Hi folks, reading again carefully the wikipedia article about modelguns, it says that metal modelguns with barrel separable from slide have been produced no more in japan after the second law revision in 1977. is that the reason why in 5 years I've been watching Yahoo.jp(through proxy services) I never, ever saw metal 1911 and HP - gold plated or else - ? (actually a few years ago I saw a cmc commander and MGC 1911 "caliver" .45 early version ads, which were promptly withdrawn or canceled because they were black finish). While Ruger, P08, P38, PPK, MAUSER and MGC HSC can still be found in fair quantities. Is that the reason why 1911 & HP weren't produced again after 1977? But P38, PPK and HSC too, are not supposed to have movable barrel too? and what about the rare Hobby Fix and Elan gold plated 1911s produced? are they with non movable parts? For use as paperweight only? Thanks to anyone who knows historical backgrounds and can answer my questions.
Best regards