Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:37 am
Originally posted by yellow 06/12/09 .... here is a pic of my Marushin M16 with G&P M203. Fits VERY good. Just had to put some layers of ducktape on the barrel, and unscrew the barrel almost completely. It was possible to screw the barrel in the receiver with 3 complete turns. To tighten it some more, I have added some teflon (what you use for sanitary purposes ) and it feels very good now. No extra modifications needed!
The G&P M203 has all the correct markings:
_________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
Subject: Custom Built Colt M635 9mm Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:41 pm
Posted by yellow...
Custom conversion Marushin Colt M635 (9mm)
_________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
josh676 Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 180 Location / Country : Australia Registration date : 2012-05-14
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:23 am
Very nice love them! Is their any way of replacing the carry handle with a rail?
jim Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 988 Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia Registration date : 2008-09-07
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:31 am
This will be extremely hard work Josh...and I think somebody already asked this a couple of months ago...
josh676 Modelgun Enthusiast
Number of posts : 180 Location / Country : Australia Registration date : 2012-05-14
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:48 am
I saw the thread where the bloke replaced the upper receiver, I'll just keep a lookout for an MGC, hard to find.
Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Tue May 28, 2013 4:25 am
kiwigunner wrote:
I managed to do a trade and acquire a Marushin M16 A1 through a local dealer. On arrival in Wellington, the Customs Officer thought it might be a real gun, so he confiscated it and sent it to the NZ Police Armoury for evaluation!
Duh! Six weeks later the Police officially confirmed it was a non-gun and returned it to Customs; who a week or so later delivered it to the dealer; who checked it over for damage etc. - it was all good!
I took possession last Thursday! Yee-ha!
The dealer bought it from Japan, so I advised him to have a letter of explanation included in future if possible - along the lines of the FYI Customs letter available on this forum!
I haver never had any long delays like this at all over the years because I have send the exporter such a letter to be included in my Modelgun package. ... and have imported from Japan, USA and the UK. The delay was a minor nuisance, and now has confirmed to NZ Customs these Modelguns are not a problem in this country!
I'll post some decent photos of this lovely modelgun shortly.
_________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Tue May 28, 2013 4:28 am
kiwigunner wrote:
Merci Mon ami Dronne! It sure is a lovely Modelgun!
I am posting these photos with a note on the flash-hider differences that are sometimes observed (I have a 3-prong version on my M16 .22 lr Amri rifle - an excellent firearm to plink with - it has a laser attached to it!).
There are plenty of experts on the M16 variants here on this forum, who are more qualified than I to speak about this model - suffice to say that I LIKE it and it's similarity to the real steel rifle (which the MGC version differs from).
Hope folks enjoy seeing the photos
Kiwis and Aussies fought alongside the Americans in Viet Nam - with all the associated protests and war casualties - part of the ANZAC treaty (as it was then) but Kiwis used the L1A1 SLR weapon, not M16 A1's. NOW THAT WOULD MAKE AN AWESOME MODELGUN!
As you can see it's a nice addition to my collection (posted elsewhere) and is a piece of more recent history - 50 or so years ago!
_________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
woody70podster New Member
Number of posts : 20 Location / Country : county Durham, england Registration date : 2015-10-06
Subject: My Marushin AR-15 collection Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:27 pm
Hi all,
My names Richie and I have been collecting these Marushin models for a few years now. Never satisfied with the "Factory" finish of them, as with all models of mine, I try to make them look as authentic as I can, with what I've got. I have been asked by Cerwyn to show you my Marushin collection, as some might be interested as to how I tried to "improve" the look!
I'd like to start by thanking Chris (Kickback) for starting me off on this model series, and of course Olaf (Jatimatic), who very recently GAVE me the parts I requested to finish off my Carbine.
I have a couple of Marushin M16A1's, and what started out as a Marushin XM177E2. I have replaced parts with real steel, when I have been able, and tried to replicate the finish of wear and colour of said models from the era their descended from, as best I can!
My XM177 stated out the basic model you buy. I purchased another sett of furniture to swap over to my "BHD" look. The spare handguard was Marushin, the pistol grip was Airsoft GBB M4 and the stock JG Airsoft! I sprayed them up in desert camo and weathered this along with the receiver, of which I stripped the black paint back to the silver and sprayed it Humbrol Metalcote Polished Steel. I gave it a rub down until it shined a bit then once rubbed over with fine Wet "n" Dry I spray a coat of satin varnish for protection. I purchased a spare upper from Kickback (who is a member of this forum, and a friend), then was given some parts from another friend on here Jatimatic! That gave me the parts to complete a few models by just changing the uppers and outer barrels!! With the "BHD" model I wanted as close an M723 as possible, so I cut the "Brass Deflector" from a broken upper, and nabbed the round Forward Assist. I shaped and glued the "Deflector" to suit, and once sett, I sprayed the whole receiver "Gun Metal". I bought an Airsoft M4 outer barrel, drilled a 14mm hole, and fitted the barrel/FSP. Once the Aimpoint and Torch are fitted, it's as close as you could get IMO? Well it's good enough for me? The other parts allow me to swap between an XM177E1/E2/M733/M653!!!! whenever I want a change!. As the early Stocks were Aluminium and Marushin don't do them, I thought I'd replicate my own by spraying it Gun Metal, and painting "Wear" on it to make it look more authentic.
