| MP40's Modelguns Forum International Forum for Modelgun enthusiasts |
| Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website | |
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Author | Message |
Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:53 pm | |
| Tanaka Glock 17 (Overview) Tanaka is a model of the masterpiece. I have owned, HW in early-type slides, ABS frame is intended. Kurt initially made of plastic was used for sectional Parakato, too loud (the first was really surprised!), Is amazed, since it almost did not catch fire. However, from Katsura's cart through the net CP (I use the P220 for) you can use to tell me, so finally settled (?) Fire (but that sounds fine) is now available. The repeated firing, worn at the base barrel, but it may damage the slide to hit the slide barrel, you tell me how to repair the added Katsura is also this point (the added Katsura HP's Q & A Please refer to the section), and repairs made. Plus the rest of the hand slides easily dyed blue gun (the gun gray) about topic, the interior is not touched any other. Anyway, I heard the sound of plastic products using the original Parakato, very intense and sharp reaction, subject to feel like real bullets are fired. The company had been sold a Glock model 18 can be fully automatic, and what will happen if I fired a full semi-strong but there is very interesting. (Fire scene) CP SIGP220 for the MGC to use the cart. The development of your weapon and 16. At first I thought I'd fire at a slow pace more in tune to some, I have become trigger happy catapult (reflection). I feel the speed of movement can not keep up the image of the slide. Anyway, this is about? I think that model is excellent condition. The rest is just what it has forever slides (scary). Glock 17 additional damage facts 14.10.1 Misfortune came suddenly. Tanaka Glock 17 made an important failure HW made a serious slide, I have fallen into non-firing state. Slide the back, just slide the cover (parts zinc) and damage to both sides from the inside portion of Mekureta is set. P220 is that the MGC as usual while you are using a cart to catch fire. The cumulative number of times before firing it from I think at about 200. Breakable say that the slide from the previous hearing but was good, I'm shocked because it was still some time ahead of us. Net 3400 and I look at some people that can afford to fire from, what was the sloppy handling of me? Following opinion If Burobakkumoderu, because it does not retract the slide by pushing carts bleach, if you have fully integrated in the slide is fixed bleach, joining forces should not cover the slide. But that actually damaged the outward push from the inside of the slide cover slide for some reason, a force that will be significant. Bleach does not work because it has glue on irregularities embedded in the slide, and then only Faiaringupin possible. Faiaringupin (which is divided into front and rear), immediately after hitting the primer ignited the cart, now back to its original position when the fast and furious opposition to the primer, and not fully return Faiaringupin Clash may have given a strong blow on the cover holding the slide that eventually Faiaringupin. The slide cover, so it is not fixed but get stuck in the rear side of the slide groove, eventually could not withstand the impact of this part, the reason given was the idea of the situation I fit. When this hypothesis is correct, so if any problem is a real gun was used will not have a strong steel in a model is irresistible. Here are some I still had to be arranged. Bleach and a cover slide, embedded systems or unified by a screw or a sturdy example, it will be required and how to withstand the shock structure as a whole bleach. If you reduce the impact of construction on the rear end as it slides, set inside a sturdy metal parts could be made in part so shocked. If the model has a hammer, power hammer flows, sturdy frame and finally (the metal chassis inside) that catch on, but I think it highly durable. The model I have did not happen, this model also seems to be around to damage the lift at the base of the slide Ejekushonpoto the impact of the firing barrel, slide the tip of Rikoirusupuringu It is just as concerned about its durability under partial tension. If the slide made of ABS, but will there be more durable, there is still a shade of anxiety. This model, particularly the operation of the HW model of the slide made is remarkable. The certainty of the old work made by the MGC is famous CP governor, personally I think more on this Glock. Above all, thanks to a short trigger stroke Torigapuru and light, a real gun in parallel (but not be shot) was possible in rapid fire. Soredakeni Sorry. There is a very realistic internal structure in line with a real gun, but realized it was much more of this excellent work, I feel like they've turned it into a double-edged blade. It is just hard to design a model. SIG226 company's first model gun had a reputation as a very realistic model, while was that fragile. USP Glock was released after I hear the stories of corruption in itself is so sturdy structure became the model for a real gun, might have sufficient durability plastic material ( Not me get both). However, Tanaka's manufacturer does not complain anything. Conversely, to produce a model so wonderful, thank you to sell it. Our model, but unfortunately I have gone very early, in the meantime, we have a very pleasant experience. Surprise and delight when the fire still remember the first time. Currently, in order for the slide repair is made of ABS. The ABS is not known how far the slide back to normal, not only for repair parts inventory切Rasanai please do not. I would like to come back to the world and also a model. However, there also included scenes from when the fire damaged once uploaded. You'll notice the slide back after the last firing, I think that is visible is damaged. Until then, as you can see I'm great. Soredakeni sorry. Marushin companies temporary announced that there was a model of the production of this model. I was able to prototype, and the launch is aborted regret on my mind how much product was in order to improve the structure of how the Marushin. Also, temporarily, the MGC about what was healthy what I was subjected to the arrangement of this model's product. Are interested in many worlds, it is a dream come true.Well, now is feeling very, ABS slide adjustment is made in the firing. Yara works. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:12 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:59 pm | |
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:32 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:02 pm | |
| _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:18 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:03 pm | |
ABSスライド調整その2 14・10・8
前回の調整では何とか15連射には成功していますが、確実性に乏しく、特に不発には相当悩まされました。 その後も何度か発火しておりますが、どうしても不発が発生し、1マガジン完全発火はなかなかうまくいきません。 当初、不発の原因としては、①各スプリングのバランスが崩れたことにより、スライドの閉鎖具合が完全でなくファイアリングスプリングの打撃力が完全に活かされていないことと、②度重なる不発弾への打撃により、ファイアリングピン(プラ製)の先端が変形し短くなるとともにブリーチ内壁に接触し、打撃力が減殺されていること、の2点を考えておりました。
【ディトネーターの加工】 ところがそれ以外にも原因があることを発見、というか完全に見落としていました。 オリジナルのディトネーターでは、ほんのちょっとP220用カートには長さが足りないようです。 このことは以前から知識として有していたのですが、今回すっかり忘れていました。 以前のHWスライドの際は、何の調整もせず、オリジナルのディトで快調な作動を得ていましたが、今回ABSスライドに換装し、いろいろ手を入れた結果、それがマイナス(例えば上記①、②)に働いて不発が生ずることとなったようです。
あともう一つ、オリジナルのディトをご覧になると分かりますが、このモデルのディト、先端はえらく細くとがっており、かつ、材質の硬度もかなり高いようです。 そのため、CPのインナーを使用し続けるとインナーの中心部がへこんでしまいます。 そうするとごく僅かですが相対的にディトの長さが短くなり、一層不発の可能性が増加するように思われます。
現状でも、7、8割程度の確率で発火しますので、それ程ディトの長さを延長する必要はありませんが、例え1ミリでも短いものを長くするのは面倒です。 しかし、カートをセットするとき、一々キャップとプライマーの間にスペーサーを挟むのも面倒なので、やはりディトを交換することにしました。 たまたま、何かの調整の際に加工したM712用のディトがちょうど良さそうだったのでこれを使用しました。 長さはオリジナルのディトより1ミリちょっと長くしただけです(あとで気が付きましたがこれは少し短かったようで失敗)。 ただ、問題は直径。M712のディトは若干細いことから、固定がうまくいきません。 仕方なく、周囲に水道配管用のパッキンテープを巻きつけ、無理やり押し込む形で固定。 なお、固定用のイモネジをあまり強く締め付けるとディトが押され、センターを外れてしまいますので適当なところでやめておきます。 もっといいのはM39(439)用ディト、サイズが似通っており加工の手間が少なくて済むと思います。 ただし太さはM712用と同様に修正する必要あります。 また、MP40用であれば太さはOKですが長さの修正は必要です。
【リコイルスプリングのテンション強化】 ①については、リコイルスプリングのテンションを強める方法を試してみました。 具体的には1ミリ厚のゴムシートから外径9ミリ内径6ミリのパッキンを2個つくり、リコイルスプリングガイドにセット。 2ミリ程度であれば、スライドの後退量にはそれ程変化はなく、スライドストップも普通のとおり作動します。
【ファイアリングピン】 ②については、先端部を修正するしかありません。 改造防止のため、スライドに接着されたブリーチ部をはずさなければファイアリングピンは分解できない仕組みになっておりますので、そのままでの作業はつらいのですが、できる範囲でやるしかありません・・・。
なお、変形を防止するには、不発が発生した際は改めて打撃することはやめ、一旦そのカートの使用は諦めるというということを徹底するしかないでしょう。 ご存知の方も多いことと思いますが、キャップ火薬は一度中途半端な打撃を受け発火せず火薬面が変形した場合、2度目以降の打撃で発火する可能性は余りありません。 感情的になり何度も打撃を繰り返すのはまったく無駄ですし、故障の原因となります(大きなことは言えないが・・・)。
【鉛板の接着】 上記以外には、スライド内部両側面に鉛の薄板を接着しました。 鉛はホームセンターの釣具売場で見つけた薄板を重ねてサイズが合うようにして使用。 重ね合わせる面にも接着剤をつけ、万力に挟み込み1枚の板にします。 あまり欲張ってぎりぎりの厚みのものにしますと、何かの拍子でバレルサイドに接触し、作動不良の原因となりますので気をつけてください。 重さがどれだけ増えたか計量していないので不明ですが、そこそこ重たくなったようです。 ただ、HW並かというとちょっと疑問。まだ少し軽いように感じます。 前回行なったプランジャースプリング等の加工は必要ないかもしれませんが、一応この状態(3ミリのスペーサーをセット)で発火を試みます。 鉛板がはずれないことを祈るのみです。
なお、鉛板を接着しますと、前回説明いたしました桂さんや「G17」さんのされたバレル周囲へのスプリング追加による調整方法は不可能になりますのでご注意下さい。 また、鉛板は出来れば私のように薄板を重ねるのではなく、一枚のもののほうがベターです。 私も探したのですが、見つからず諦めました。 大都市の方であればハンズ等で入手出来るかもしれません。 あったら、どなたか送ってください。お願いしま~す(笑)。
【フィーディング】 私の場合、ABSスライドの大きな問題であったフィーディング障害は少なくともP220カートを使用する限りはほとんど発生していません。 また、発生したとしてもストーブパイプジャム(だからといっていいわけじゃないが・・・)。 何でストーブパイプジャムが発生するのかは・・・分かりません(笑)。 私、こういうところはまったく分かりません。 かなり使い込んだカートなので、リム周りが傷んでいるのが原因かも・・・。 正直なところ、このモデルのABSスライドモデルのフィーディング障害の原因がスライド重量に起因するなど、教えていただけなければまったく気が付きませんでした。 私一人だけであったら、10年経ってもわけが分からず首をひねっていたことと思います(笑)。 なお、ABSスライド入手後、調整のためいろいろな条件で発火を繰り返したところ、バレルのフィーディングランプはがたがたになってしまいました。 いまのところP220カートを使用するに限れば、問題は発生しないようですが、念のため予備バレルを購入しておいたほうが良さそうです。
【カート】 オリジナルのパラカートを使用することももちろん考えたのですが、メタルカートは、アルミ製の弾頭のネジ部が腐食しケースへのセットが大変面倒になってしまいましたし、プラカートは、スリーブの取り付け、取り外しが厄介ですし、いずれもインナーのOリングの耐久性がとんでもなく低く、発火前後のメンテナンスの手間がCPやPFCの比ではありません。 よほど気持ちと時間にゆとりがないと使用する気にはなりません。 発火音、リコイルとも他と一線を画する高性能カートですが、レース用エンジンのごとく手間が掛かり、面倒なことが嫌いな私には手に余ります。 メタルカートの先端はごく狭い範囲ですが水平に面取りしてあります。 この、弾頭部のカーブから面取りされた平面部へ移る角の部分を滑らかにすれば、若干なりともフィーディング障害は減少するのではないかと思うのですが未確認です。 なお、尖らせる方向で加工しますと、おそらく一層フィーディングが悪化するのではないかと思いますので注意願います。 弾頭部を電動ドリルにはさみ、回転させながらスチールウール等に垂直に押し付けるやり方がいいのかなと思っています。 ただし、作業の際は怪我をしないようにご注意を。
【その他】 このモデルの弱点は耐久性といいますか、私も含め多くの皆さんが経験したスライド破損にあります。 また、その破損部分もそれぞれ違うようです。 私のようにスライド後部が破損する場合、バレルが持ち上がりエジェクションポート周辺を破損する場合、それとスライド先端、リコイルスプリングがセットされる箇所が破損する場合と3つあるようです。
この中で比較的防止しやすいのが、バレルの持ち上がりによるスライド上部の破損。 バレル基部に補強用のピンを打ち込めばある程度持ち上がりを防止できる(桂さんのHPの過去の「Q&A」に詳細あり)ようですが、これとて完全ではなく、フレーム側のバレルロックが反対に削られ、あえなくダウンすることもあるようです(今回の発火で私のバレルも破損しました)。 他の2つの破損については、発生しないことを祈るのみ。 とにかく抜本的な対応策がないのがつらいところです。
【発火】 ディトネーターの交換、リコイルスプリングのテンション強化、プランジャースプリングのテンション強化、スライド内部への鉛板接着、それにファイアリングピン周りの調整。 これらの調整を行った上で発火です。 P220カートは15発。プライマーはマルベリのアルミ製をセットしてあります。 収録前にこの状態で1度発火したところ、見事に1マガジン15発完全発火成功。それも速射で。 ところが、よく見るとバレル基部、ちょうどフレームにかむ左側のレールが破損していました。 慌ててアクリルサンデーで接着した後、もう1本補強ピンを差し込みました。 また、スライド内部の鉛板も片側がはがれそうでしたので、これも一旦はがし、再度今度はエポキシ系の瞬間接着剤で接着しなおしました。 先行き不安ですが、差し当たりほかに良策もなく、一晩おいた上で再度発火に挑戦します。 翌日発火しましたが、やはりバレル基部の破損と発火中スライド内側の鉛板が外れかけたりした影響で、今ひとつ完調とはいきませんでした。 また、ディトの長さがまだ足りないのか、1マガジンあたり1発か2発不発が生じます。 もう少し長くする必要がありそうですね。 バレル基部は最終的に完全に破損。 しかしスライド等への影響はなく、不幸中の幸いというところです。 それでも60発以上発火し、すべて収録しましたので適当につなぎ合わせたムービーを用意しました。 出来は良くありませんが発火数はマシンガン並です(笑)。 調子の良くないところを数で補いました(笑)。 なお、長さは30秒、800KB以上ありますのでご注意を。
【終わりにあたり】 ストライカーによる発火方式を取り、なおかつショートリコイルするモデルガンはこのモデルだけ。 また、ディスコネクター(当モデルの場合は「コネクター」)も通常の前後上下の動きではなく、左右の動きをするという、大変個性的なモデルです。 それらの特徴が影響しているのかもしれませんが、調整のスイートスポットが他のモデルに比べ少々狭いように感じます。 その反面、ツボにはまれば抜群の性能を見せてくれますが、厄介なモデルであることには変わりありません。 HWスライドモデルは箱出しの状態で見事にバランスが取れた優等生でしたが、ABSスライドモデルは、専用のパラカートと同じようにレーサー並の調整が必要みたいです。 その調整方法も、桂さんや「G17」さんのされたバレル周囲にスプリングを追加する方法があれば、私が行ったように重量を増やす方法がありますし、使用するカートによっても自ずと本体の調整方法や加減が異なってきます。 また、今回の調整のベースはセミオートのG17でしたが、フルオートのG18ではこれらの調整方法が素直に当てはまるか断言できません。 フルでは相当回転が速いでしょうから、バレルの後退がスライドの後退に追いつくか不安です。 まずはバレル周囲にスプリングを追加する方法を試し、それでもうまくいかないようであれば、錘を装着する方法を考えた方がよろしいかと(なんとなればスプリング追加は現状復帰が可能ですが、錘の装着はそれが難しい)。
以上、思い付きの数々、皆様方にご迷惑をおかけしないですめば幸いです(笑)。 さて、またパーツを発注しなくっちゃ・・・。 スライド、バレルは同様な改良を施し、ディトはMP40用から改造する予定で再調整しようかと考えています。 でも、どうなることやら・・・。
