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 PPK cycling

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Modelgun Master
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PostSubject: PPK cycling   PPK cycling Icon_minitimeSat Jan 04, 2025 6:00 am

Hi Guys,

I bought one of the MGC PPK's.
It's the one with the swastika on the grip, "quack action", I think.

I used to own one as a kid and always thought it was a nifty design, I used to use it with three empty .22 cartridges.

I bought 8x MGC solid brass catridges from Ebay for it.

It works with three rounds, but never more than three, the brass cartdriges jam in the mag and tilt the wrong way.

I think the cartridges are probably a hair too large, has anyone else encountered this?

I guess they could be sanded down, I don't think it's the lips on the mag.

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Stage Armament Solutions
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Stage Armament Solutions

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PostSubject: PPk and Current Events   PPK cycling Icon_minitimeMon Jan 13, 2025 7:50 pm

I have one of those, too. Will try the .22 shells and see how it goes.

More importantly: are you out of the path of the fires there in Pacific Palisades/Altadena? Hope so!

A friend and armorer colleague just lost his entire house except for a special garden area in his backyard and a buddha figure. Dark days ahead for many. I wish that all affected find peace and lots of support with plenty of resources to bounce back.

[quote="pitfighter"]Hi Guys,

I bought one of the MGC PPK's.
It's the one with the swastika on the grip, "quack action", I think.

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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

Number of posts : 625
Location / Country : Hollywood, California
Registration date : 2008-09-07

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PostSubject: Re: PPK cycling   PPK cycling Icon_minitimeMon Jan 13, 2025 8:36 pm

Stage Armament Solutions wrote:
I have one of those, too. Will try the .22 shells and see how it goes.

More importantly: are you out of the path of the fires there in Pacific Palisades/Altadena? Hope so!

A friend and armorer colleague just lost his entire house except for a special garden area in his backyard and a buddha figure. Dark days ahead for many. I wish that all affected find peace and lots of support with plenty of resources to bounce back.

pitfighter wrote:
Hi Guys,

I bought one of the MGC PPK's.
It's the one with the swastika on the grip, "quack action", I think.

I gave "Dutch" his first armourer gig back in the 90's - it's very sad indeed what has happened to his house. I have been in communication with him, but, I also have another 5-6 firends who have lost their homes and in one case; editorial offices and whole post-production facility (Sunset+PCH), truly a disaster for them.

We were two miles from the Kenneth fire (Woodland Hills) but that is over now.
It's been traumatic, but I did learn I could load all of my firearms into the car in less than 30 minutes.
(The replica guns didn't get loaded.)
The motivation being an evacuation preparedness order that was rescinded an hour later.

Thank you for asking.

Ref. the PPK
I haven't used model-guns on camera in many years.
The "quack" action and eject, have potential as prop-guns; some actors are nervous when an air-soft replica is fired close to their face, so, the MGC/RMI PPK actually has some viability infront of the camera, we'll see if I can get it to work reliably, or not.

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PostSubject: Re: PPK cycling   PPK cycling Icon_minitime

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