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 Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie

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5 posters
Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 12:59 pm

I stumbled upon pictures of a strange MGC modelgun. It is an ultra compact version of the M16, with shortened retractable stock, sawn off carry handle/rear sight and without front sight. I have seen them for sale from time to time, but would love to get information about them. They come in a M-725 carbine box (the M-725 was available as ABS and HW version, so I do not know the material of this shortie).

Note the different "MGC" trade marks on the receiver. If memory serves me the pics were on the Japanese UNCLE shop site, the gun was called "Fire Cracker".

Any info is really appreciated.

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie MGC-smr0296-2

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie MGC-smr0296-3

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie MGC-smr0296-4

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie MGC-smr0296-5

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie MGC-smr0296-1
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 2:45 pm

The alloy upper block has groves cut into it to allow a scope mount.

If you look at the unusual MGC logo its along the lines of the UNCLE logo dont you think ?

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Uncle_badge

perhaps someone in MGGs design studio was a bit fond of the 60s TV series Very Happy

material is black HW but not quite the same as the M4 HW as its more smooth

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Registration date : 2008-08-06

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 2:55 pm

Thanks Doc! Do you know something about the time frame when it was produced? I think it was after their ABS series, but before their M4 series, so I'd say mid 1990s.

Odd that they didn't use the Colt trade marks. Maybe they thought there wouldn't be a real Colt model. Or it was made for the US market and they didn't have the required rights. I remember some ABS M16s and variants with "burnt out" Colt trade marks ...
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 6:24 pm

Is that an integral silencer over the muzzle Question
Could it be a model of a custom weapon used by Special Forces in Vietnam Question I watched a programme on one of the satellite channels awhile back where they showed various wapons cut down, lightened, modified for specific purposes at troops' request.

The resemblance to the Man from Uncle logo is remarkably close isn't it Question I Googled the series earlier but couldn't find listings for weapons used other than the modified P38.

Isn't there a similar gun in use today, cut down even further Question


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Registration date : 2008-08-06

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 10:02 am

Not sure about the silencer, but it looks like one.

Regarding Vietnam, carbine versions of the M16 were always short in supply. The Army used the early 10 inch barrel version (XM177E1 - M609) for some officers, dog handlers and medics. But they were sought after and not easy to get.

Special units like Longe Range Recon Patrols (Army) and Force Recon (Marines) still had to use the M16 A1, with some XM177E1 models that were taken good care off. I read in Bill Peters book (he was a 1LT with Marine Force Recon in 1969) that his team only had one XM177E1 with a 50 rd magazine (they got it from a deal with the CIA, not from Marine Corps surplus) which was used by the soldier who was assigned to walk point, so he could break contact in an ambush with high volume fire.

Only the top secret MACV-SOG was equipped with the XM177E2 in general.

I doubt that there were any offical versions with shorter than 10 inch barrels as even this barrel on the E1 prooved too short regarding muzzle flash and control of the weapon in full auto. So the later E2 had the 11,5 inch barrel.

I just have one pic of a recon soldier holding a very short (propably field made) carbine (looks like a 10 inch XM177E1 with standard A1 flash hider):

Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Gary

I found it somewhere on the internet and hope it is a real photo. With all the Airsofters posing around today, you can not be sure ... Smile
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 11:22 am

Is this in fact an MGC model gun?
If you look at the 3rd photo, at the upper right, it says SPG Model Gun Corporation.
Are they the same company?
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 11:27 am

Yes, it is! "SPG" stands for "Safe Plastic Gun", a stamp that was required to declare it as a toy, thus making it legal (similar to the bright orange muzzle tip required in the US).
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Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie   Info wanted about an old MGC AR-15 Shortie Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 7:06 am

My guess is a one off MGC custom rifle. I have never seen or heard of a real deal AR/M16 in that configuration. It does have the A2 brass deflector, along with A2 roll marks, other A2 attributes. So I would say it is relatively new. Definitely not a Vietnam era weapon.

Damn nice grip!! Looks just like the colt grips did until they decided to cut costs Crying or Very sad
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