_________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:41 pm | |
| Volume 17ABS Tanaka Glock model made slides As we reported last time, HW slide is damaged, we replace the ABS致Shi方Naku slide. HW slide model, the model was a masterpiece boasts a top-level operation Handoganmoderugan among other things, on the contrary ABS slide model is quite unpopular. No one from the people "and I do not think the same model," and received a feedback. My Glock has become such a model. This adjustment is aiming to revive. The adjustment relates, through the net like-minded person "G17" careful adjustment information you provided to you by. Be very helpful, saved. Thank you. "G17"'s part of how our views of the adjustment will be introduced in the following description. Status of slump; ABS Fidingutoraburu trouble as it appears in the model. Is that it does not work after loading the next round of fire. Since this model is to reproduce Shotorikoiru, when the slide is retracted, the barrel retreat, in fact, fall back a little obliquely, now moves to the optimal point to be loaded into the chamber well Cart I. However, ABS is not working models of this series of motions. This may be due to move too fast for the slide is lightened from the back of the slide back enough to fit the barrel, crashed into the end of the cart Fidinguranpu taken from magazines, there would Tsukkae that is. HW model is relatively slow movement of the slide because of the weight from the barrel can be fully retracted, the cart can run up Fidinguranpu problems. However, when pulling the slide by hand, the barrel will not work because the force is applied commonplace any kind, when the ignition is mainly due to the explosion of gunpowder cart, then the slide into the power to back, in front and the situation is different from the work force to advance the barrel. If a real gun, after firing, and retreated to the first slide and barrel together, continue to retreat, only slides. For a model, but retreated after firing first slide only after leaving the inner barrel Ditoneta in cart and then provided separately by the power Shotorikoirusupuringu and finally decided to retreat and barrel Masu. We must move in mind working around here. - Adjustment plan; In this model to smoothly and what to do is called, two way street. First slide that heavy. But Ikimasen easily. There is some space inside the front side of the slide, 1 mm thick, where the short side 15 mm, 80 mm edge length (incorrectly) that if there is a way to gum up a strong lead plate about I think. If this position does not interfere anywhere I think. But do not try it, please do not trust. The weight is not known by itself be sufficient. Please tell us success (laughs). Another is called to force the barrel or of having the retreat at a rate competitive to ensure the operation of the sliding speed. It seems everyone is pretty twist. The person in question's Katsura Katsura's page also, add a barrel around Rikoirusupuringu (PPK and Browning 380 images please) that will ensure the back as he barrels during the slide back. Also, "G17" He has been an improvement is also added. "G17" is added as a new self-made from piano wire Rikoirusupuringu, looked like spring was pretty loose. Other "G17" added Hall, slide around the barrel of the barrel (?) Inside, when the barrel is retracted, the internal resistance so as not to slide and how to cut in front of the plate is bonded to Ejekushonpoto ABS, When the slide back, it hit the barrel chamber is also practiced how to start running back to force a barrel, also made of plastic Parakato, he will go into operation almost certainly obtained (envy).
The inside is about how to bond ABS barrel plate, HW ABS slide and I noticed something interesting comparison Itashimashitara slide. Has been provided both inside the slide one step. This is a "G17" but as a friend, slide back, hit the front part of the difference in this chamber, I think back to initiate action to force the barrel. "G17" If it was added to ensure this. But that position is the position difference in HW and ABS, ABS is in close Ejekushonpoto, HW has been provided in the end. HW and I think that ABS is caused by differences in the operation of the HW down the barrel and this is about the slide is almost fully finished back in, ABS is still in recession in the slide (at the earliest possible stage of it) a barrel It seems intended to drive down. However, hitting the curl in the front chamber, the less worried about the effect diminishes. Well, I thought I was different ABS how to adjust the slide before we can get this basically a "roll back quickly to ensure the barrel" to adjust the direction. I was great Barerupuranja. It is not intended to force the barrel set back in the spring force, to operate Burobakkumoderugan Shotorikoiru springs are used in some form. What about exceptions Government of the MGC. If the HW, but it was not enough of the original strength of the spring, ABS, this strength in the idea enough thought and thought and not what can I do to strengthen this spring. So I looked it was found that the spring can be diverted, the first end diameter of 5 mm 8 mm in length (modified after) Rikoirusupuringugaido darken in the plastic stick around, it springs from the Doctor geta set by spring (tension), enhanced. In addition, since the tight relationship between the bad behavior slide and barrel, polishing the barrel in the hole and touch the side and slide inside the chamber. Same side of the barrel of the lock barrel is set in a frame. After that it is a good opportunity, to completely digest of the frame (the first time! Very easy!) And cleaning the interior, as well as磨Ki込Mimashita rail section. - Adjustment of ignition; Premiere ○ (exciting, excited) First, using the original metal cart. In the first 15 rounds only three or four times Fidingutoraburu experience. he malfunction occurred on several occasions, the slide stop and explode. It is almost the same result as the next 15 rounds. Fidingutoraburu about everything, I thought about not count, but a little relieved it's weakened the slide stop malfunction and explode. Malfunction of the slide stop and think because the reaction is too strong. HW was in fact made of plastic is also used when Parakato, often malfunction occurred as a slide stop. We still use the cart P220, improved feeding and explores the way on that dud. 30 shots fired in the cart P220 convenience. Fidingutoraburu only once (was it?), No malfunction of the slide stop, But the misfire occurs. The misfire may have caused an imbalance for the entire spring. Rikoirusupuringu is forward into the slide and Faiaringupinsupuringu Puranjasupuringu (at Hancock) is trying to slide backwards押Shiyarou the opposite. The original state is strong enough Rikoirusupuringu slide is closed, so almost certainly be released if Faiaringupin, the striking force is transmitted securely cart. But since I'm having enhanced Puranjasupuringu, this imbalance becomes Rikoirusupuringu relatively weak, incomplete closure of the slide (just a little barrel retracted state) seems to have gotten into. Therefore, when you hit the cart Faiaringupin order to move forward with very little barrel away the power (or current) did not think the idea of striking force is utilized fully. I might be stronger if the Rikoirusupuringu, there is something very much appropriate. Also, if you strongly Rikoirusupuringu, the speed rises and the operation of the slide, it could be a new experience and not intended for any other problems. In this regard, and Katsura's "G17" in a manner providing a new Rikoirusupuringu's barrel was selected in the closing stages if you adjust the length of the slide well, the force applied to the barrel and slide a little extra from ginger, and I think hydraulic advantage. No piano wire, what's wrong but I took the easy way and even annoying to own. The decline in P220 Fidingutoraburu or sold, I think there is reason in the shape of the tip of the cart. Compared to the metal cart, P220 tip the cart because it is very smooth, maybe even something that deception is effective position of the barrel a little worse. This day is done. On the second day ○ (c ~ application. Formidable) Why are you look a little bent intently to Faiaringupin. HW Faiaringupin damaged in the slide is not like that. ABS indeed on the slide, when it attempted to fire several times during the misfire, the pin is I did not think that the very, very much気Ni入Rimasen. What I'm worried that other issues I care about not putting something. If there is enough to deform the pin shot, I think fire is authentic. Pin modifications made in the meantime, P220 re-ignite your cart. More convenient for firing 60 shots. Along the way, the correct Puranjasupuringu after a 5 mm plastic stick Kaseta, 15 from a magazine once, you are continuously firing just fine. Be happy to prepare the recording, you fire again, this time worn. Misfire occurs about five times disappointed. The results were not feeding the penetration occurs only three times Sutobupaipujamu. Kolya and Bye? Oh boy Oh boy, at the end of the second day too. "G17" friends said, "firing anhydride." Well, you're right. Third day, ○ (chewy) Looking to cart P220, from the bottom center Puraimahoru deformation continued to be hit over the years (as narrow), it was, and then modified to reduce the resistance around the chamfered even slightly. Also, when the Faiaringupin hit, so you can move one less gunpowder and a primer cap, inside a cart, neatly polished to focus on where the compound is set deep in powder and caps in particular primer Masu. However, the use of the compound and not just in this secluded place, care must be taken down because it can degrade the performance of the degree of sealing cart. Another cause of the misfire is not clear. Was at 5 mm plunger geta certainty of closing the slide seems to be raised somehow, cause misfire is still frustrating. Why is it that the shot is made as to deform the tip of the Faiaringupin. Transform that is a force that met with fierce obstacles, obstacles are only possible in this case the cart. Chance, but I also thought of hitting different parts of the primer rather than the partial seems to not like that. What is wrong explosive cap maybe? Well, I always use the color of the powder from the metal caps (red) and a bit dull, but the fact was worrisome. Now try to use dry powder caps just enough to buy the other day. On this day in an honest way chewy cleaning cart is finished. On the fourth day ○ (end once) Go home early while being battered by a little checkup. While aside, equipped with new and old nurse population, "Nurse Jobs" to attack the little white flag state. AWAY Golon, applications are rolled and grounder over here, feel like as if frozen tuna. Less (equivalent), but the dizzy, feeling very into firing. In the day before the cart and making it beautiful, and dry powder in the cap well under the desk lamp turned on, the thorough preparation. Oil caught inside on a set from 15 (17 can be loaded from reality.) Since some have never been the hope of the Journal is ready to fire. It was a success. Impressive 15 rounds, fire completely without any problems. No we have introduced in this movie is the scene when firing. It stood in the face somehow, HP does not need to escape the hot breath fold. But then should not be. The misfire occurs about four times per one magazine and then I continued to fire. Still "firing anhydride." After the cart because it was carefully cleaned in quite a successful second day of fire, the establishment of more fire to it - albeit cumbersome and gunpowder cart might go up considerably. Seems to have little need to review the balance of the springs. Faiaringupin exactly primer cart slides closed in full - if hitting, so it should almost certainly be fired, aiming to re-consider such a state. Apology and thanks; Therefore recommended to adjust this time, HP and Katsura's "G17" we have adjusted the plan's reference. Especially "G17" added together with you to explain very carefully diagrams and photos are very grateful. Thank you. From my lack of technology, but could not get the full operation. However, adjustments made my way, "G17" what's done is different. "G17" If you go in the draft's, I think would be the perfect chance to get much work. Among the most effective additions to guess what the spring around the barrel. Shotorikoiru as smooth barrel and it would not do enough rice Kio Migaku parts. We felt like that. Anyway, how would you approach a lot, ABS model and although the slide in ingenuity, HW is that it is possible to achieve working model close to the slide. Just because I worked for two. There was sour grapes (laughs). We'll pray the good fight of everybody _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:31 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:44 pm | |
The slide adjustment ABS 2 15.10.8
The last adjustment to the blaze, but somehow 15 is successful, poor reliability, has been plagued by a misfire especially appropriate. We will then fired several times, surely misfire occurs, firing a full magazine does not work easily.
Initially, as the cause of the misfire by an imbalance of each spring ①, and not being fully utilized Faiaringusupuringu strike capabilities not complete closure of the sliding condition, to the repeated duds ② The shot Faiaringupin (manufactured plastic) in contact with the inside wall with bleach shorter tip is deformed, it has diminished the power stroke, Orimashita consider two points.
[Ditoneta processing;
Also found that other causes, however, Rather was completely overlooked. The original Ditoneta, P220 cart is a little bit so is not long enough. This is a knowledge I had before, was now forgotten. HW during the previous slide, without adjusting to what was obtained by Dito original operating smoothly and this time, the ABS retrofit slide their hands into various results, it is negative (① above example, ②) was the occurrence of the misfire seems to work. One more thing, and know that to see the original Dito, Dito this model, the pointed tip is mighty thin, and the hardness of the material seems to be much higher. Sono Tame, CP is the center of a dent will continue to use the inner and inner. Dito shorter length of relatively very few then, is likely to increase further the possibility of misfires. Even with the current, about 7-8 percent chance of fire since the need to extend the length of which is not too Dito, to 1 mm long in short example is tedious. However, when setting the cart, too cumbersome, so put a spacer between a primer cap and we decided to also replace the Dito. Happened during the adjustment process was something which M712 was used because it was just good for Dito. The length is just slightly longer than one millimeter of the original Dito (which will fail at a later noticed that a little short.) But the problem is in diameter. Dito that M712 is a little thin, but not working fixed. Reluctantly, the wrap around water pipes Pakkintepu for a fixed wedge form. The Dito is pressed too strongly tightened the screws for fixing the potatoes, leave because I stopped off at the appropriate centers. Or better M39 (439) for Dito, I think the less processing effort and similar in size. However, the thickness may be required to modify the M712 for the same. In addition, MP40, if the thickness is OK for long But corrections are required.
