I was scammed for 5200 this way last Thanksgiving. I went through the regular "hold a note with date and my username" etc. I could have easilly thwarted the scam but I was off my game because of Thanksgiving. The scammer crew consisted of at least 4 people that had a member that could talk the game and might have actually known me.
I spit the payment in two, one fast, one slow to make it so I could lose no more than half.
Keep in mind that in addition to stealing pictures, you can litterally steal friendly chit chat too.
There's updated guidelines because of this, I'm not at my computer. Oh yeah...the security photos? Photoshopped. The stolen pictures were rotated, cropped, background stitched back in, elements added and removed.
To easilly bust my scam:
1 ask scammer if at home with piece
2 tell him to take a unique picture on table, in kitchen, in bathroom, you get it
I got my money back because the game broke my way, but I'm 1 in a million.
Wait, O came out ahead.....the weak link got a tracking number by sending me a pack of pencils....I guess I came out ahead by one pack of pencils.
I armored up to the same level the scammers are. I was worried about fighting those dicks when being dicks is their main line of business. Being a dick is a secondary line of business for me, but not my first.