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 Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV

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5 posters
Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 12:23 pm

Having become a new Modelgun enthusiast with a lot of spare time and a good workshop, I am considering modifying a HW Marushin Enfield revolver to look like a Webley MKIV revolver.javascript:emoticonp('Twisted Evil')

I don't see any major problems as I would replace the trigger guard with a real one, replace the cam cylinder lever, reposition the cam cylinder lever screw, replace the grips, shape the frame, cut away some of the meat above the trigger housing (that may mean making a new cover plate out of mild steel).....and re shape the foresight.......
just wondering if anyone has contemplated or tried doing such a mod???
Or if you thinks it's a crazy idea???javascript:emoticonp('What a Face')

Comments? Anyone?
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 1:42 pm

Good to hear that you want to tinker with your model, there is not too many brave enough to do it :-)

I have not done any major work on a model (except small repairs), so I can only say that you need to understand material you work with. ABS is a plastic, so it does not like heat (cutting/drilling) but it's relatively easy to work with. HW is plastic with metal filings making it heavier and nicer to touch, but also more brittle. Where ABS bends, HW could crumble or crack. Once you master that part, modifications should be fairly easy.

PS: found a few comparison photos, could be helpful:
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 2:19 pm

"Comments? Anyone?"

Save yourself a lot of time and effort and buy a deactivated Webley. Wink
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 12:47 am

But maybe New Zealand's laws are as tough as ours, so he has to make his own.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 4:52 am

Ozguns wrote:
But maybe New Zealand's laws are as tough as ours, so he has to make his own.

No I'm afraid - - for gun owners NZ is really a "lucky country" (only full auto firing prohibited even for airsoft)...conversion wise if you're not going to fit real parts into toys to make it a live weapon then it won't be a problem...
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: NZ Laws   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 10:55 am

Yes we are quite lucky compared to the UK & Australian States. Who knows for how much longer.
Deactivated weapons can be a problem here depending on a number of variables. It helps of course if you hold a Collector's endorsement.
My intention was to find out if anyone has tried to modify an Marushin Enfield. So I guess I'm either stupid or a pioneer - to try!!!! Hey, Kiwis have a pioneering reputation and do well with that pioneering instinct!

Thanks for the info Smootik. Very helpful.
I just had an email from a US Webley parts holder - and because the parts I want are from a real firearm it's illegal to export them!
I just wanted a trigger guard and two screws!('Surprised')
But Laws are Laws - and someone historical once said "the Law is an Ass!" Maybe a bit generalised???But the Law is the LAW!
Even if it is frustrating and illogical.('bounce')
So I guess I'll be grateful if anyone can help me with those bits from the UK - unless a Trigger Guard is illegal to export???

I've worked out how much I need to trim of a Marushin Enfield trigger area - and if needs be I'll make a trigger guard out of a polymer two-pot mix.
I estimate I'll discover if the process is successful in due course - and I'll post any results or problems in due course!
Appreciate the forum and those who have taken the time to post their thoughts.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 12:18 pm

kiwigunner wrote:
I just had an email from a US Webley parts holder - and because the parts I want are from a real firearm it's illegal to export them! I just wanted a trigger guard and two screws!('Surprised')
Funny, if it weren't so silly. Sometimes laws seem to be made by either ignorant or malicious people...

In Poland firearms law has a lot of its own problems, yet currently there is a fairly good definition of "substantial firearms parts". Parts on that list are restricted and treated as a weapon by itself (in light of law): frame, slide, barrel, chamber, plus ammunition. Anything else can be freely traded. Of course there is some problems with definitions, and Police usually take more restrictive view on anything.
New law proposed by Police makes these definitions a total mess. They change it so not only something that has been originally made for a firearm is a "substantial part", but also something that can be modified to serve as a part of firearm fits the definition. In light of this definition a piece of steel pipe can be seen as a "barrel before machinework" and therefore a firearm.

Sorry for a lengthy off-topic. I hope you will be able to source necessary parts for your modification :-)
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Getting parts for a Webley   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 12:50 pm

To make a "Webley", the key is the trigger guard - and it turns out the old USA can't ship real gun parts to NZ. So I'll be checking out our local gun shows later this year.'Crying or Very sad'

The hammer is another obvious difference, as is the cylinder - and it's amazing what can be done with some of the Two-part polymers pastes these days - mash it together and within 10 minutes you've got a solid piece of metal looking material you can drill and shape.

I guess it'll be a longer term project than I first thought. But I shall gather the parts and see what happens!'Rolling Eyes'

Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Myenfieldsm; Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Webley_Military_Mark_IV_1793
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 1:12 pm

Would it be possible to re-shape trigger guard by taking off some material near frame and creating the same effect?

Cylinder is more different looking though. Could you write some more about processing these polymers? Do you think it's feasible to do a sort of moulds, pour them, nad then just fine-tune details?
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PostSubject: Re: Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV   Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV Icon_minitime

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Making an Enfield revolver into a Webley MkIV
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