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 What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:30 pm

Post by IndyTaz

G'day folks,

I am new here and as you can see I am from Aussie land. Sadly I can't import anything...yet LOL I was lucky enough to obtain this pistol locally. Although not mine these two pics are exactly the same as mine although the markings on the slide of this pistol have been removed. Mine say it was made in Japan and it has written on the side "JAPAN," LOL On the other side of the slide "German Polizei u. Dienst Automatsch Pistole Kal. 635-BL Mod. PDP." Now I relise it isn't probably more than a weird little item.....especially with the swastica on the grips. But can anyon date ect this piece. It's my first LOL

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Ppk-13
walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Ppk

It's lost alot of colour and is worn. Can this be re-blued ect? Also how many shots should it be? I have 2 brass turned rounds in the mag that's it. Can I buy a nicer grip that will fit and look better?

Finally the trigger doesn't work. It pulls back and doesn't move the slide or return. I would love to see this weird little pistol working:)

Warm Regards

PS Nice to be here and an awesomne site:)
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:31 pm

Post by vernonsmith

As far as I know, Australia will NOT allow this type of modelgun to be imported, but they will let people who already have these replicas to keep them. Those modelguns already in Australia (as you know modelgun history are way back to the 50's) are fine to trade and own but no more can be imported through. Don't know when Australia set up these laws but surely you can no longer import them.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:31 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_smile Thanks fo rthat mate. I was already aware of this. I actually have this gun in my posession. The featured pic is one I found on the net of the exact one I to address any of my other questions mate? walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_smile

BTW Anyone here from Australia with some model guns?

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:32 pm

Post by figaro

This is a really fun replica, I have been trying to find one here in the US (or UK or Japan).
I owned one which I bought new in the UK in the early eighties, sadly lost track of that one.
It came with a picture of a WW2 German Officer yelling, on the box.

The reason I want one now is that, you can load spent .22lr brass and when you pull the trigger cycle and eject the brass, it would make a great suicide/point blank prop gun, with a fake suppressor.

This particular replica had a firing mechanism that cycled the slide, I don't know if it could fire caps, regardless it used the energy you pressed on the trigger to cycle anyway.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:32 pm

Post by vernonsmith

From one of friend who own modelguns in Australia he bought his from military auction. He mentioned he has seen full metal MGC made Thompson gone for AUD1600.00, RMC 1911 fetched AUD600.00 and Hudson full metal Scorpion machine pistol sold for AUD1,100.00

They are very rare and hard to come by nowadays but if you are looking for something like these you should go to one of the military auctions.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:33 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_smile Thanks mate. Big money. Those guys probably have firearms permits I dunno. I just "acquired'" this from a mate:)

I pulled it apart and I see that there is a broken part. Not knowing how these work I am unsure what needs to be fabricated. In otherwords...what's missing LOL

I work in the metal I just need a template or an idea. Would posting pics of the internals and the broken piece help folk help me?? LOL

BTW This is a nice place he he

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:34 pm

Post by schultzsgt

I once had one of these pistols with the eagle and swastika on the grip and that was back in 1974ish same time I bought my mgc68 mp40 also had a luger then
walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Haroldsig
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:34 pm

Post by Spencerman

Ok, I will answer what I can. The version that you have is the commemorative El Alamein version (please excuse my spelling if it is incorrect). This is why it has the Eagle swastica grips. These should be able to be swpped out for almost any PP/PPK grips I believe without too much modification. I am personally rather fond of wood grips myself, but plastic Walther logo grips should also fit, although the wood ones are easier to modify should you need to. I couldnt answer with reguards to the reblueing as I do not know what the metal of the gun is, but I would suggest that if you really want to, then try on a small patch that you cannot see, either under the grips or under the slide on a small area of the barrel or something. I assume that this is also the non blowback version, but that the gun operates the slide as you pull the trigger, thus ejecting the solid round? Quite often these mechanisms break, and I couldnt help you out with reguards to repairing it if this is so. I also personally would silver the ejection port, as my PPK had a silver one and I must be honest and admit that on this sort of gun I like that more than the black finish. You can buy a rather nice shiney chrome paint to do this, although it is pretty dear, but then you dont need much. I hope that helps a little.
walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Spencerman walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Dontmess2 walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Spencerman
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:35 pm

Post by Spencerman

Oh, and I nearly forgot, it should be 7 shot.
walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Spencerman walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Dontmess2 walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Spencerman
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:37 pm

Post by fightdesigner

Interesting... for similar reasons to Figaro, I like the idea of a modelgun that operates the slide without the need for any actual caps, gas, etc. Were others made that way ever?
Freelance hack... and slash, and gun.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:38 pm

Post by Mark


Nakata? as well as MGC made the P38 and possibly some others that I have yet to see. They are somewhat interesting mechanically to me and I can see the use that Figaro mentioned as it would help in close ups. The trouble is that not many of these older mechanically operated modelguns where imported into the U.S. when they where still in production in Japan. So, I would think that they might be a little hard to find here.
Wanted to buy: MGC Sten MK3....trades?(still)

MGC MP40 Marushin MP40 Nakata MP40 TRC MP40

Modelgun manufacturers, past and present:CMC,CAW,Hudson,HWS,LS,MGC(R.I.P. 1960's~2007) Marushin,Marui,Kokusai,Shoei,Tanaka and Western Arms
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:39 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_smile Thanks for all the input guys. Since this is probably the only model gun I am likely to own I wanna make it nicer LOL

I gather it is cast in some type of zinc heavy metal? Would I be right? So what would I use to re-blue (niceify) it?

