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 some stock fixes

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Modelgun Enthusiast
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some stock fixes Empty
PostSubject: some stock fixes   some stock fixes Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 8:54 pm

The MGC stock assemblies do have some issues. Luckily most of it can easily be fixed.

The right arm can flex quite a bit compared to the left arm. That's because the hole for the roll pin is larger on the right side part. The hole on the left side is 4mm while the right side is 4.5mm.

Was able to fix it with a piece of 4.5mm od .2mm wall tube. The tube came with the end a little flared out, so it needed to be ground to a slight bevel to fit. Had planned on using some Loctite 609 retaining compound to help hold it in place, but it was a snug fit and already needed to be tapped into place. Found a punch that fit inside the tube. Gave it a few taps so the taper of the punch flared out the end of the tube. Cut off the other side and ground it down flush. Then flared out that side. The tube is now locked in place.

If I'd do it again, I'd put a little chamfer on each side of the hole so the tube can be faired a little more. Then also use the retaining compound.

The roll pin needed the end ground to a bevel so that it would easily go into the tighter hole. Once assembled the right arm is solidly attached to the left. No flex at all.

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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

Number of posts : 111
Location / Country : usa
Registration date : 2017-07-28

some stock fixes Empty
PostSubject: Re: some stock fixes   some stock fixes Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 9:04 pm

The ends of the stock assembly are pressed into the tubes. When new they were tight, but with use they loosen up. Some wear to the point that they don't stay together anymore.

Some Loctite 609 retaining compound will permanently attach them. Disassemble the parts and thoroughly degrease them. Apply some of the retaining compound and reassemble.

Best to join the tubes to one end at a time. Do the final joint with the stock in the closed position. Make sure the stock isn't twisted. Then allow it to cure.

Before joining the parts, you might want to file and sand any of the casting marks. Clean up any corrosion. Then put on some cold blue.

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