- Strengthening Rikoirusupuringu tension;
① On the way I tried to strengthen Rikoirusupuringu tension. Specifically, the packing of two Kuri Hatsu 6 mm diameter 9 mm outer diameter from 1 mm thick rubber sheet, Rikoirusupuringugaido set. If two millimeters, the amount has not changed Sore程slide back and works well as a normal slide stop.
And ② is only to fix the tip. Prevent alteration, Faiaringupin be part bleach Hazusanakere bonded to the slide mechanism so we can become degraded, are still working hard for not only me as possible. However, to prevent deformation, in the event of misfire can stop hitting it again, once the cart is used to ensure that you should ever give up and say. I think that many of you know, when the cap is deformed face powder does not ignite gunpowder once hit a half-hearted, could ignite the second time since the strike is not over. Hit repeat again and again is a waste became quite emotional and cause trouble (will not say great things.)
[Adhesion of lead plate;
In addition to the above, lead to a thin sheet of adhesive on both sides inside the slide. Lead is used to fit the size of a thin overlay of fishing gear found in the home improvement department. Put glue overlay surface, the clamping plates in a vise. The thickness of the edges and those greedy little contact with the barrel side for some reason, please be careful because it may cause malfunction. It is unclear whether it does not measure how much more weight, it becomes stiff and reasonably so. However, HW question or rather a little average. Still feel like a little light. Puranjasupuringu made last time, but such processing may not be necessary, once this condition (set to 3 mm spacer) attempts to ignite. I only hope that come off the lead plate. The lead plates and glue, and we explained last Katsura's "G17" How to adjust to the surroundings by adding the barrel of the spring's Please note that not possible.
The lead plate rather than overlapping as I thin if you can, what's better is one piece. I looked I also found and gave up. Hands may be possible if other people get in big cities. There, please send someone. I will appreciate - The (laughs).
In my case, ABS was a major problem with feeding disorders at least P220 slide as long as you do not use the cart rarely occurs. Moreover, even Sutobupaipujamu occurred (not excuse the mean.) I do not know what can occur Sutobupaipujamu (laughs). I like this I do not know at all. Since quite worn cart, maybe that is damaged due around the rim. Honestly, this model due to the weight of ABS and the cause of the fault slide slide feeding model, Itadakenakere I did not notice it at all. Only one person had been a, I think knowing that it was not even turned a head after 10 years (laughs).
In addition, ABS Slide After getting, the firing was repeated in order to adjust a variety of conditions, I have become Fidinguranpu barrel rattled. As far as the P220 at the moment to use the cart, but avoid the problem seems to be good idea to keep spare barrels purchased just in case.
Of course, I also thought about using the original Parakato, metal cart, and I have become very complicated set of screws to the case of corroded aluminum warhead, Purakato the mounting sleeve , but it is difficult to be removed, both the inner ridiculously low durability of the O-ring, and zero maintenance compared to PFC and CP before and after the fire is not. Without the latitude to use care and time must be compelling feeling. Firing sound, but apart from the other cart both high recoil, take some time like a race engine, that I do not like messy hands余Rimasu.
Metal cart to the end of the bevel is a very narrow range horizontally. This problem, we move smoothly into the corners of the curve in the plane of the truncated warhead, feeding disorders and some even think that is unconfirmed but the idea of decreasing. The direction and machined steeple, please note that I think the idea of feeding more likely to deteriorate. Warhead of an electric drill scissors, I think you might find it a force perpendicular to the other way while rotating the steel wool. However, when the work is to pay attention to avoid injury.
How weaknesses of this model is referred to as durable, and slide the damage experienced by many of you including me. It is also different as the damaged portion respectively. Damage the rear slide, like me, can damage the barrel is lifted Ejekushonpoto around the tip slide it and it seems as if there are three places where corruption is set Rikoirusupuringu. Are relatively easy to prevent in this corruption at the top of the slide by lifting the barrel. Can be prevented from lifting some have打Chi込Me pin reinforced base barrels ('s Katsura HP's past "Q & A" in detail) seems not entirely to this, remove the opposite lock barrel frame side which, sadly seems to be down there (with my broken ignition barrels this time). For the other two broken only hope that does not occur. It is just that there is no hard and drastic measures anyway.
Ditoneta exchange, Rikoirusupuringu tension reinforcement, strengthening Puranjasupuringu tension, adhesion to the lead plates inside the slide, adjust Faiaringupin around it. I made these adjustments on fire. Curt from P220 15. Primer is set to mulberry aluminum. I fired once before recorded in this state, the success ignited a wonderfully full 15 rounds magazine. In rapid fire, too. But look closely at the base barrel was damaged frame rails just chew on the left. After the acrylic adhesive in a hurry Sunday, reinforcing one another stuck a pin. Since one side seemed to be peeling lead plate inside the slide, remove once again, this time to re Naoshimashita instant epoxy glue. It is uncertainty, in addition to no good way for now, challenging kept overnight again on the ignition.
Fire but the next day, the effects of over or slide off the side of the lead plates inside the barrel and fire damage to the base again, with much interest did not go completely adjusted. Also, what is still lacking Dito length will cause a misfire from 2発Ka per magazine. It is likely to be longer. Base and eventually permanently damage the barrel. No such effect on the slide, but that is where It could have been worse. But more than firing up 60 shots, suitably prepared for the movie tie it together with all recorded. Made a few not so nice is the average firing machine gun (laughs). Where the number of tones offset by good (laughs). ]Because as for length 30 seconds, it is above 800KB, note.
As for the model cancer/gun which takes the ignition system by the striker, still the short recoil does just this model. In addition, either the disco nectar (in case of this model “connector”) is not the movement of the usual front and back top and bottom, you say that it moves left and right, very much it is the unique model. Perhaps, those features have influenced, but sweet spot of adjustment in comparison with the other model a little the narrow way you are moved. On the other hand, if it is fixed to the pot, preeminent efficiency is shown, but it does not change to the fact that it is the troublesome model. The box it produced the HW sliding model and it was the honor-student whom balance takes beautifully in state, but as for the ABS sliding model, is in the same way adjustment like the racer necessary as the private para cart like. If that adjustment, Katsura and a method of adding the spring around the barrel where “G17” is done there is, as I go, there is a method of increasing weight and, with the cart which is used naturally adjustment method and allowance of the substance differ. In addition, the base of the latest adjustment was semi automatic G17, but with full automatic G18 these adjustment methods are applicable gently or, you cannot assert.
With full suitable revolution is fast, because probably will be, retreat of the barrel overtakes the retreat of sliding or, it is insecure. First if it seems that you try the method of adding the spring around the barrel, sow already does not go with that and, whether the person who devised of the method of installing the spindle may that (how it becomes, spring addition present condition return is possible, but installing the spindle that is difficult). If above, we not applying annoyance on the numbers and everyone one of conceiving it does not have it is fortunate (laughing). Well, in addition not to order the part, the [tsu] [chi] [ya]…. Sliding and the barrel administer similar improvement, [deito] that thinks whether it will readjust in the schedule which remodels from one for MP40. So, how becoming…. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:33 pm; edited 4 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:22 pm | |
| _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:39 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:50 pm | |
| Tanaka Glock 18 The hand gun can fire a full semi-switched. Moderugurokku masterpiece of its base 17. Apparently the difference between the left and slide mounted selector barrel length. Basically, the silhouette does not change any kind. You know that many people were sold the first G17 was HW slide smoothly and despite the (price?) A series of slide damage, the slide is a workaround ABS (against the frame and HW or) we become. Slides from this model are then sold to the ABS. "G17's volume," but as mentioned, HW slide, I was having a great performance, then the ABS slide work became a model miserable difficult. The reason is the collapse of the barrel Tirutotaimingu slide to a decrease in weight, it means that Fidingutoraburu frequent. In other words, rapid-fire itself is difficult. There is also a percussion mechanism is that the striker system, adjusted to Rikoirusupuringu badly for Barerutiruto Shotorikoirusupuringu would misfire is occurring and for the balance of firing spring (experienced). G17 semi-automatic just to bring this situation to even, G18 is fully automatic. Hand-Held Fully automatic high speed would be worth probably fall into the slump despite a slight deviation is of course a series of work. In pristine conditions, but those who come do not know full well the fire, honestly hope持Tenai model.
I still do not have full auto eyes. Everywhere, "I wanted. I wanted," I would like to continue, and early next year, by some freak coincidence舞I込N have the G18 Glad Yara, Yara surprising that other models to adjust immediately to Utchatsu取Ri掛Karimashita. Recently seen on the net "T3" in the movie prior Glock magazine wearing long (model number unknown), there was a scene shot in full auto. Thinking "Oh well'm Oira Yattaru!" And suggestion. The goal is high, honestly means to begin the work ^ ^ [Model] to obtain Hand into the G18. Was once entrusted. From your opponent who is "nice to not have to return the love. I do not mind breaking. Perfunctory let it all goes well but the full experience " and with your words. The model itself is already in a fire is made of mulberry Rikoirusupuringu Ditoneta and that there is a CP for the cart to change. The length of Mulberry Dito made 43 mm and the way a little bit. Previously I worked for my homemade G17 CP Dito for the length of the cart "little bit" to exactly the same size. I wish happy. I gained more confidence Looking after the well has been damaged some parts of the strikers, for here we have taken part is sent along a set of ported from G17. Once back to the original Rikoirusupuringu also. Incidentally, also damaged his borrowed tractor for export G17 The barrel is not something for the G18, G17 for what was attached. [Adjustment] Enhanced Shotorikoiru G17 spring in full operation aimed at somehow. Things around here "G17ABS volume of" I know you can see the. But far from confident "perfect" and say there is no level. I could also be adopted for the lead plate is bonded to the sliding weights inside afterwards, but it completely, and finally by repeated contact with the side impact and barrel, peel off the chasm that lead plate suffered setbacks in (+_+). Again, "Katsura's" and "G17's," adding that the spring around the barrel, and the best decision to ensure fast movement out of the barrel. However, it also takes care to make your own bent piano wire spring, no anything technical. Be substituted for any spring, when I went to home improvement stores and models have always looked around, found a lot. Since then, "I do not do something," just working great but with・・・, there! Found in junk box people! MGC Ingram originally made for the magazine spring. Previously, there was left a cut just in case, the barrel of a Glock被Sarimasu it beautifully. Suitably cut to fit the length of the barrel first, first found in G17. 1 P220 only charged from the powder cart cap, loading, firing. Ejection cart will be open will not hold. From one another as well. Again, because it seems that spring is too strong, add, cut about two volumes, try again. Now hold open succeeds beautifully. Also follows. G18 immediately confirmed. This is also a success.
