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 MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods...

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods... Empty
PostSubject: MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods...   MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods... Icon_minitimeMon Aug 25, 2008 6:11 pm

Post by kharris

I have just finished installing a real MP40 Bolt into my MGC68 early model . bolt was extremely heavy and needed to be lightend alot . the bolt being hardened steel , drilling and grinding seam to take forever . next time i will take a cutting torch to it to remove excess metal. but bolt works fine using Open Spring Recoil with Marushin MP40 Rounds.
the stock real MP40 Recoil Tube will not work in the Gun . this is do to a shorter travel distance on the real tube compared to the mgc 68 tube .
a marushin abs mp40 tube will fit into the real bolt , but not the mgc 68 tube . but model does work fine with the open spring type recoil .
Now I have also just finished modifying a real PPSH41 Drum Mag to fit the Hudson PPSH41 . this was a fairly easy job as it only took some grinding and small amount of weld build up to have it fit the model . the PPSH41 will now Hold 71 Rounds compared to the 41 round hudson Drum.
but to fill the mag with 71 rounds is not going to be cheap . I also want to say that using real parts on the model guns destroys the real parts from ever being used again on a real gun . and also in no way allows the model gun to ever chamber a real round or fire any type of projectile .
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods... Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods...   MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods... Icon_minitimeMon Aug 25, 2008 6:12 pm

Hi Ken,

Your PPSh conversion sounds really interesting...

Can you give me some idea what real mags cost and whether or not you could convert one for a forum member (namely me MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods... Icon_wink ) please?

As it happens I have enough rounds to fill a 71 drum and as my PPSh will fire consistently now it could be worth trying MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods... Icon_biggrin

As a matter of interest, are the PPSh stick mags available? Will they fit Hudson's model and could they be converted to pfc spec too?

Hobby collector of mainly WW2 era uniforms, headgear, field equipment and replica weapons.
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MGC68 MP40 & Hudson's PPSh41 Mods...
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