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 MGC (Model Gun Corporation)

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5 posters
Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 8:43 pm

The oldest and most known modelgun manufacturer. Company was founded in 1959 as "Japan Modelgun Collection Association", changed the name to MGC in early 1980s. Initially MGC sold imported toyguns (Mattel, Hubley, Nichols) and worked on making them more realistic.

MGC was one of the first (beside Hudson) Japanese company to produce self-designed modelgun in 1962. In 1960s they have released a few unique steel-made models (MP40, Sten MkIII, Sterling). Their first employee (hired by founder and owner of MGC) and designer of most of the models was Tazuo (Tanio) Kobayashi.

In early 1960s MGC designed and manufactured modelguns that were sold under their own brands by other toygun shops, for example "INT" brand (later became Kokusai). Eventually MGC established their own brand "MGC BondShop", while other shops moved on to design and manufacture modelguns by themselves.

In late 1980s based on "Star Wars" popularity, MGC released translucent "SF" modelguns: Automag, Sig P210 and Sig Flash. They could not really be fired (quickly became opaque ;-) ), but allowed to show inner workings of models.

Over the years MGC (and Tanio Kobayashi) contributed many inventions to this hobby:
- mechanical action modelgun, using "Tanio action" or "slide action" where mechanical lever moves slide when trigger is pressed. This extremely simple design works surpisingly well.
- windup action modelgun, where M3A1 (undersized, made of steel) could be wound up first, and trigger press made bolt fly back and forth simulating full auto action.
- first working cap blowback design, with "BLK" cartridges (open type).
- improved cap blowback design with "CP-BLK", where piston helps to use more cap energy. Today this is still probably the best cartridge type when it comes to efficiency.

Apart from modelguns, MGC designed and manufactured airsoft replicas, also introducing many new mechanisms such as the first pistol with internal gas tank and blowback function.

Unfortunately company went bankrupt in 1994. According to Tanio this was caused by the President losing interest in modelguns. Production was taken over by Taito, and later Shin Nihon Mokei (SNM), you can see these brands on some of the models released at the time. Some of MGC workers moved to work at KSC.

After some time company was reactivated as New MGC, and specialized in Colt 1911 variantes. New MGC continued production until 2007, when it was closed for the second time (?).

Surprisingly, in 2009, a few models were released to celebrate 50 years of MGC foundation: Colt 1911 variants and M31 shotgun. Announcement on MGC building says that production will cease on the 30th of April 2010.

Last edited by smootik on Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:04 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 988
Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 5:01 pm

In my understanding - before MGC produced their first ever Walther VP they specialised in converting Hubley's paper-cap firing Colt Commander. Later on they'd realised instead of almost completely modifying the internals and making realistic clips for the Hubleys they'd better made their own...

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Registration date : 2008-09-07

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2010 8:51 am

The Black Farewell Ceremony (organised by MGC)

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) 06022010170
MGC (Model Gun Corporation) 06022010172

This was the funeral for the "death" of full metal model handguns painted in black (for domestic market that is) held by MGC when the Japanese government decided to ban these guns back in 1973 (those attended were truly modelgun maniacs - even though I love these guns but for me if it happens in HK now I don't think I'll attend such gatherings)...

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2010 9:18 pm

MGC published a series of magazines "The Proud model-guns (Visier)" about modelguns.
There were at least 4 series of 3 or 4 in each, sometimes in 1970s.
Scans can be found here. Not a high resolution, but good enough to be useful:

The same person also posted a wealth of other MGC information - posters, instructions, part diagrams:
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 8:52 am

On the eve of MGC's "final" closure more pictures regarding this once the giant of the modelgun world...

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) 10042010620

Mr Kobayashi's farewell party when he left MGC back in the early 90s...

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 988
Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 5:31 am

So now we've entered the final week for MGC Sad ...

Back in 1989 when there was huge potential in establishing prop gun rental business for the HK cinema - MGC joined another Japanese businessman who'd already been working in HK for many years in setting up this MGC my understanding, as well as providing better firing performance modelguns (i.e. adding magnesium powder etc) for the industry, some components were manufactured inside this industrial building in order to reduce production cost - the 2nd photo showing a hotel function hosted by MGC inviting well-known HK stars (Chow Yun-fat in the middle)...

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) 10042010622
MGC (Model Gun Corporation) 10042010624

Of course all these were short-lived - with the first closure in 1994...and I'd only learnt all these after I got this book...

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 988
Location / Country : Hong Kong / Sydney, Australia
Registration date : 2008-09-07

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 1:17 pm

Today is the grand final day for MGC - here's the last page of the MGC book Sad ...

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Goodbyemgc

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MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 28, 2011 6:59 am

That looks like Massad Ayoob in that last pic
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 13, 2020 11:53 am

I realized I have the book "MGC 60TH ANNIVERSARY" in my collection, it was a gift from a good friend from Japan.

Sadly it is in Japanese only, but I still love it. Going through its pages I get a strong feeling of the old times, when such products were made with pride and enthusiasm.

It is so sad to realize that it is a long time now that NewMGC went out of business. Time is rushing so fast.

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) HKuj73Oh

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) JYMcoqYh

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) NQHagBGh

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) CaDsSUah

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 13, 2020 4:24 pm

I love these old vintage books/Magasines !

They Always have so many great and cool Pictures! ( maybe because the lack of internet? Wink )

Thanks for sharing!

I only got the japanse magasine/book thingy who from my understand is somekind of... magasine for Japanese collectors of American Police stuff  Laughing A lot of Modelguns in it.

This one

MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Police1

If it happens to be rare or anything I am more than happy to scan some pages of it and show you guys :>

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PostSubject: Re: MGC (Model Gun Corporation)   MGC (Model Gun Corporation) Icon_minitime

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