I am stripping it down tonight and when I get the camera charged taking pics. Maybe you kind folk would continue to make this a group effort with me and help restore this little curiosity?

Where would I find walther grips? Plain would be nice but something a little more realistic than this.

El Alamein huh? Cool. So you are saying that the eagle grip like this is not just a marketing ploy LOL ? I found a pic of the box online. It was green with a nazi officer pointing the pistol and leading some other troopers. I think I can make out that it says Adolf Hitler on the box.

I also found the pistol you are talking about. It has the grip extender on the mag...and as you said was made in Germany. The swastica is not in the eagle wreath like mine. So...a few differences. Plus this other version is a blank firer. Mine was made in Japan. So...still MGC mmm?

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:39 pm

Post by Ozguns

Hi Taz,
I've got a collection incl one of these.
Pull it apart, get some photos posted of the breakages, and I'll see what we can do.

Here's mine...
walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Ppk01
walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Ppk02
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:40 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_lol Dan...that's amazing mate!!! Cool that someone here has one but even cooler that you are in Oz huh LOL I don't suppose you have a manufacture date or the original box ect?

I only have two rounds but I plan to turn up a heap from 8mm brass rod. They will be simple to make. Do you need any spares? Anyone? I'll probably make 20 or so;)

As soon as I can I'll take the pics. I have already identified one broken part but not knowing what it looked like originally makes things a little hard to fabricate....LOL

Warm Regards
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:41 pm

Post by Ozguns

This is not the original box, but it was one like this, but smaller.
The Walther PPK was bought in 1980, the second replica I bought.
There is no date coding.

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? DSCF1178

Here is a patially disassembled pic I just took. This might help to identify where your breakages are, and what needs to be done.

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? DSCF1182'l put it back together now......

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:41 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_eek That is Brilliant mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can see exactly what the problem is LOL Now....I might need some measurements ect. I'll take some pics soon in the same position and you will be able to see what is the problem. Or.......even better you might be so good as to trace the parts and I can us it for a template. I was thinking of making it from alloy or thin plate. You might like one as a spare for yourself? As way of thanks? You need any rounds????

Hearty thanks
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:42 pm

Post by Ozguns

I bought it in 1980 for $49, which was close enough to one third of my wage back then.
I'm pretty sure that I could have bought one with plain grips or this one.
I chose these grips because I reckoned they looked better.
As far as I know, all replica model guns were sourced from the Collectors Armoury in the US. I remember at the same time, an MP40 was $199, which was more that one week's work.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:43 pm

Post by HIGUsan

Hi Taz,
Your PPK is MGCfs 3rd version, called Waffen-SS PPK, released in 1970 or 71.
I suppose your PPK has worn out the tip of recoil arm, parts number 6.

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? IMG-mgc-ss-ppk

RMI catalogue 1970s
walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? IMG-rmi-ss-ppk_02

Last edited by HIGUsan on Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:44 pm

Post by 2Sharp

Seriously good information here guys, thanks for sharing walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_smile
I need more model guns...

The holy quest for modelgun information and knowledge will never-ever end!!
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:44 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_biggrin I agree! An awesome amount of info folks! Thanks very much.

Yes, part 6 is broken. Although parts 23 and 14 are missing entirely. What are they for???

Anyone have a template of 6 or a spare????


PS This is some interesting stuff for such a little gun LOL
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:45 pm

Post by shazhib


As far as I remember, this kind of "quack action" (slide move backwords as you squeeze a trigger, actually "recoil arm" push the slide back) is called "Tanio-Action" right? is this system innovated by Mr. Tazo Kobayashi from ex-Techinical Director, MGC?
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:45 pm

Post by Ozguns

Here's the part you need to fabricate. Yes, the large hole is elongated.
From what I can see with those small numbers, part 23 is also in the photo.
All it is, is a simple guide that part 6 goes back into when the trigger is pulled.
Part 14 is a pin whick goes into the rear of the trigger guard.

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? DSCF1184
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:47 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_smile Awesome lmate. Cheers. you think cutoms would impound resin/plastic grips?

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:47 pm

Post by Ozguns

I don't think you'd have too much of a problem with grips.
I'm even led to believe that you don't need a license in Aus to buy gun parts.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 1:48 pm

Post by IndyTaz

walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_smile Thanks OZ. I'll order some black ones with the Walther logo I think he he

Anyone have any English or US sources for a replica holster for the Walther?

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PostSubject: Re: What is this Walther??? History??? Experts???   walther pp - What is this Walther??? History???  Experts??? Icon_minitime

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