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 Enfield No2 Mk1 walnut grips

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Enfield No2 Mk1 walnut grips Empty
PostSubject: Enfield No2 Mk1 walnut grips   Enfield No2 Mk1 walnut grips Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 6:34 am

I own a real Enfield No2 Mk1 from 1944. It came with black Bakelite grips, which I didn't like. I like the look of the grips from the 30s. I couldn't find anyone who makes reproductions, so I decided to do it. I'm an industrial designer and sculptor, so I was well-suited to the task. Do you think these would fit on a Marushin Enfield model? I'm going to make a few more sets and try to sell them at a gun show.

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Enfield No2 Mk1 walnut grips
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