This spring, the slide closure that takes a little short, but not tension-free almost anywhere in the state, including the compressed and slide back and prompts you to tilt the barrel by pressing Bareruchanba. With the slide fully retracted, the tension is significant. Maintains the retracted position to ensure the barrel. If someone would turn out as expected this work, should work even in full. And if you back position to ensure that the barrel, P220 should be available in 9mm no problem other than cart-based real cart. Expectation arises suddenly and becomes this. Prepare in moderation immediately adjusted from 10 to cart P220. The semi-fire first. This is perfect! However, the deformation of the slide stop, hold open the slide failed to lick away. This is one of the drawbacks of this model. Slide stop operation of the plane is being pressed to cross the frame, work surface and spread away to continue to use, you will teetering from side to side. Therefore, when the floor is pushed up in the magazine, ran away to the outside will not come into contact with only a handful of slides. At first, I somehow still held open, plastic and metal, it becomes more持Tanaku in the slide. The last line is completely out lick away the slide notch. This would be replaced with a new slide or give up and re-cut a notch (a position slightly lower than the original) is the only way. Avoid such a situation, the looseness of the slide stop should I've been careful. The workaround is easy, just like a pair of pliers and fixed in the right frame width of the part the press. I then fired several times in the semi, but occasionally misfire occurs, feeding disorder is none. The model gun misfire, and the fate of the model割Ri切Rimasu striker too. One more thing. During full operation, the selectors would otherwise slide just before closing, you cut off the connection with the striker bar is depressed the trigger end portion of the shear. The striker forward, I repeat the process of inflammation. But know that this model may be just shallow and very few of the contact and shear selector shear Kirazu down at times when there was a full break. We bend over just a little part of Russia, ensuring coordination in contact with the selectors. Perhaps, may be deformed out can continue. Please. On subjected to these adjustments, the full challenge. [Fire] There are three movies. Only 4 seconds long . 10 automatic fire, automatic fire blazing it and 12 3. It was supposed to blaze a blazing 10 and 15 Actually, I have become the eyes and explode to 13. We have put three between the blaze. Well, better if you still blazing 12. The resignation opens the hold from the beginning to the last bullet I've set the explosives cart No compression. Rotation is a very, very fast as you imagine. Dolphin (HW) or more, M93R what average. ABS slides, so the reaction is as strong as it sounds, but you feel the vibration in your hand exploded as we are excited (^ o ^)丿. Firing sound is good! The original model for firing loud, but it remains the same in cart P220. However, it is more exciting models, the ignition is fine spirit Need. This may be because many have been coordinated with, and I thought I'd need a yell fire more than once a day. In this case also, I stopped feeling strangely tired and I thought one more moment. If I show you a blazing Yoroshikatta 17 full magazines really were entrusted. Continuous firing it gives the full equivalent stress model. Has been frequently reported in this model is broken barrel base. I myself, HW will be broken, so once for each slide and barrel, inevitably forced to care. First of all, to return to the original owner who, with the highest priority of moving you to experience the full auto. And he, at this stage ignition Itadakimashita pulled up. Another point to it. Actually, from another like-minded people, G18 is established we'll talk transfer it at a low price. Therefore, a full-scale model is going to fire me. To be temporarily damaged, yet wake up more of my models would be good ^ ^ The shout apology in this regard. Recently, on the bulletin board "of buying a model from the shop," but to every Ajitsu with this apology also ran a dry tongue root private sale. USP Oh, really well. Even though I find the model shop have stock, embarrassing story. I'm sorry m Added original version Glock 18 barrel 2003.1.19 Immediately after the last report, for myself and got a G18. The long barrel that comes with the original type. However, the frame for the G17 (ABS made) is a pattern. Perhaps the first people who have bought (I think third) will be sorted. If you care about may be a collector, I aimed fire only. If it works, but that does not care Content adjustment as before, add spring around the barrel. Also, it is a solid issue, since the return of the trigger in semi-bad, a small adjustment in this area. Seemed to be a little bent because the bar was triggered. The striking force was so much interest as a weak striker Otomachikkuseifuti function effectively killed just in case. I still occasionally misfire occurs, this is no specification as to give up now. Ditoneta the washer to the spacer thickness of less than 1 millimeter, to accept the original. Will be just 43 millimeters in length and little will. Minutes using the cart P220, except for the occasional dud so far, no problems have occurred. Add the spring around the barrel is not all original springs. Use the silver caps cart P220. We used a new one. Three movies. Even though still a blink The first six of fire (?), 8 followed by automatic fire is blazing the last 15. That, no doubt you really 15 because of fire, and I'm really a blink The first two are forced to because the two were from a misfire occurs in the middle. Third, does not hold open end, this is the final bullet into an empty cart on purpose, so it does not work because the slide stop. For around a barrel added to the Springfield, wears too much tension when the slide back, hurt rather part of the operation side notch to operate the slide stop and slide. I think that with the open operation and perfect hold, so no harm is also important to say what model, this point was a compromise As you can see the working conditions. The drawback is the occasional misfire, except that top form! 15 When the blaze was especially excited! I mentioned to be honest, a little freaked violently in the hands of violent model After the fire, parts decomposition, we will carefully check the base of the barrel, particularly at ease, especially without any sign of damage. Furuotomoderu of the Hand-Held Dolphin, M712, M93R (improved), and this is owned by four models and G18. Each has a personality can enjoy, as if looking for a model that can be easily ignited or dolphin would M93R. If the M712 apart from the metal model, the plastic is pretty hard nut to crack. The G18 is still this may be painful, adding reborn in the spring. M712, except it may be difficult to get it, popped in the excitement of dancing Furuotohandogan hand, I would like to taste all means. Finally, additional proposals were considered to spring around the barrel, "says Katsura" and "G17" friends. Thank you. I like this method is the best way. It worked thanks. Also added at low cost ○ ○ willing to transfer it to us a valuable model. Thank you. Here, you'll put your name because you feel violates that will be humbled, thanks kindly. Thank you for the thanks. Thank you again for this occasion. 2003.2.1 Supplemental Categories On the boards, "says Rio," from, by extending the Barerufidoranpu, I had better tell that even when the original feeding. I've ask you to provide more information we will introduce it immediately received a picture. The material is said to Puraripea. "Rio's" Thank you. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:44 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:04 pm | |
| _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:29 pm | |
| Tanaka H & K USP
Abstract Three plastic handgun Tanaka sent into the world (four if you count the Glock 18) in the final model. The realism, while highly praised work of the problem was pointed out, both durable P226. Glock 17, then tears into the performance and durability while firing superdreadnought pride. Based on previous experience, they are Moderuganrashi (realism, balance of agonistic and durability) was implemented widely, at a high level is a large handgun and the prestigious masterpiece model. ABS body, made of changing the color of the frame but slides and produce good atmosphere, a real gun. There is so thick, durable slides pretty well. Safety features characteristic of tears, are quite nicely reproduced. The metal is also different parts of the barrel, Chanbakaba scars are represented in the equipment will be cutting it real Chibiri ^ ^. Lighter than I expected movement of the slide.・・・Strong movement of the hammer, Huh? What, Pechitsu, Pechitsu? ・・・Only movement of the hammer so much against the over feel like pale in a little ^ ^. I mean playing a little, a little disappointing that there is a wobble. But, convinced will do the best that is loose and the clearance bet. Tanaka used a unique cart Miriparakato 9. 5 mm, using a Haipawakato cap. However, other companies may also be used if you adjust your Miririarukato Dito 9. Notoriety in the literature, I know I've never heard of this model. You are to speak of "excellent", "top form!" "Masterpiece!" Biggest and only compliment. Before, where there is no anguish to Orimashita edge I was eager to finally get in, get your like-minded thanks to your help. (^.^) Dance dancing after a while [Dito] coordination Actually, I do not like the original Parakato.'s Power is strong, I'd like Masu Sugi strong. Also, the CP is common specifications cart system cap, O-5 mm less durable, will ring out immediately. Besides, complicated set. Put powder into it to plug it into metal, a good effort and put together a cart or rather, good maintenance after the fire, the other CP and PFC slower times more than. So, consider the diversion of Miririarukato Orimashita nine other companies from entering the front. The time required to adjust its length, Dito. Well, I was sure I kind of try to work・・・also kind. Indeed, previous probes "LX added" The MGC 9mm real CP of coordination had to be remembered-cart, "absorbing," Lucky and immediately Contact. "Hey, hey, the real USP for Dito, tell the size of the CP. Because anything" "Yoshi Yoshi, they'll love him.進Zeyou I know. Come on, this Slippage more soon. Come on, Come on. Fuotsu, Fuotsu, Fuotsu" "A level - what you like, like, a magistrate - us.・・・Us an intellectual. Ahitsu" While a credit card or how ares, access to information Network of this kind of mania when convenient. Will come in handy. According to the report, you, the overall length is 37 mm from the tip of the thickness of 12.3 mm to 4 mm in diameter, the rest end up on the 24.3 mm thickness 5.5 mm in diameter. In the end, and that to keep feeding the cone cart to assist. Size, even after it decided that the other is completed. It is also so, what parts are generally hard to determine the size, unless things greatly, if only it turns out, cut, pasted cut or completed in盛Tta. Dito based in Marushin M712 determined for the first. 0 5 mm and 5 mm thick, somewhat short・5 mm inner diameter, 5.5 mm brass pipe (they sell the store model) in it can be cleared to throw. The total length is too long, cut from the tip. Of course, not every last minute, try a little room to adjust the final stages of finishing. Then, cut the pipe and brass. As also referring to its cut out the time, length adjustment in the finish. In just because it hard a little, then resizing only as rough with sand and the surface of the Dito, adhesives for metals Push on the coated pipe. After that, enters into the cut where the fixing screws Dito. Tamotsu Amane is put over the cut, because that would have been divided around the pipe, leave it only partially. When the barrel is set to set, you careful enough by around them. I thought I 、 PFC use by the end of the cart, but I've put a round Dito, CP will use only those that will not get nervous. Dito completed in less than an hour. Costs 500 yen or so. Really easy! [Trouble] Feeding was completed at check Dito. First, PFC cart full second manual check. Then CP. No problem either. Also, make sure to set the air cap, the cap at the loading position on the chamber, but when the percussion cap and locate the problems, that too. With joy, thinking, "Kekeke" and laughter. Wrists twice, three times and頬擦Ri (Please note that in public because it is confusing.) However, "Oh Ok, Well fire!" Was fired and courage. Huh? Something funny (・・? Harrow - I! Are broken trigger Kiri points around the base just right. While wondering why, and try to disassemble, Ugetsu! Rikoirusupuringugaido are broken Shock! I do not know what we got this, the impact of the fire damage to the guide for any reason there is trouble, it might be influenced by the trigger. At this rate of going nowhere anyway, I gave up fire. Order the parts through the shop, and rest for a while. [Fire] Over one month after ordering the parts.Kogitsukemashita to finally fire somehow. Using the real cart mm 9 CP. Then travel back early, just beat the record because it is a magazine in a short time is not family. Five from each of the three cuts. Eject the last round of failure. Models that ignore the final cut, please . There is no movement of the slide so fast. Is apparently thrown from the Glock. Parakato not original, but maybe a little faster. CP in power, the body still has the impression that you can afford. Parakato do not like the set is cumbersome, but could you get better. By the way, seems to use the Glock SIG226 is exactly the same cart, USP as the anvil (primer) in different sizes so, it is not compatible. If you have a cart parts from Tanaka and even now, I think you try to order now. However, it is a good model! - Nonsense, repetition; Both the total production volume of 300 Street, which is said to be rare model丁To 500. How bad were washed away when the waves came into the world of the boom, when the air gun sales, leaving Sashitaru (sold) imperceptibly discontinued. It is said to become a model system an opportunity to withdraw from the Otomachikkuhandogan Tanaka. If the model of the world, the world, so I must have hit・・・. The street became known for its high performance but is sometimes too late. Ironically, it is now quite expensive and are trading at such auction. Too late. If you sell more, this is a model of a Hand-Held Tanaka after this wonderful model, manufacturers are not up anywhere, it might be my Shiremase attractive model to develop I. A model like this will be our responsibility. One of the manufacturers with technology and product development is magnificent and I missed the Muzamuza. But if I may say so, and you might have been better taken into account in the choice of model is another. Indeed P226, Glock, USP, is a model of the first of its kind, just as a fan is a great blessing. However, little action was strong. Because it is the preferred gun of modern style features, yada, secondary and purposes, and we should put the results to select a model that could become something different a little sex appeal. For example if you were a S & W Model 、 Auto. If S & W Auto Parts, a model of base-line, through the second air gun, then there would have been familiar to fans as such. 、 Fact that S & W Auto who want the ultimate good is heard. Also, plenty of variation in the real gun. Even if the base model underlying the design exactly as governor, in deployment, not a lesser variation is relatively easy after (require less capital investment), should be. More than a layman's view, trademarks, etc. I think that manufacturers had variously circumstances. Just as the USP, Glock, was impressed by the performance of S & W Mateba Kono Tsutomu Haikyapagaba, auto, and MP5 (series expansion is possible, too) and I only hope that the development Itadaketara. Add 2003.3.1 CP made by the previous fire. This is the firing of PFC. Say that the current real 9mm PFC power many times inferior to the CP. SP USP recoil was confident enough to work fine if you will. The test firing, Fidingutoraburu is none. Hold an open fire even after the successful final bullet was also eject the cart. The feeling is better than CP. Looking from behind, fire from the muzzle was also raised. Absorbing fun CP but this does not Naka Naka, PFC remains in the phenomenon. In the case of CP, but is disturbed greatly by the jet of gas that comes out when the inner face of gas from the gas cart, PFC when the gas is ejected from the center of the cap, can disrupt the jet reached without much muzzle What is to blame for that. Prop feeling a little (^ ^) v. Suitably connected in the movie. Perhaps feeling a little wet gunpowder had been raining. Is a bit disappointing because there was a misfire from about 2, the overall tone is good. CP flame from the muzzle fire than flashy but the sound is small. I like it (laughs). However, HW more pleasant it would slide. It is a shame. 