As Explained I also have two Marushin M16A1's. Again these were stripped of their black paint and sprayed in a more "Era" appealing "Gun Metal". Again I got these of my friend Chris (Kickback), and he will testify, I was never satisfied with how they looked originally! I fitted a Sun Project M203 Grenade Launcher to one of them, sprayed it up in "Jungle" style camo, then got bored and stripped this back off!! The other one I bought a sett of original SP1 M16 furniture from a guy from Ebay, and with slight modification, fitted these with no problems. The spare Marushin sett I sprayed up in British "DPM" style for that "Special Forces" look!? I also have an A2 handguard, and an Airsoft M500 Mossberg that I mount under the handguard. I bought this for about £20. It was black plastic, but I've tried to make it look more real with spray and fake weathering. My favourite film is Predator, and I love the guns Arnie and Billie use in the film!! I swap these round from time to time as well! I have a real M16 bayonet that fits on with no modification, and all are fitted with, or can accept real AR Magazines with slight modification to the ejection slot!
I really like this model, and I'm glad I've got them to a level I enjoy, and others appreciate the work put into them. Hope you all like? And any questions or comments, I'd be more than happy to converse with you more about the subject!
Thanks for taking the time to read my PM, and look at my pictures. And thank you Cerwyn for being a real gent.
mradmack71 likes this post
Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:24 am
Thanks for posting these photos Richie It's been well worth the effort!
There'll be more than a few favourable comments to follow I'm sure.
_________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
claymore Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 1249 Age : 64 Location / Country : London Registration date : 2008-09-07
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:40 am
Wow! real nice work they look the dogs, put mine to shame.
JatiMatic New Member
Number of posts : 85 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-07-16
Keep on the good work and photography, and show us your newest project.
Regards, Jati
woody70podster New Member
Number of posts : 20 Location / Country : county Durham, england Registration date : 2015-10-06
Subject: My Marushin AR-15 collection Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:05 am
Thanks for the kind words guys, it's really appreciated. I love my Marushin Model AR's, and making them look as good as possible brings me such joy!!
I've got a VN three pronged flash hider coming that I want to put on my M16A1 for that XM16E1 look. I'd also love to turn the lower receiver into the early type with the partial fence, but I'm reluctant to have a go at it just now for fear of ruining it. I bet it won't be easy!! Has anyone else done this to theirs I wonder?? Below is the look I'm after!!
Again cheers guys,
JatiMatic New Member
Number of posts : 85 Location / Country : Germany Registration date : 2013-07-16
Subject: Re: Marushin M16/XM177E2 Series... Photo Gallery... Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:10 pm
the pics don't work for me.
Regards, Jati
woody70podster New Member
Number of posts : 20 Location / Country : county Durham, england Registration date : 2015-10-06
Subject: Marushin M16VN Model? Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:16 am
Hi again all,
My last post I posted a couple of pictures detailing what I'd like to end up with regarding my Marushin M16! I did post a couple of pictures but they seem to have disappeared for some reason?? I'd like to eventually have it look more like the XM16E1, but as of yet I'm reluctant to file off the "Fence" that surrounds the ejection button??
Anyway my Airsoft JG 3-Pronged "VN" Flashider arrived so I got to work attaching it to the barrel. As you who have the Marushin know the FH is permanently attached to the outer barrel, so I started by cutting the Birdcage one off! Not all of it, as I needed to shape the front to slot the new FH over it. I cut the rear end of the JG VN FH off as its not quite the correct shape, compared to the real steel. Plus I had to file the outer "Ring" sections as it was too fat for the bayonet!! I then superglued the VN FH to the barrel, and gave it a "Weathering" look. I've got some pictures of it with, and without the bayonet. Hope you all like??
Thanks again guys, and have a very Merry Xmas from me.
woody70podster New Member
Number of posts : 20 Location / Country : county Durham, england Registration date : 2015-10-06
Subject: Marushin M16A1 Carbine (M653) Barnes "Platoon" Model Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:09 pm
Hi guys,
A few pics from my latest version of the Marushin XM177, with the extra parts to make it look like "Barnes" gun from the film "Platoon"
woody70podster New Member
Number of posts : 20 Location / Country : county Durham, england Registration date : 2015-10-06
Subject: Marushin "McNabs Bravo Two Zero" M16/M203 Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:30 pm
Hi all,
Got bored so I sprayed and weathered up my Marushin M16A1/M203 to look like Andy McNabs in the film "Bravo Two Zero". I am now looking for a metal M4 upper (Airsoft) so I can pinch the Brass Deflector and Forward Assist to put on this to make it look more like the C7/A2 upper that would be more period correct?? In the meantime this will do for me??
MadMike Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 654 Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart) Registration date : 2008-08-06
I just stumbled upon this thread. I can not understand how I have missed this until now.
Being a big fan of the AR-15 family I have to say how much I like and admire your work. The finish came out very good and realistic. Thank you for sharing.