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 Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84 Empty
PostSubject: Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84   Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 7:33 am

Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84 DSC09860
Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84 DSC09861
Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84 DSC09862

Finally got rid of the "MI" grips (i.e. "Marushin Industries") after sourcing this pair of wood grips made by Taiwan's Wa Shan...

At first I want to get the rubber ones by Pachmayr but it seems it is much difficult than I thought...anyway just found the US online shop that ships overseas so I'll order one anyway along with the one for my Colt DS (I hate myself when I was earlier offered an original Colt rubber grips at reasonable prices and I let it go...) Mad
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Wa Shan's Beretta M84 wood grips Marushin's m84
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