2003.5.2 note issues, entitled "Report of the middle pillar of fire" Got broken ! While they make a noise every tough but durable, got corrupted so (sob). I think that the situation must understand if you look at the image base is damaged barrel, what a lift is divided chamber slides for that. Frequent symptoms are similar to those in the Glock. The realists are displaced because Chanbakaba adhered to, and this is not due to. Using the original Parakato cart. I think I fear is still Parakato be too strong. CP and PFC in these symptoms but have a feeling that come out. Fortunately in my case, have purchased a spare barrel already. Since no force is applied where the normal state, it is also terribly slide acrylic casting in the gap Sunday, so much harm that can be used to paint Naose not without problems. Well, just surprised. If you display school anyway, how to adjust the ignition pro Dito CP PFC may be good or be entertained by fire. Since the sign of a high incidence of corruption Fidingutoraburu, then you'd better check. The barrel but no, the slide will be able to prevent corruption. Human sacrifice was a report from a middle-aged fire. Additional 2003.5.24 Movie "Tomb Raider" Angelina Jolie has starred in use by USP. Competition style front stabilizer (?) Appears with really good they are set (By the way, your good also suitable Angelina toots!). "Hey I want OIRA also" had thought (By the way, Angelina toots you want more ), This stabilizer, so I have not quite dressed Complex custom. But "K's" When I saw the site, there is something you have not set an air gun stabilizer very similar. "Oh, Arujan! Bye, buy it goin Come on port" So I bought that. USP Tanaka, and try to set the size of the batch. However, the drawback of becoming lazy and put this decomposition. After the extension of the barrel. At first, I tried to corrupt USP extended cut of the barrel, insert abandoned to be out. I do, the air gun barrel was in the junk box (unidentified) found. So this guy inner barrel (aluminum) into an incision vertically, USP work to clear inserts. Periphery and a little narrower, USP into a clean barrel押Shi込Ndara. However, about 1 cm is too long, for the moment was fair game. Came second, so pretty, not fixed in any way I probably would not worry, as it is fired. Long barrel, and firing sounds for narrowing the inner diameter is smaller than it had no problems. Barrels remain firmly extended. Absorbing fun (^ ^). Was opened and held, has become like in easily. If completeness, and also it is necessary to paint for fun anyway and truncation of the barrel. If you have to do with the time, recording a movie once. I've used a gold cap mm 9 CP. 5 rapid-fire cutting. The final bullet to eject failed, it does not care 9 CP millimeters so that it is the habit of giving up when using this model. The slides are the last to accept the things damaged. Since the operation a few cracks and no effect can be fired safely. Hey, if you say that Angelina is beside her, but this is not the only next to the Gnat Puni. Well, I've got left・・・life. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:58 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:37 pm | |
| TANAKA H&K USP VIDEO #1 TANAKA H&K USO VIDEO #3 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:43 pm | |
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:08 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:38 pm | |
| Tanaka SIGP226
Tanaka, Hand-Held the first model gun. The initial problem with the ABS model material Attarashiku was tricky stuff that comes just to keep cracking.Which has taken over the models at no charge from my like-minded person, at that point slide, barrel and frame were cracked solid. Thereafter, the material is apparently improved, those who purchased the very first Deattarou. The cart will use high-powered ones Parakato original cap of 5 mm Tanaka. The first was a hybrid of resin and metal, all metal cart has appeared subsequently. This cart, extreme power and powerful enough, but setting is cumbersome in my opinion has also questioned the durability of not so like-cart. Then the model itself, HW out now Reirudofuremumoderu ABS has also appeared. Airsoft version of the company's P226 is compatible with decent parts, a model of the air gun is very easy. However, even among Reirudofuremumoderu Nomarufuremumoderu and there are subtle differences in a model, parts (Reirudofuremueagan when transplanted into the early part of Nomarufuremumoderu needed a little adjustment.) . Dekokkingureba notably. Note that can not be diverted. Burichiburokku also different with it. Nomarufuremumoderu stages is "a model" designed to be a priority at the stage of Reirudofuremu the "air gun" as the impression of giving priority to a model. Tanaka common weakness of models, including this model, the weak base of the barrel. There is the base of the barrel overhang the left and right, but has become the frame will fit side Rokkinguinsato it comes to this overhang is worn where the fire continues. And finally jumped upward to endure the shock of the firing barrel, problems often occur thrust up from the bottom of the slide break. Damage the barrel of the MGC can also occur in the Marushin, Tanaka trouble is if they slide together until gone. This model is also temporary, but was released the barrel set screw for the reinforcement of the model and the screw's are gone now. Perhaps it had no effect. However, little seems to be reviewing the material, what do you think? Also, Tanaka have in common, but also compared to other manufacturer's product, I think it is a little weak and the striker hammer striking force. This is something that would be derived from a sensitive nature and assumes substantial Parakato, Saka Isa still insecure. If you want to divert the CP and PFC is strengthened a little better and to make the washers bite. One more point. Russia's engagement with the hammer is common to say. Quite shallow. And knock down a little, but Cocking manually, in some cases blowback of the fire is no longer cook. At first I mistook for a loose and slide projections provided in the disconnect trigger bar, but the mighty struggle. Now cut to the hammer, and with a deep engagement with Indonesia, such symptoms do not occur. The following describes my personal ownership of individual models. Nomarufuremumoderu Has taken over as mentioned in the initial charge on the ABS model. Slide, frame and retrofit HW, out several times to adjust the fire, fall into a trap of corruption ⇒ barrel slide damage. Ally "GUN_PB" teach you more measures to divert his air gun parts, can now be replaced falls into bad disconnect immediately (which was caused by Russia's engagement with the hammer, as noted above.) Cast here. Along the way, the Kansai rowdy also indebted to "B4" from friends, a fire damaged the barrel in the middle of the property model was borrowed. Shall be returned to you kowtowing (I thought it sunk in the harbor Maiduru). Later, his model has revived the slide instant adhesive force, now that I got into a hardship Ekisuto corruption has become a sunken remains. This model has been set Ekisuto with bleach, as well as models Centerfire other bleach because that is non-degrading, it comes O釈迦all one slide Corruption Ekisuto (in fact, There is no indication in the table Ekisuto parts.) However, "B4" it's story, in response to us individually if you do not call Tanaka It is said that you. I was uncertain because it is not any tone telephone in his mouth, but unbelievable booming. Nor, for Bleach. Nomarufuremumoderu is fixed by adhesive on the slide on it, which is fixed from the side pins are inserted. This pin will not penetrate, it is difficult to take because it has become blind pin. Fortunately, I have pin holes Ugatsu, plunged into the size of a pin wearing tight end superglue, you will be rewarded may take tension. But hopefully it could assign the note to slide the body impossible. Force is a taboo. However, unlike the case of the shape of the fixing pin Reirudofuremumoderu, you can not use this method to our attention. At present, waiting for the arrival of a new slide, the state has become topless. Airgun Base ○: Silver HW Reirudofuremumoderu Silver stainless steel models are available in HW as an air gun. Purchased at half price, which was of a model. First I tell you, I have transplanted Nomarufuremumoderu early part of the above, I think we should go smoothly Reirudofuremumoderugan parts of the current port. The problem was, around the main part of the trigger Rokkinguinsato. In the current ones and those Nomarufuremumoderugan Reirudofuremumoderugan early "so sit" are completely different. First, because of the diversion of Nomarufuremumoderugan Rokkinguinsato force, to float away from the frame itself, but only during the fire Rokkinguinsato, had put a crack in the slide above the barrel slides in contact with a result . However, this is something of a model aimed at the Reirudofuremumoderu, when reduced in a model based on the other hand Nomarufuremueagan, will be diverted Nomarufuremumoderugan parts. Report it became human sacrifice of our ancestors, that `s an opportunity to use your trivia. Apart from the above that, a model was borrowed from the barrel, Rokkinguinsato, set around Russia, hammer spring, magazine, and slide it in Burichiburokku. However, Reirudoeagan slide, put it even as it enters Nomarufuremumoderugan bleaching, cutting tip, we need to be adjusted. In bleaching Reirudofuremumoderugan were, or rather to slide directly into Reirudoeagan, not a chance. Ekisuto Reirudomoderugan live in, but we need space for Ekisutosettingu slide, slide Reirudoeagan has Ekisuto are represented in the mold, as is can not be set. Ekisuto security of ingusupesu have provided. In the case of bleaching Nomarufuremumoderugan is working away to ensure a range of operational settings so Ekisuto inner side of the slide was originally required, working from the outside is not required to view portions. Also, must have a hole in the frame for fixing開Kene hammer stop, no doubt there may be open in the drill holes because they are represented properly in the mold. Airgun magazine catch is a little cheesy, but readily available. The trigger. Torigabasupuringu of airguns is severely weakened, with the air gun trigger to make up for it has been set for the return spring. In a model is of course not. Body for the silver model, but wanted to divert the air gun trigger is also silver plated trigger return spring and now it is evil Magic becomes, fell into a situation that can not be set Rokkinguinsato of a model. This spring escape to giving the process Rokkinguinsato (drill holes in the bottom insert) escaped. Also, the magazine of a model intended to divert air guns can stop the slide, the contact surface is bonded to a plastic board on the floor holding an open magazine does not need to be on or about 4 mm. Largely as a model in which to fire. ABS Reirudofuremu of a model so far seems to only have the black model, too, HW is outstanding and rare silver model and it is also, I do not like that. The fire in terms of additional remarks. Real Maruberifirudo 9 mm CP & Dito spring Netasetto purchase, the length of Dito is certainly tried and well thought out, which is satisfactory. In addition, Rikoirusupuringu is supposed to set long and short the two together, and those that are available Shotorikoirupinsupuringu a little longer. To be honest, I do not know the effect this spring. I say a diss or talk about the future embezzle. But the real tip shape with a 9 mm was pointed nervously feeding. If possible I wanted to P220 setting the length of the cart Dito. Yes, feeding. Cart feeding difficulty in the fine model. More specifically, the barrel tip to the base突Kkakari cart, which lead to a stop. It occurs frequently it Miririarukato spiky 9. The cause, in addition to shape the tip of the cart, do you slow tilt of the barrel, that is considered weak in the tilt position holding. I have to set the spring to promote the tilt around the barrel (please imagine a Walther PPK.) When the MGC Glock was using Ingram's magazine bobtail spring, the spring may be set up around Okeru barrel will definitely tilt to ensure the slide to lower levels anyway. So strong that it leads to failure of the note back. Now, getting back into operation smoothly Parakato original specifications. Sign of damage to the slide is not going well. Morai your appearance you long time where you have Parakato who are no longer needed, please count on me if you abandon alone ^ ^. About Parakato ○ Because the word about good opportunity Parakato. Time appeared the first set the gunpowder cap 5 mm in the metal pipe called a liner, wearing a primer called anvil pin and firing, called the top before and after, the sandwich parts black resin that, metal it was complete and cover sleeve. Moments later, together with the internal structure, put together the case of the brass liner instead of the exterior plastic parts, metal cart featuring all-metal screw in the aluminum portion of the warhead. With the release USP, anvil (primer) has changed the length of the cart was set only USP. Later, P226 also, USP is now used as cart Cart (for Glock is unknown). As a result, Ditoneta (Furontofaiaringupin trade name) because of its shorter length, and the current model of the early models are not compatible cart. Dito either replace the body side, of course, replace the anvil of the problem if the cart, but it is definitely annoying for users. Below, it is not backed Beware of my impression. This cart features, power is strong. Also, quite sensitive and certainly firing shots at a relatively weak force. Its high power and while the neck, especially in the metal cart with caution. First, an aluminum warhead section. Degraded due to come into use, and came out firing pin with sufficient vigor in the shock of firing (top brand name) to violently hit the wall from inside the warhead section, and may cut a thousand warheads and the impact is part of the screw . Experience three times. Subsequently, primers (anvil brand name.) Each time a fire, to be violently pushed to the bottom cart, or step away during the extended portion of time, one can not be used. In the case of plastic case is kind of early if problems such as metal cart was originally intended to be semi-disposable, but durable plastic case is lower. What worries me besides durability, difficulties setting. Almost certainly rubber pin each time a fire ignited in particular O-ring is dropped, this set is really annoying. 。 Also, if you use the plastic case, but finally overlaying a metal sleeve or case having a hard time because of tight overlay size, struggle to pull the case after firing. Still, when the force of firing is peerless, personally surprised when the fire in this cart still remember the first time in Glock 17. Reaction was sharp and high pitched sounds, such as fire ignited the bullets though. When ignited this cart would still feel kind of scary. A model ○: ABS Reirudofuremu 19 years, was purchased new in the end. Nomarufuremumoderu frame and, of course, vary with the shape of the slide, and around the site Teikudaunreba, Gurippupaneru also different. In addition to appearance, there is something different inside. Teikudaunreba other structures, the shape of different sizes Burichiburokku異Narushi Ekisuto. It can also be different Burichiburokku fixed. In the bond Nomarufuremumoderu + is a fixed pin on either side, if the bond Reirudofuremumoderu + fixing screws (through the site to the rear), and perhaps. Slide the left and right fixing pin structure of the model Reirudofuremumoderu airguns (stickpin thing) to the mystery, and appears to be fixed does not bleach is involved. If you are degraded by bleaching Reirudofuremumoderu, welcome, I structure. ○ fire [b]ABS black frame with silver HW Reirudofuremu slide model Using the real cart mm 9 CP, powder metal caps are used to. Auxiliary springs around the barrel for the promotion tilting set. How strong and quick return of the slide a bit this spring, I felt a feeling that forward ejection of the cart. Reirudofuremu Eaganbesushiruba HW model Using the original Parakato cart. Are used together with metal and resin. In the movie a little unsure whether CP is the difference between the reflected when the actual fire apparently felt the difference. Get the first model (from Itadai) are standing for the equivalent period. That is a long time ago should have been introduced in the course of nature, fragile, and the other does not adjust well, took a long time so far. The money is honestly well worth taking. Or periods in this area. On says that many, so I think there is a long standing misconception misconception that anyway, so, hopefully understood as a grain of salt reading. Thanks you. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:20 pm; edited 3 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:41 pm | |
