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 Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA

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Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Empty
PostSubject: Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA   Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2010 10:40 pm

I am searching for real Beretta wood grips, just like the ones in that ebay auction

I want them to fit my WaShan M9, I hope they'll do...

Unfortunately all the ebay members refuse international shipping...
And I can really not find another store that ships international that sells those grips...

Do you know shops that sell such wooden gun grips international?

Or is there any member in the US who coulc help me out with my ebay auction?

Thanks, and have a nice day 🐘
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Modelgun Master
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Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA   Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 6:49 pm

I just got a set of platic ones from ebay. You are right, they are ridiculously anal about not sending grips internationally, which is ludicrous as they are far from being classed as ordinance, but I guess if the sender is not sure they are just being overly caucious. What I did was email over and over again to different sellers the following,
'I wondered if you do shipping to the UK and how much the postage would be?'
I had loads that said no, but a few that said yes, I didnt win them all though! Mad Eventually I recieved a set and I am now happy. All I can suggest is that you try and do the same. I assume then that you do not have gun shops in Germany that would be able to source grip panels?
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Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA   Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 10:46 pm

'I wondered if you do shipping to the UK and how much the postage would be?'

HAHAHA I know that phrase, wrote it so often with "germany" ^^
I now try it with 'I assure that they are legal to import'

A local gunsmith and the big stores "frankonia" say they could be able to import them wich would be between 100 to 150€ due to they have to order them directly from the manufacturer in the USA wich is ridiculously expensive...
There are more offers for plastic grips on ebay than the wooden ones I search...

What did you need the plastic grips for?
A modelgun? Wich?
I hope I can make them fit my Washan M9...
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA   Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 9:57 am

Retail sellers in the USA appear to be extremely cautious about sending ANY real gun items out of the Country. Obviously parts that make real guns fire are rightly severely restricted but it seems excessive when they refuse to ship grips.
E-Bay and Paypal forbid sales of gun-related items (be they Real or Replica) outside the USA too which puts sellers under more pressure to refuse.

I've done just as Spencer Man has, sent sellers emails explaining the item I want is perfectly legal here in the UK and so, would they consider shipping to me?

The majority of Retailers ignore or flatly refuse my requests. Private sellers are a little more helpfull. Once they realise that Grips for example are Legal here they're open to discussion.

I've just recieved a pair of standard black genuine Beretta M9 grips from a private seller in the USA. They'll fit my Marushin M9, but unfortunately the dimension between centres of screw holes on the WaShan is slightly different, only about 1/2mm but enough to make careful opening of the grip's holes necessary.
This shouldn't be too difficult hopefully and the modification won't be too visible.
Doing this with black plastic grips is one thing,but I'd be a little nervous about modifying stylish polished and varnished wooden grips.
I'm sure it can be done successfully though with a great deal of care.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA   Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 4:23 pm

I think I'm slightly lucky - as long as the total value of each order (for the grips as well as other gun-related items) don't exceed USD $100 then it's fine...just don't know who set the rules...

But this also means if the total value of what I want is $100.01 they'll definitely going to waste my money by spliting it in 2 shipments or simply choose what items they want to send within $100 (both without my consent) - for my latest case I'd ordered 3 wood grips & 2 rubber grips straight from Smith & Wesson (for my Kokusai revolvers) in which I prefer the wood grips more (the rubber grips were ordered only because I want to make the most on one order within one shipment)...but S&W decided to send me both rubber grips and one wood grip instead. I sent emails asking for reasons and no reply - and I'd finally reordered the 2 wood grips (with another one this time just to make the most of the $100 limit) Mad

I made bulk orders from S&W before (7 pair of grips / a holster and misc stuff) and everything's fine...the limit's just out of the blue... scratch
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PostSubject: Re: Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA   Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 10:56 pm

As a private seller you can't export stuff more expensive as 100 dollards... i believe...

It was slightly the same when I visited the US, I had to be careful what I buy because over 100€ costs extra costs...

i might be wrong... this is what I am thinkng.
I believe thats why they split it in to shippings...
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PostSubject: Re: Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA   Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA Icon_minitime

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Real Beretta wood grips - importing from USA
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