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 1921 MGC available in Any style, any configuration, choice of stocks

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1921 MGC available in Any style, any configuration, choice of stocks Empty
PostSubject: 1921 MGC available in Any style, any configuration, choice of stocks   1921 MGC available in Any style, any configuration, choice of stocks Icon_minitimeMon Sep 09, 2024 12:38 am

Since I discovered the forum I felt it was a problem to have a hobby where you had to take what was available.

My feeling was and still is that the fun in most hobbies is choosing between various options.

The Last Armory has every version of the 1921 available.
The guns are in factory condition with no cut, missing or damaged components

I decided to inform the members because for the first time, a person can choose any type they want.

There is time to make a wish list or let others know.

I hope the prospect of a choice is an exciting change for a hobby that had to settle for a single available gun that is cut up and messed up.

It is fine to PM me. has an out of date slideshow but I like the pictures.

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1921 MGC available in Any style, any configuration, choice of stocks
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