| KSC BERETTA M93R KSC製・ベレッタM93R KSC・ベレッタ93R (概要) 3発バースト機能付大型モデル。ベースはMGCのM9系列。 1stバージョンと2stバージョンがあり、私の所有するのは1st。バージョンによって、材質(1stABS、2stHW)、ファイアリングピンの太さ、打撃方法(慣性式か否か。今は同一?)、バレル先端部のガスポート形状などに違いがあります。 1stの材質は通常のABSですがつや消し塗装がしてあるようで、ちょっと見にはHWのように見えます。 また、ブリーチ部の一部にはHW材が使用されており、全体がABS材の割にはスライド部の重量も十分に重く、これが好調作動に一役買っているような気がします。 装着してあるストックは、MGCが最初に販売した同型のガスガンのオプションパーツとのことですがぴったりでした(由来を考えれば当り前か)。以前友人の家に転がっていたものを半ば強引に譲り受けたものですがもう返しません(笑)。私のものです! 仕様カートはCPタイプの9ミリルガーリアルカート。まんまMGCのものと一緒です。 P220用カートも使用できると思ったのですが、弾頭部が若干太いためかチャンバー内に入れると取れなくなるので使用をあきらめました。 マルシンの9ミリPFCも使用可能と思いますが、あえて使用する必要性はないと思います。 これほど調子の良いモデルはちょっとありません。今までジャムも不発もありません。あったトラブルは1度装填時に初弾が暴発したのみで、ほぼ完璧です。私の所有する中では、タナカのグロック17、マルシンのドルフィンとともに最も信頼できるモデルです。 なお、バレル内部前方にセットされているインサートが外れやすいとの話を聞きました。でも、外れても、後部には別に丈夫なインサートがあるそうなので発火には影響ないそうです。私のモデルは今のところ大丈夫のようです。 発火音、リコイルショックとも大きく強く、やすやすと3発バースト発火します。 フレーム右側側面にバースト機能が集約されているようですが、下手にいじると調子が悪くなりそうなので、今まで完全分解したことがありません。発火後の通常メンテナンスだけです。内部パーツ、マガジン等も比較的錆びに強いようで助かります。なんとお利巧なモデルのことか! 製造、販売いただいておりますKSC社さんには、ただ、ただ、感謝するのみです ということでこのモデルには何も言うことがありません。 現在も販売中と思います。少々高額ですが、某社のガバシリーズに比べればまだ安い方、卓越したその性能からいえばほぼバーゲン価格といっても過言ではないでしょう。 (発火)20発フル装填しての全弾バースト発火です。使用カートは9ミリルガーCP。思い切って新品カートをおろして使用しました。 夕暮れ時に撮影したためか、少し光量が足りず画像が不鮮明で申し訳ありません。 少し気取って、ストックを伸ばすところから撮影してあります。冷静になると40過ぎの男がなにやってんのだろうと思い、結構恥ずかしいものがあります。 ただ、ストックのロックされる音がいい感じです(自己満足)。 もっと落ち着いて発火するつもりだったのですが、最初の3発をバースト発火したとたん、そのあまりの刺激と快感に年甲斐もなく(?)一気に興奮し、頭の中が真っ白になって、ほぼラピッドファイア状態で引き金を引き続けてしまいました。ひじの動きをご覧になればどれだけ力が入っているかご想像付くことと思います。実弾の場合、これでは絶対に命中しないでしょう(反省)。 そのせいか、中盤から後半にかけてはほぼフルオート状態になっています。 銃身が長いため、同じカート同じキャップ火薬(金色)を使用してもドルフィンのように銃口から炎は見えませんが、音、ガスの抜けとも負けていません。 前方以外にもよくご覧になればガスポートから横へガスが抜けているのがお分かりになると思います。 今度はもう少し落ち着いて(自信はないが・・・)発火してみようと思います。 2002.10.26追加 相変わらず元気一杯のモデルです。 ところが、ご覧になればお分かりになるでしょうが、元気が良すぎて3発バーストどころか5発も6発も連続してバースト発火しているようです。 ちょっと古いですが、同モデルが初めてスクリーンに登場した映画、ジャン・ポール・ベルモンド主演の「パリ警視J」でのM93Rのようです。 目論見では、20発(9ミリルガー+銀キャップ)装填し、最初5発をセミ、残り15発を3発バースト発火で5連射(?)する予定だったのですが・・・。 セミは予定通りでしたが、バーストは引き金を3回引いたら終わりになっちゃいました(笑)。 スライドストップも今回は失敗しています。 原因は・・・分かりません。 手動で操作する分にはバースト機能は完璧に作動しますので、考えられるのは、チェンバーへのフィーディング時の暴発か、ブローバックの衝撃によるバーストシステムの誤作動かな・・・。 でもあまり気にしていません。 セミでの作動はほぼ確実ですし、バースト機能はおまけみたいなものです。 とにかくバースト発火が何連射であったかはさておき、これ、ものすごく気持ちよかったです(笑)。 おかげで動画も迫力のあるものになりました。 バレル先端のマズルブレーキ用のスリットからも、斜め上方にガスが噴出しているのが分かります。 その後、一度本体右側のグリップを外し、バースト機構を見てみましたが、困ったのはグリップを外した状態で作動させることが出来ないこと。 グリップの押さえがないとスプリングが外れたり、パーツが浮き上がったりしてうまく作動しません。 具体的な作動を確認するには透明なグリップがないと駄目みたい。 本体に付属していた取説(大変立派なもので感心しました)には、バースト発火が不調な際の対応策もちゃんと記載されているのですが、そもそものシステムの仕組みが分からなければ、調整の加減が分からないので厄介です。 まぁ、その内、腰を据えて分解し、システムが理解できたら調整してみようかと思います。 ・・・壊しちゃったりして・・・。2003年・新年祝賀用 3発バーストが目玉のこのモデル。 ただ。私のモデルはどうも少し神経質で、常に3発バーストが完璧にはいきません。それでも、発火自体は大変快調でほとんど不満がありませんでしたが・・・。 もともと、3発バーストなんて中途半端。 当方、根っからのフルオート好き。「セミとフルがあればいいじゃん」と思い、手っ取り早くネット上で「ねえ、ねえ、誰かフルオートへの改造方法知らない?」と問い掛けたところ・・・。いやー、ネットて便利!さっそくありがたい回答が・・・、でも聞いてびっくり!なんて簡単!!セレクターをセミ(白星1つ)とバースト(白星3つ)の間のポジションにするだけとのこと(゚o゚)。正直、半信半疑で手動で確かめたところ、何とちゃんとスライド閉鎖直前でハンマーが落ちます。 いや、これはびっくり!! 手を加えるところは、発火の衝撃でセレクターが動かないようにするため、裏側に浅めの穴を穿つだけ。フレーム側には、ポジション固定用のクリックボールが仕込まれていますので、それを利用するわけです。こんなもん簡単。ものの2分ほどで頃合の穴を加工。これで万全。後は発火だけ。【発火】 最初はセミで5発、その後は全部フル。回転が速く、あっという間にカートがはじき出されます。最後とその直前のムービーはいずれも15連射ですが、とてもそのようには見えません。イングラム並かも。 ガス抜けはごらんのとおり、最高。後半の連射、よくご覧になればバレル先端のスリットから左右斜め上方にガスが吹き上がっている様子が確認できます。 今後、セレクターのポジションはフルのままになるでしょう(笑)。 ただし、かなりの衝撃を連続して与え続けますのでバレルが破損しました(*_*)。 これまでかなり発火してきましたし、予想していたことなので「ついにきたか」という程度でしたが・・・。事前に予備バレル(2本)を発注してありましたのでさほど困ることはありません。 しかし、プラ製モデルの宿命といえばそれまでですが、もっと耐久性がほしいところです。 硬くはなくとも柔軟かつ強靭な素材はいくらでもあると思います。少なくとも、最も破損の可能性が高いバレルくらいはリアルさを犠牲にしても、そのような素材で製作してほしいですね。
多少犠牲は伴いましたが、新年に向け景気良く派手なモデルをと思いご紹介いたしました。 お気に召していただけましたでしょうか。 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:00 pm | |
| KSC Beretta M93R (Overview) With three large-scale model from bursting. MGC M9 base of the series. 1st 2st version has the version of my own 1st. Depending on the version, the material (1stABS, 2stHW), the thickness of the Faiaringupin way shot (whether or not the expression of inertia. Now the same?), And there are differences in the shape of the tip barrel gas port. 1st is the usual material for ABS so that the paintwork on But, first glance looks like a HW. Also, bleach is part of the HW material has been used, the overall rate of the ABS material is also sufficiently heavy weight of the slide, you feel like it helped to have good work. Is attached to a stock, MGC parts and that was the perfect option is the same type of gas gun was first sold (or taken for granted given the origin.) Return is no longer forcibly took over the lying in the middle of what was formerly a friend's house. (Laughs) It is mine! 9 Mirirugariarukato cart CP Types specification. Alongside the state as a MGC. I thought the P220 can also be used for the cart, get stuck and gave up using it or put in the chamber for the warhead section is slightly thicker. I think the Marushin PFC 9 mm can be used, the need to use would not dare. This is not a good model for a little more toned. There is also jam dud so far. There is only trouble was when the first bombs went off once loaded, is almost perfect. In my own, Tanaka Glock 17, and the most reliable model Marushin Dolphin. Incidentally, I heard out of the inserts are easy to set inside the barrel forward. But even outside, the rear of the fire so as not to have performed it inserts another strong influence. My model is like a fine at the moment. Ignition noise, both big, strong Rikoirushokku, firing bursts from the three on a plate. It seems that aggregates the right side frame burst mode, so as not to tamper with poor condition will be worse, it does not fully decomposed before. Only after firing regular maintenance. Internal components would help in such magazines as relatively resistant to rust. Are you talking about how our model Toshi Takumi! Manufacturing proud to bring the company's sale to KSC, however, but only thanks This model does not mean that to say anything. I still for sale. It is a bit expensive, still cheaper compared to some corporation's governance series will not be an exaggeration to say almost a bargain price and excellent performance of the speaking. (Inflammation) Burst firing is fully loaded with all the bullets from 20. Using the cart Miriruga 9 CP. I used to take the plunge down the new cart. I was taken at dusk so, sorry for lack of blurry images a bit light. A little smugly, I have been taken from the stock extended. Doing what I thought heaven would be a cool guy too and 40, there is quite embarrassing. However, the sound is a good feeling to be locked in stock (complacency). I was going to fire more calm when I had the burst of fire from the first three, without much excitement and pleasure that (?), Excited at once, and gone completely blank in the head, I almost 引Ki続Ke the trigger in rapid fire. I imagine that the stick that contains the basket if you look at how much strength the movement of the elbow. If the bullets, but this definitely will not hit (reflection). Perhaps because of that, from the middle to late state is almost fully automatic. Because of the long barrel, the same cart as gunpowder cap (gold), as flames from the muzzle of the dolphin can not see using sound, not lost or missing and gas. I think that you know the side that is missing from the gas to the gas ports in addition to well if you look ahead. Now calm down a bit (but not confident ・ ・ ・), I am going to catch fire. Added 2002.10.26 It is still full of energy models. But you must understand that if you look, it seems that the continuous firing from burst to burst instead of six from 3 to 5 from Yoshi Sugi is good. It is a bit old, the film first appeared on screen as a model, starring Jean-Paul Belmondo in "Paris Superintendent J" seems to be in M93R. In the prospectus, issue 20 (9 + Miriruga silver cap), then loaded, five from the first semi, burst firing automatic fire from three to five in the remaining 15 rounds (?) I was supposed to. It was semi-planned, I felt a burst at the end引Itara trigger three times (laughs). We also failed to stop the slide. Do not know the cause. Manually manipulating minute burst capability works perfectly, so, likely, or outbursts of feeding into the chamber during a system malfunction or impact burst by blowback. But do not worry too much. The operation will almost certainly semi, burst is like a bonus feature. What was firing a burst of fire is just something aside, this, I felt terribly (laughs). Some even became powerful video, thanks. Slit for the muzzle from the tip of the barrel, you can see that the gas is ejected obliquely upward. Then, once the body off the right-hand grip, but I saw the burst mechanism, the trouble that can not operate in the grip off. Without the spring, or holding out of the grip, or do not work well with floating parts. To determine the concrete work and useless like there is no clear grip. Instruction manual that came with the body (and I was impressed in very good) has been described that is just fine when the measures are disordered burst firing, in the first place unless you know the system works, I know, plus or minus adjustment is awkward. Well, in which decomposition sat down, I think I understand the system could try to adjust. I wonder ... break. New Year celebrations for 2003 This model of development featured three bursts. However. My model is a little nervous a lot, always a perfect three from Ikimasen burst. Still, the firing itself was not in good shape very little frustration. Originally, I burst from halfway 3. Me, a diehard like full auto. "Come on if you have semi-full," I thought, on the net quickly, "Hey, hey, do not know how to fully automatic modification of someone?" Well, useful to the net! Thankfully the answer right away, I was surprised to hear it! Simple! ! Semi-selector (one win) and burst (three win) and that only between positions (° o °). Honestly, I manually verified doubts, just before the hammer falls perfectly what a slide closure. Well, wow! ! ! I tinker, to move the selector to the impact of the fire, just pierce a hole in the back shallow. Side frame, click on the ball so it was taught for fixing the position is not to use it. Mon simple like this. Tapping a hole, but just right in about 2 minutes. This thorough. Only after the fire. [Fire] From the first semi in five, then all full. Fast rotation, the cart will quickly ejected. The last and the previous movies are both 15 blaze, so very visible. Ingram may be parallel. As you can see the gas through a maximum. Barrage of late, you can see how the rising gas is blown upward through a slit right angle if you look at the tip of the barrel well. Future position will remain in full selector (laughs). However, it continues to damage the barrel, giving a gorgeous (*_*) continuously. So far has been pretty fired up, so I expected it, "I finally came," it was about. Barrel reserve in advance (two), so much you can afford not to order there. But until then I made plastic models Speaking fate, I'd like more durable. Both flexible and tough material but I think there are plenty hard. At least as a corrupt barrel most likely be at the expense of realism, I want to produce such material. Entailed some sacrifices, but, we wanted to introduce better business model for the new year fancy. I hope you like it to. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:07 pm | |
| KSC BERETTA M93R VIDEO #1 KSC BERETTA M93R VIDEO #3 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:12 pm | |
| _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:31 pm | |
| Marui Walther P38 kit Marui made "to build a model," one of a series. If you've scratched a little but a model, once the model would certainly indebted. If a lot, should have been purchased several times. What I mean by that look elongated. Ting Ting first three or four P38 Speaking at the first, I think throughout the series by saying that I fear nearly 20 naval vessels. However, things like Tsukurenai also very satisfying to do many times So, that will happen I wonder・・・. First Assembly of individual parts and assembly. Barrel provided with an adhesive, slide the frames we build. When it comes to veterans of the bond, may have a detailed know-how, our most amateurs. Explanation as to honest, we bonded with adhesive Sheng bleed more. However, the fixed vise and use a clip, rubber band was not using. This is a lot of people are saying, Dari and involved using the protruding rubber adhesive, rubber bands to bite the softer parts, which after correction for the time consuming process. After the adhesive was left was to fire nearly two weeks as a result many things in the middle. If we should be okay then assembled according to instructions to do. Masking Mino Yoshi surface treatment can be carried out according to the technical level Sumu. I remove the protruding adhesive, peel paper and lightly along the entire side out of the plane, black spray paint I bought in home improvement poppy gloss. The Phillips screw head except the face, so anxious to end the frame, ABS filled with the melted adhesive (to dry it hard to trouble.) So-so at a distance as seen in the extent of which is ^ ^ Dropped inside the protruding adhesive still on it, is assembled without grease, check the operation. By applying several hand-operated, and will know from where it contacts and adjust it. Each lot will vary the amount of work should be adjusted in different places and situations, such as adhesive. For this series anyway, so he up and how to assemble a variety of more concrete, I think I should mention now that Monakarou. Once the veterans that have been challenged as well as of Shotorikoiru, such difficulties, not me (laughs). Speaking of which, equivalent to the previous "GUN magazine" in this P38 based, was introduced more photos of the system was achieved Rokkudoshotorikoiru double barrel. I mean really impressive, and remodeling of the time it took "There are great people," which was really impressed by this. Now, build a model of the Marui, would not be raised that many of the unexploded Burobakkumoderu rather a common drawback, too. The reason is that the cart system of its own. Marui cart system, the cap itself is thick, PFC thing that serves as a plug in something called inner. So, to escape the gas fire is a very tight and cap the size of the bore cart. During the beating Faiaringuburokku percussion hammer push cart full (firewall side) by, but I have to make the fire for a tight cap and an inner diameter cart, greater resistance, a gunpowder explosion If there is not enough to get momentum. Also, for safety, a major cause of taking too long and the distance from the location of ignition point location at the time of loading the gunpowder cap cap. In other words, high performance ignition, or strengthen the blow of the hammer is not good if you shorten the distance from the explosive ignition point of the cap during loading. However, this series has a strong striking force of the hammer押Shinabete quite so easily springs allowance can not substitute (but later found Kketa (^ ^) v). Taken to shorten the distance firing point there is little danger. It is simple here, because some aspects are not described in danger. Even if care is hurt those who do not imitate the techniques and understanding. Well, in this regard that I think many people know because they are described in other sites and can think of anyone considering the construction of the cart. However, a rather nervous suspenseful way ^ ^ As a matter of P38-specific, may be a double action. Better to use a single model, so I just wear and often operate on a double. Also, I think a little too strong Rikoirusupuringu better. Earlier impressions (more than 10 years ago saying), the many still misfire. I knew the cause and as mentioned above, in that case a single kill, Daburuakushononri to obtain an operation smoothly. But sure enough of the trigger bar is crazy junk・・・. Now adjust the fire ignited. Gunpowder cap is supposed to use something special, gold typically 7 mm silver cap a little sick (or out, or the cap is broken.) Useless, especially silver. But seems to work well in some cases if gold is the way of feeding the most part out of the cart. The caps will have to buy air kit can be used in this inset 5 mm cap. Fit the cap was used for the first 5 mm of Marushinburando sky cap. Powder loading cap is scary in this model. Loading case comes covered cart, in a push cart but also included in the powder rod cap, and will feel like they went off to forcefully pounding suspenseful they try again. The dimensions of the original state to prevent outbursts have become but never know, still freaked out. This is not much less in its original condition. Firing pin on the bottom of the cart before the calculation, but that should reach the cap, also referred to the event. In the ignition. Well, too often misfire. The second shot ignited the most part, but blazing a little blow-back is impossible to clean. So now it was also used gunpowder caps. I do not like firing rate of 60 percent. I tried using the last metal caps, and sure enough, out of the cart stuck in the chamber for each firing cap, interfere with loading the next bullet, no automatic fire is impossible. However, the firing rate appears to be raised. Now, what should I do? I also stock caps are no longer wants to operate well in cap money. In addition, a decrease in cap money is more obvious misfire. Hopefully in the blaze is not a dream. After flying out of the firing cap, and gas pressure is too strong, because it is soft compared to metal caps caps. Although you can hard to soft, for different gas pressures. Jump from the cart before the cap is that once you escape the gas pressure Sumu. Specifically, if you include a good break for vertical venting tip cart. We put in a vertical cut immediately Noko Fri. Put for too long, so be careful not obtained the required amount of blowback retreat to the contrary. Several trial and error (the cart is quite hand) was, two vertical, the length is 3.5 now get a break if you include a keyword power millimeter around. In this regard there is a difference because I think the model would be far better to put a break at once. I also had a hand cart has a lot happens, some people must not have only a few minutes in the kit. Marui ordered on a cart if you can spare,'d try. The movie is featured in two magazines minutes. Do not worry too much at first'd have occurred in Fidingutoraburu 3rd shot (laughs). The following are eight brilliantly blazing success. However, do not hold any open, so I flew to the impact of inflammation anywhere in the slide stop pin to be in contact with the floor of the magazine (laughs). After the fire was discovered at last a while. In addition, broken plates and firing, damaged or tea and some pretty hearty portion of Bleach Well, makes sense if you want to price accordingly.
