject: Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40?   Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2021 9:22 pm

Hello everyone!
I’m new here, so I know I’ll either make known mistakes, or try plowing old soil in attempts to upgrade a used, an incomplete MGC MP40.
Im anxiously awaiting the arrival of a couple new purchases I was able to locate. One is a complete MGC MP40 that based on pictures, looks to be the first variation, with a serial number on the left hand side of the barrel, just forward of the barrel nut. This unfortunately has all its steel parts with heavy corrosion, and its zinc parts with a light “Frosting” of what at once was a more shiny color. I’ll try to take some pics of it once it appears, if anyone might like to see it? The second is a “Partial” model gun, with just the receiver, mag well, Magazine, barrel, and bolt w/spring tube assembly. It is missing the other top pieces…as well as the lower section. He felt he had the barrel nut, two “Half Moons”, sling ring, and washer, and promised he’d search further to find!
I love these replicas! I am 62 years old, and will never forget how excited I was the day mine arrived, back in 1969. I got a newspaper delivery route, mowed lawns, raked leaves, and did any small chore I possibly could to scrounge up the $59.50 plus postage to purchase from “Unique Imports”! I’ll also never forget how upset my father was when he saw it, thinking that my first big purchase was a machine gun. I was even sleeping with it for days after having received it…..Oh, what cherished memories!
Fast forward to today with my first model long gone, that I decided as a small retirement gift to myself ….as that day approaches….to find another! It took me years to find one, but I could only find those in great need of restoration….who knows, maybe one day I’ll find a very early one NIB…I CAN STILL DREAM!
My purpose in joining this forum is to hopefully learn how I might best restore these relics back to their original state. However, upon reading some previous posts….I noticed that there were those who decided to “Correct” some of the flaws in these to make them even more visually accurate. One of these “Flaws” is the barrel nut. Now, since one is missing from one of the partials, I wondered if anyone thought to use a Marushin MP40 barrel nut in its place? The Marushin model gun is quite a nice replica, in fact I was able to find one here in the States about 30 years ago. Unfortunately, we only saw the mixed media (ABS, Zinc) kits, and not the full metal variants.
So, please excuse my ramblings, but I’m happy to be here, and I hope someone has some good advise, or even some early replacement parts to help me restore a bit of my youth. ;-)


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Modelgun Enthusiast
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Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40?   Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2021 2:44 am

Hi Planejack737,
There's a UK website called "battleflag militaria" that has a barrel nut and other parts that you might want to check out. Just type in "mp40" in the search box of the site and here's the link :
All the best,
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Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40?   Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2021 3:23 am

I think I have most of the parts you are missing. I was just in the process of sorting out my Mgc68 parts. Could you post some pictures of what you have?

Last edited by Punisher on Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Empty
PostSubject: Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40?    Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2021 11:11 pm

Post Pictures of what you need I may be able to help or give me a list.
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Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Empty
PostSubject: Parts needed   Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2021 11:34 pm

Good Evening:
Well, I’m a pilot for American Airlines and my flight schedule is pretty crazy due to the Holidays and manning issues. I’ll try to post some pics soon, but I’d like to find two early pieces….such that the ones on the “Relic” that I found….are more or less just that. The corrosion on the early receiver tube and it’s mag housing are pretty bad, so I’m probably asking for a Holy Grail here by seeing if I can find the early uncut tube, as well as the Mag Housing.

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Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40?   Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40? Icon_minitime

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Has anyone used a Marushin Barrel Nut on their MGC MP40?
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