They will cause damage to the excessive power of the metal caps. However, it became impossible to work逃Gaseru power from the body would not take much, now may be unexpectedly strong. Proud moment Would you know you'll see the movie, there is no misfire at all! This is the setting of the cap positions, Hammer SP enhanced the use of metal caps, and indication of synergy between these three points. The hammer model of what SP do not know what (laughs). Clear that the governor might be possibly Marui is unknown. However, even using only the setting of the cap and gold cap, I expect a significant improvement. What worries me a little ejecting direction of the cart. Where would otherwise be left to eject, the cart can fly to the right. I do not know well Teru Kano, but lively and interesting ^ ^ Burobakkumoderu this series as well as the other P38, Korutogabamento (Commander), three models of Mauser M712. Among P38 I think this is the best in good condition. Would be the next governor, this model is now broken and the barrel is the worst. If this is an average of P38・・・, but. M712 is a high hurdle to think a little compared to these two models. The attraction also features a fully automatic, but the most important thing is even more significant手馴Reta to get the perfect tone is hard to hear. I have created the past three naval vessels, the tone had affairs far from complete. Some day I want revenge, but at present the meet関No山own head ^ ^. Initially, the P08 expression and the fourteen years that the South had been planned, was postponed as a result. Could have been achieved if this continues much longer the boom a model. But personally Marui Burobakkukato ignite the scheme would be difficult for a striker I think. So maybe that area could not be resolved, may not be sold. Marushin and MGC compared to the finished product, slightly lower performance of the real fire or even to have no choice, greatest strength is its price. You can buy yen at 2000 firing model gun is great. Hence, the popularity boast, I hear very often become scarce. Disappeared from store shelves, and I think it got discontinued, and the store shelves so interesting to me, is reproduced. However, as a shout came from the old fire experience in its own way. From the price, the model is often considered a model introduction, The truth is probably better off and some experienced方向Ki. The simple model of working if anyone組Me not, it must be well aware. If a model is first purchased, even more highly MGC absolutely wrong and not Marushin models. While concern for the reminder say. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:35 pm | |
| MARUI WALTHER P38 KIT VIDEO _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:39 pm | |
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:16 am | |
| WA Commander This is also "Haikyapa" kept from the model's. WA when he was still producing a model would be one of Kasutamukomandashirizu Ting was good. CP ABS material is small in design center fire. Even though made in WA, the base of the MGC GM5. I do not know whether, at the time as it was in WA and MGC are closely related. In addition, the WA at the time, PPK and Beretta M1934, AR7, developed and sold or Sutamurugariboruba. Swordfight arranger who is known as the president himself was originally handgun, and shot in overseas training articles "GUN" has also been known among enthusiast magazine for the series is outstanding. Therefore, I was branded as a model at the time of sale that the president of the company's products. Facts & custom Governor Komandashirizu higher. Even though it was 20 years ago today, 20,000 for granted, the price was about 30,000. I was previously (I think 20 years ago) when I lived in Tokyo, I have been to the store in Shibuya. The AR7 is just a sale of the gas gun, a blazing encounter situations that demonstrate to the president himself. "Bus Bus" and the sound of firing, the target plate was placed on a shelf anodized (?) The bullet hit the BB Gun "gun," I still remember that sound. However, now the president, "Please welcome back to clean the shop so quickly," said when a little stunned, but (-_-menu.) Air gun maker and now totally, also seems to offer Nikki Arekore topic even in non-product performance. Speaking of which, previously, had been looking for a legal charge of employees, Kai What happened that. Too long a digression. I also like to think there are so many So, our model. The appearance of relatively quiet. Normal slide, some vertical grooves carved on the front Gurippufuremu frames. The kind of parts, in silver trigger SP Rongurikoiru guide barrel plating equipment to it. The original grip rubber grips WA. MGC, but basically the same internally, the resin was Barerubusshingu. "Haikyapa" The story says, "In the past, it was a good shape now, well not ignite Shitarashiku F pin is deformed," So, at first, MGC fire sent because only the model for comparison with the expected that it was not, then "WA F Custom excavation for the pin. sent immediately. Regards later I feel that our views of skull words I once belonged. And did the impossible Panic "MGC difficulty removing the class A bleaching system governance. Too much for me. Hopefully reconsideration" to reply.However, "Nya yeah. Sometimes called soot took off earlier in the write. Ikan lie" and words of. "I still might get broken," and "rather Yokayoka, some extra slides. Making one's best exertions, stake everything, sad case of a struggling heart's content without worry. Ru bone picking tea" and encouragement. Reluctantly started. Basically, any manufacturer can bleach is fixed to a slide with adhesive, and the difficulty of changing the shape and amount of adhesive engagement with the slide. MGC is a deep engagement with the slide of bleach, and get more amount of adhesive. Indeed difficult to remove. It means where one time but have a hard time screwing the screwdriver between the slide and bleach, finally succeeded in removing. I noticed something interesting here. Bleach MGC has become another part of the face portion, and removing this pin-F comes out, this model is that the pattern of different things together. The side of the pinhole is located inside the face F is threaded, F after entering the pin, how to fix it in a short threaded pipe screwed around there. However, this pipe is not expected to be removed first (drivers do not have grooves to bite), so the trick is to remove. But it was something of me. F sent over its custom replacement pin. F removed approximately two old split-pin (plastic front and rear metal) was the type of resin F was the front which causes the misfire occurred and the pin is deformed by years of use. This is a book about availability of a metal. However, the SP returns were on hand to make do with what I did with the first, since this is Tsuyoshi Sugi misfire has occurred, and then replace it with a little weak. In addition, because there was resistance inside the frame is polished and try to pull the slide considerably. Movement was a little smoother.
SP returns the number of fire the movie because it also includes the old one, but have become mixed, after replacing the SP returns us to determine the blaze is near-perfect seven. No unexploded fire music college, has become a really good boy and hold open reliably. "Haikyapa" Friends "can not be helped. I'll got and so I was joking, "You better give me back just a custom F pins and rubber grips. After that you reward" Too've transferred Itadai or.Ehetsu, did Innovation F immediately try to make your own pins."Haikyapa" page thanks to m (__) m.
[Sequel] F pin replacement screws. The front and rear, so change the site look a little lonely.Puraripea own and which was the plastic board in both once and think they Yoshi Tadasu. Custom grip attached to individual products was available, were also star-shaped side effects Gurippusukuryu are using something different. On that basis, to complete the entire paintwork. In this state of things that end of the movie blazing. Just make sure of the barrel after firing, since another fire was beginning to crack into the screw holes for fixing Dito is impossible. "Haikyapa" barrel in WA's story seems to be no doubt that it was weak. Let us believe that the diversion aimed to get a real cart Komandabareru for the current. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:19 am | |
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:28 am | |
| Suzuki Beretta 92SB SB was previously made by Marushin hand reports, but this time the original SB Suzuki made what might be. I'm not a model of "B4 (" Biyon "is not" Bifo "is: Note Principal)," which was borrowed from. Suzuki made the first time I SB. For the hand until you see is actually the exact same things so I thought made Marushin model, I noticed that there is a considerable difference at their details.
The important point locking system and the shape of the blocks firing. Suzuki made a model for the firing was a side-fire, the fire center Marushin made. Ekisuto also differ accordingly. Suzuki made this SB because it is fire-side nature, into the chamber of the barrel there is no step (in the fire side, there are steps to plug into the whole cart is bad), but Fire Center to stop the advance of the cart in the opposite step (stop card) is required. This model also had been put in the sleeve chamber for a portion of the stopper at a custom cart.
However, this model has been changed to work in a simple Centerfire (that way "GUN_PB" helpful because it's listed on the site.) I made more elaborate as well Marushin or rather the shape of the movement under the barrel locking block. ABS material, but a whole, the surface is stiff and Naka Naka is represented by mold machining marks. Originally released (1983) traces this process, and did not mean, of good reputation. In addition, the number and size of screw fixation of the right safety, some differences are also found within parts of the ejector shape and thickness. Compatibility may perhaps not much. But after the magazine, "B4" in's commitment, MGC M9 made using a different base for the magazine. Rust, which certainly seems to work well and stop the slide. However, in a slightly different position as it is scratching off of the magazine and magazine catch, I think, therefore I did not need a fixed working well. Well into the fire. 9 PFC mm cart to use real old type. The power of much interest to (but adequate), but fortunately it to the model itself is easy, the cart itself is durable. We can not use a lot of hand because there is not anything Isuzu. Put the cap silver, blazing set from 15. PFC Fun Flash Bang out of forte Hammer SP, so the source-side fire strongly misfire does not occur first. The fire scene was made by my Marushin SB (HW) that appear in the book a little. Come to think of the Marushin Sentafaiaberetta F pin low durability and resin. On the other hand, Suzuki made this the fact that SB is diverted to the side plate F firing pin for a fire (or rather the plate geometry) is a metal and the durability is outstanding. I think this Suzuki made a SB, the fire school will definitely be a recommended model. Well, I also want Oira _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:32 am | |
| CMC M1 CARBINE CMC製M1カービンお断り 今回は(も)失敗談です(T_T) 今はなきCMCの規制前M1カービンの登場。 CMCといえば、リアルさでは量産モデルガンメーカーの中ではぴか一の評判を得ていたメーカー。 特にこのM1カービンの評判は高い。 製造時期により、初期型・中期型(ここまで規制前?)・後期型と3つに分類されるという話であるが、中でも規制前のモデルの一部には、豊和工業製の自衛隊向けM1カービン用実物ストックがセットされたものや、リアサイトに実銃の米軍の正式ライフルであったM1903A3のもの(M1用のものとよく似ていたのが理由)がセットされたモデルがあったというから、驚いてしまう( ◎。◎) 。 また、内部パーツもロストワックス製法によるものが多用されていたらしい。 なお、規制前の初期型・中期型と規制後の後期型では、リコイルSPの位置をはじめとして大きな違いがある。 とにかく、量産モデルガンとしては一頭地抜けたモデル。 ましてや規制前モデルは新たに入手することも禁じられているから、普通の方は大事に保管されているに違いない。 しかし世の中、太っ腹な方がいらっしゃるもので、今回もある古手マニアの方から「如何様にしても良いです。壊れてもかまいません。何とかCP発火にチャレンジして欲しい」という豪気なお申し出を受けた^^; 。 ちょっと躊躇したが、結局、誘惑に負け「無理なら返品」ということでお預かりした次第。
お送りいただいたモデルには、鉄プレス製のハンドガードに30連マガジンが装備されており、一見M2。 私自身、現物にお目にかかるのはこれが初めてであり、正直、手にした瞬間、感動した。 柔らかくスムースな仕上げの木製ストックとすらりと突き出た金属製バレル(貫通タイプ)、いい感じに退色したハンドガードなど実に見事。 木製ストックの由来はわからないが、リアサイト(スチール製だった)は実銃M1903用ではないかと思う。 本体のほかに、15連マガジンとP220+M16カート20発、それにボルトが2個同梱されていた。 ボルトのうち一つはオリジナル(ただし、スチール)と思われたが、もう一つはメッキされたカスタム品(やはりスチール製)。 見比べたところ、発火性能はカスタムボルトの方が良さそうだったのでこちらで調整を進めることとした(実はこれが失敗(*_*) )。 本来は、紙火薬仕様のオープンディトネーターカートリッジを使用するサイドファイア。 噂では、あまり作動性能は良くなかったようである。これをCP化するに当たってはディトのカスタムは欠かせない。 しかし、現物を見て「まずいなぁ」と思ったのが、ディト固定用のネジピッチ( ・・。 以前もハドソンM1A1で苦労したが、ピッチが普通のものと異なり市販のネジを流用できそうに無い。 いろいろ調べてみたところ、ネジのピッチの規格にはいろいろな種類があることがわかった。 通常、ホームセンターなどに販売しているのはISO規格のミリネジ。 ところが今回のディトのネジはどうやら旧JIS規格のネジの様子。 サイズ的にはM5というものになるが、現在のISO規格ではピッチ0.8ミリ、しかし旧JIS規格では0.9ミリ。 僅か0.1ミリの差であるが、これが大きな障害。 無理に入れようとすると、ネジ山を潰すこととなる。 ちなみに、ネジにはインチネジというものもあるらしく、混乱に拍車をかける。 インチネジは主に欧米で使用されているらしいが、国内でも結構使用されているらしい。 ただ、ミリネジが一般的であることから、ホームセンターなどには置いていない。 旧JIS規格ネジについては既に生産が中止されており、入手は期待薄。 私は、たった1本でいいのであるが・・・。 このあたりのことは、機械工具に詳しい方であれば常識なのだろうけれど、当方はまったくの素人。 奥深いネジの森に迷い込み、出口が見つからず困惑(-- 。 しばらく悩んでいたが、結局、カスタム製造を依頼することとなった。 ネットで発見したネジ専門の加工業者さんに連絡をとり、見積りを依頼。 たった1本だけなので高額になるだろうと予想はしていたが、価格は5000円という回答。 持ち主の方からは予め多少の材料費をお預かりしていたので、それを充当させていただくこととし、正式に発注。 しばし、完成まで待機。</BLOCKQUOTE> 3週間後、ようやくカスタムディト入手。 1本の予定だったが、試作品もうまくいったということで、2本送っていただいた(^^) 。 なお、ディトの長さは、オリジナルボルトにP220+M16合体カートを使用する場合、オープンディトネーター用のオリジナルディトと同じ長さでちょうど良いが、カスタムボルトの場合は長さがほんの僅か長くなる。 届いたディトを本体にセットした上、1 発だけカートを用意し早速発火。 見事カートははじき出され、ブローバック成功。 そこで、カートを5発用意して連射に挑戦。 ところがこれがうまくいかない。 フィーディングが全然駄目なのである(>_<) 。 原因は二つ。 一つは、カスタムボルトのフェイスのサイズが、オリジナルボルトに比べるとほんの僅か小さいこと。 もう一つは、マガジンに複数弾装填すると、リムが下がり気味になってしまうこと。 このため、ボルトが前進した際、うまくカートを押し出すことができず、連射が困難。 何度か試したが、5連射が最高。困った(*_*) 。 また、これ以外にも、カスタムボルトのエキスト(これもカスタム品)がかなり傷んでおり、早晩破損しそうに見受けられる。 この時点で、カスタムボルトによる発火を中止。 残るはオリジナルボルトによる発火であるが、上でも述べたようにカスタムボルト用のディトはサイズが異なるためオリジナルボルトには使用できないことから、改めてディトを何とかする必要がある。 たまたま、ほかのモデルのカスタムパーツの件でお聞きしたいことがあったので、ついでに「カスタム屋でござい」さんに相談。 お返事は「簡単にできるよ」。 しまった、そんなら最初から「カスタム屋でござい」さんにお願いしておけばよかったと後悔(+_+) 。 ただ、「カスタム屋でござい」さんも多忙なため作業には時間がかかるとのことであったので、正式発注は見合わせ、2本入手したカスタムボルト用のディトのうちの1本を自分で加工してみることにした。 ディトを万力にはさみやすりで格闘すること30分。 何とか形状修正に成功したが、やすりがだめになった。 早速本体にセットして、オリジナルボルトで発火を試みたがこれがだめ。 発火しているのにボルトがまったく後退しない。 「あれ、なんか変?」と思い、あれこれ確認すると・・・、分かった。 このモデル、ボルトの全長とエジェクションポートの全長はほぼ同じであり、ボルト閉鎖状態では、ボルト後端がフレーム内にほんのごく僅かもぐりこんだ状態になっている。 ところが、このもぐりこみの量が少なすぎるため、マガジンを挿入するとボルトが上に持ち上がり、ボルトの後端がフレームとかみ合うようになってしまう。 つまりロックするわけ。 こうなるとキャップ火薬の力ではなんとも動かない。 そこで、ボルトフェイス脇に1ミリほどの真ちゅう板を瞬間接着剤で接着し、ボルト閉鎖時点でも確実にボルト後端がフレーム内にもぐりこむようにした。 おかげで、ロックするようなことはなくなったが、今度は相対的にディトが短くなったことから、不発続出。 まいった。 先の加工で、ほとんどぎりぎりの長さに加工したのが失敗。 僅か1ミリなのだが・・・。 仕方なく、フレームのディト固定用ネジ穴に小さな鉄球を入れ、ほんの僅かディトを浮かして固定するようにしてみた(つもり)。 ちょっと固定が甘くなるのが心配なのであるが・・・。 この状態で改めて発火。 ところがうまくいかない。 最初は4連射できたのだが、その後不発が続く。 やはりまだディトが短い(鉄球が効いていない)のかもしれない。 持ち主の方に現状を連絡し、継続するか否か、意思を確認させていただいたところ「今しばらく継続願いたい」とのこと。 ただ、長物相手の調整というのはなかなか気力がいるものであり、気軽にやるというわけにはいかない。 ある程度時間と気持ちにゆとりがなければならないため、その後、しばらく放置していた。 そんな折、「GUN誌」だったか「サイト誌」で読んだ記事を思い出した。 何かのモデルに、P220カートとM16カートの合体カートを使用した際、弾頭部P220・ケース部M16ではフィーディングが悪いため、弾頭部M16・ケース部P220にしたという内容だったような・・・。 しかし、この組み合わせでは、全長はわずか短くなるのでエジェクトには有利になるが、反対にインナーストロークは短くなるので十分な後退量が得られるかが心配。 「まっ、いっぺんやってみよう」と合体カートを1発用意して試射。 これは何の問題もなくきれいにブローバック成功。 いけるかも、と思い5発カートを用意して試したが、これも最初の2発はきれいにブローバックしたが、残り3発は不発。う~ん( ・・。 不発のカートを見るとちゃんと打撃痕がついている。 それでも不発ということは、ディトがほんのわずか短いか、あるいは打撃力が弱いということか。 このモデルのエキスト兼ファイアリングプレートには、リーターン用のSP がセットされているが、これがかなり強いため打撃力を弱める原因になっているかもしれない。 とにかく、中途半端に火薬面を変形させたため、こうなると何度打撃しても発火はしない。 その後、持ち主の方から連絡が入り、いったん現状のままお返しすることとした。 せっかく貴重なモデルをお預けいただき、何かとご配慮いただいたにもかかわらず、調整未了なのは大変申し訳ない。 そんなわけで、紹介してあるムービーはあまり面白くない。 カスタムボルトでの調整段階のもので、2連射ばかりのものを編集してあるだけ。 暇つぶし程度にどうぞ。 金属製サイドファイアクローズドボルトモデルは難しいなぁ・・・。 【後日談】 とある日、地元でも最大規模のホームセンターに出向いて流用できそうな工具や部品類を物色していた時の出来事。 「フニ?これなんだ?あれ?グゥワアアアーン(( ◎ ◎)) !! 「旧JIS -M5 (ピッチ0.9)ネジ」がある!それも新品!値段は腹が立つほど安い!!・・・・・・・なんで売ってるの・・・・・。 あの大騒ぎは何だったのだろうか・・・。 5,000円もしたのに・・・・(T_T) 。 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:56 am | |
| CMC M1 Carbine This decline is (also) are horror stories (T_T) CMC now-defunct before the advent of the Regulation of M1 carbine. Speaking of CMC, in a model maker in the real mass production manufacturers had gained a reputation Pika一. M1 Carbine is especially high reputation. The date of manufacture, Mid Early (pre-regulation so far?) Is a story of being classified into three types and the later part of the regulations among the previous model, the M1 Howa Machinery, Ltd. for Self-made and the stock has been set for a real carbine, rifle was a real gun on the official website of the U.S. military M1903A3 rear ones (M1 was the reason for the very similar) model had been set. from say, they surprised. Also, seems to have been heavily used by the internal parts are lost wax process. The following types of Late Early Mid and regulations before the regulations, there are important differences recoil including the SP position. Anyway, as a model一頭地missing mass production model. The previous model, much less regulation also barred from obtaining a new, ordinary people must have been kept and cherished. World, but come in more generous, the way this mania also ex-soldier, "Is it OK to fraud. Can be broken. Something I want to challenge the firing CP" to offer a sturdy spirit of had ^ ^. Was a little hesitant, after all, the temptation, "If that can not return" as soon entrusted with that. The model we received, which is equipped with a hand guard made 30 consecutive magazine press iron, look at M2. I myself have the pleasure of meeting of this kind is the first time, to be honest, the moment in hand, was impressed. Protruding metal barrel and sleek smooth soft finish wood stock (through type), and really impressive hand guards were fading nicely. I do not know the origin of the wood stock, rear site (it was made of steel) is not a real gun for the M1903 wonder. In addition to the body, coupled with the magazine cart 20 from 15 P220 + M16, was it shipped with two bolts. Bolt one of the original (but still) have been considered, and one plated custom product (still steel). I compared the performance to promote coordination with the firing here be better because it was the custom of the Volt (which actually failed). Originally, the fire-side use gunpaper specifications. Rumor is, the performance seems to be working very poor. Of this CP is a custom Ni当Tatte Dito is essential. But looking at the actual thing: "Hey bad" I thought the pitch fixing screws Dito. Hudson M1A1 was too hard before, and not likely to be diverted to the market, unlike the ordinary screw pitch. I looked up many, the standard pitch of a screw was found that there are various kinds. Typically, home centers and sells the ISO standard metric screws. Dito screws, however this apparently old JIS standard state of the screw. In the M5 will be something that size, the current ISO standard 0.8 mm pitch, but the former is 0.9 mm JIS standard. The difference is only 0.1 millimeters, This is a major obstacle. When you put forcefully crush it comes to thread. Incidentally, it also screws pulling inch screws, spur confusion. Inch screw seems to have been used in Europe and America, seems to be used fairly in the country. But that is common metric screws, and do not put yourself store. Old JIS standards for the screw has already stopped production, to expect to get it. I have only one book is good. It's around here, but common sense would If you are familiar with machine tools, all of us are amateurs. Lost in the woods screws included profound embarrassment sight of. Was worried for a while, after all, was to ask the custom manufacturing. Fabricator's in touch with a professional screw found on the Internet, request a quote. Expected to be high, but just because it only had one, replied that the price 5000 yen. The owner who was so little material cost to keep the advance that you will be allocated to it and formally ordered. Moment, waiting to complete.Three weeks later, finally get Kasutamudito. The single was scheduled to be in the prototype worked well, you send two. The length of the Dito, the P220 + M16 bolt original cart when using polymers, the same length just right for Opunditoneta Orijinarudito, custom bolt if only slightly longer in length. Dito set to arrive on the body, firing immediately available from only one cart. Cart is ejected spectacular success blowback. We try to provide automatic fire from the cart 5. But this does not work. Which is completely useless for feeding. The two causes. One is the size of the face of custom bolts, only slightly smaller than the original bolt. Another is loaded with multiple bullets in the magazine, the downside is it becomes the rim. Thus, when the bolt moves forward, pushing the cart can not be good, blazing difficult. I tried several times up to 5 continuous shooting. Trouble. Moreover, besides this, the bolt Ekisuto custom (custom product, too) are considerably damaged, the damage likely to be seen sooner or later. At this point, stop the firing of custom bolts. Is a fire left by the original bolts, custom bolts for Dito as mentioned above for the original bolts can not be used because a different size, you need to do something again Dito. Happened that I had in the matter of custom parts you want to ask the other models, in passing, "Degozai custom shop" talk to friends. Answer: "it is easy." Oops, you start to Son "Degozai Custom Shop" with regret and wish I had friends ask. "Degozai custom shop" for the work was so busy it's too time consuming and, officially postponed orders, processing at one of his books Dito for the custom bolts available 2 I decided to. 30 minutes to fight the vice in the scissors and emery Dito. Shape modification is successful somehow fallen through the filing. Set the body immediately, no, this is the original tried to fire the bolt. Bolt back but not to fire at all. "It looked weird?" I thought, you check around, OK. This model, the total length of the full length of the bolt Ejekushonpoto almost the same in the closed state vault, which only very few state Mogurikonda bolt rear end in a frame. However, the amount is too small for this Mogurikomi, lifted onto the bolt and insert the magazine, becomes the frame and engaging the rear end of the bolt. That is not a lock. The explosive power of how the cap would not move like this. We instantly bonded with adhesive brass plate on the side of the face bolts about 1 millimeter, so that the frame is dropped in at the rear end bolts to ensure bolt closure time. Thanks, but no lock so that, now that Dito is relatively shorter, misfire after another. It came. In the previous process, the failure of marginal processing most of the length. Which is really the only one millimeter. Reluctantly, a small iron balls into holes in the frame screws Dito, so I tried to fix only a small Dito floated the (intended). The concern is that the fix is a little sweeter. Ignite again in this state. But does not work. The first blaze was but four, then followed by a misfire. Dito is still too short (not working iron ball) might be. Contact the owner toward the status quo, whether or not to continue, where you confirm your intention to "hopefully continue for a while now," he said. But that other adjustments as the folding energy is enough, it can not feel free to do any longer. There must be clear for some time and feel, then, had not understand it. At that, "GUN magazine," I was the "Journal Site" remembered an article I read on. Some models, P220 and M16 when using cart cart cart coalescence, P220 · warhead section of the M16 due to poor feeding case, the warhead section of the M16 · P220 case stating that it was made -. However, this combination, the total length is slightly shorter, but eject it an advantage, against the inner stroke worry if you can get a sufficient amount so short recession. "Wait, let us do perfunctory" test-fired from a cart ready to unite with. It succeeds beautifully blowback without any problems. Be able and tried to prepare 5 from Cart thinking, but also from the first two blow-back nicely from the remaining 3 misfire. Hmmm Batting mark and properly marked with unexploded Cart. Misfire that does not work, you are only a few short Dito either that or hit weak. Ekisuto plate and firing in this model, the SP-turn region has been set, may weaken the blows causing this is so very strong. Anyway, so halfway gunpowder transformed the face, repeatedly firing a shot even if you do not do this. After entering a call from the owner who tried to return it once it stands. Leave all the pains you a valuable model, even though you or prepare something, a very sorry unfinished adjustment. So, the movie is not very interesting introduction to some. The stages of adjustment in custom bolt, just something you just have to edit two blazing. Interest about passing the time. hard metal. [Sequel] Sun phrase, incident when he was hunting for the kind of tools and components that could be diverted to go and the largest local home center. "Huni? What is this? It? Guuwaaaan !! "Old JIS - M5 (pitch 0.9) screw" there! The price is cheap like a bad penny! ! ! What are you ······· sell. What was the fuss that was nothing. I was also 5,000 yen _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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