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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 2:28 pm

MGC Beretta M9


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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 2:30 pm

MGC Beretta M9

MGC Beretta M9 Models

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MGC Beretta M9 ABS
Rather than bought, like-minded person, "says Haikyapa" What you in for free.
Beretta in hand just what I Marushin, MGC Beretta is the first time. Since the fire performance is that the trimmer is very fun (^ ^).

At you transfer it, which had been modified to use a cart custom design cap triple, this truly is a scary, fellow fire "GUN _ PB's," you hand over Dito original to (sorry always ^ ^), a CP back to normal cart specifications.

Compare models and Marushin and each of the first kind of tension MGC SP is much more intense.
Most notably the hammer Spring. I fear there is tension in the Marushin nearly doubled. My Marushin Beretta the company's M 712 Spring I have replaced hammer, and has become much stronger than the original condition, still weak from the MGC.
The Spring powerful recoil. Marushin free length is longer better, SP system itself is rather thick MGC.
SP powerful hammer blow for the prevention of deformation of the surface, MGC has been embedded with steel hammer.
Shotorikoiru have different methods. Although mechanisms can not explain the path (^ ^;, MGC is a barrel after a smoother sit feeling better.
The shape of the tip of the ejector MGC are tricky things.
Are very similar in appearance, of course, to be passed in silence, one moment you will understand that either.

In addition, MGC's model, there is one absolute point advantage for Marushin.
It will not rust. Care must be taken for granted of course, but also to its natural condition, without rust than the Marushin magazine, MGC magazine is almost rust. That this is just amazing. This alone, MGC would not do the models capture the title.
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Although this model has been painted, and extend to the internal part of the rail for some reason this stage, you are very渋Katta movement.
I hear, "says Haikyapa" also, but it was ceded to it the occasion of what has already been painted at that stage, so that specifications had been changed to a custom cart.
Anyway, anyway, so it was not moving properly, the paint peeled off the rail, so that the smooth motion. The coating also剥Gashitai outside, it will be a later date.
The magazine firing three movies, from 45 in total.

CP cart, HW inner stretch cap 15 blazing silver. It has a misfire during a couple of times, to recover double.
Then, CP cart, inner vented, silver cap blazing 4-cut 15.
Flames could be seen occasionally for fun.
Finally, CP cart, HW inner blazing metal caps 15 which also stretch. This is complete without a shot explode. However, it was a head wind conditions, has become such a condition took a smokescreen.
However, after firing the last bullet, according to disappear like fog to lift gas, where the model clearly emerges might be interesting.

Firing sound is expected to fall to be honest. I was a little bigger, a little Shobokatta. I think so thin inner barrel. The basic structure with 40-caliber M 96, but seems quite good・・・firing sound.

I like it (^ ^). Made from durable ABS HW However, if it comes to the magazine rust resistant, perfect for firing. But the concern is, parts supply system. Barrel still Maybe・・・get.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 2:35 pm


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Registration date : 2008-07-20

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Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Mgc-m960011 今回のモデルは、先日、同好の士「ハイキャパさん」からお預かりしたモデルの内の一つ。








Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 2:40 pm


MGC Beretta M96

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MGC 40 caliber Beretta HW M96. M9 (92), which was released as a series, much of it is not out. 40S & W using the cart of the type that mimics the real bullets. Using a model for this type of cart that I had to this.
From the small number of sales, collectors who have been trading at pretty good prices at auctions and make you look popular. The internal structure is similar to M9.

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This model was recently, like-minded person, "says Haikyapa" one kept from the model. Corrupted from the original barrel, M9 bullets so it can process 40 extends approximately 1 mm in Bareruchanba (fancy), and there seems to be a little rework of the operation side of the slide stop it and slide it It is quite normal and not.
"It does not matter even if only from the fire ruined," you strong and your words, you feel that you will be fired.
To use a 9mm bullet shells thicker than 40, the number of magazines has become loaded with 10 rounds.
In about 45 bullets, if not slightly stocky compared to Cart 9 HW millimeter bullets to set the inner fire emergency. Well, funny exciting! M9 9 mm and the last fired firing completely different sound.
Kii Hiroshi mighty. And from the HW Recoil shock stronger, thrilling really funny.
Historically, "If the fire M96" was heard, but I think certainly that's true. Been happy, as it entered the recording. The 30 shots fired at a stretch continuously for 3 magazine, has only once had trouble explode.
Recover it immediately double operation. Pishiri also decided to hold open after firing the last bullet, the more excited (Yes ^ ^) /.
What a good model. But the concern is that if parts are still available or barrel wear.
Also, be on the cart, 40S & W and the former is a small cart and 45CP have heard before that it is compatible.
However, I'm not sure. Hopefully If anyone know let me know. The small number of models that may have not even care who still have fire. Coercion is not going to separate, but now I enjoy the pleasure of this得Gatai, Misu Misu, that is a shame he missed them?. Recommend the firing means.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11083
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Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 2:43 pm


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 2:56 pm


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Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P210-0101 私も発売当時購入した。雑誌の広告で見かけ、後先を考えずに通販で注文し、両親にど叱られたことをはっきり覚えている。


 Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P210-0081このモデルを目の当たりにし、モデルガンの将来に嫌気がさし、離れていったマニアもいらっしゃったと聞く。確かに黒い金属モデルで育った方にとって、このモデルの軽さと妙な暖かさは大きな打撃であったに違いない。

 ただ、一般のサイドファイアモデルとは異なり、独立したFピンが設けられており、それもなんと金属!ところが、カート打撃面は偏心しており、いうなればリムファイアのようなスタイル。そのため、何度も同じカTransferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P210-0091ートを使用するとリムがボロボロに凹み、まったく用をなさなくなるのにはまいった。


Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P210-0071 ただし、子供のつたない字で書かれた、あまり好意的でない葉書にもちゃんと返事をくれた当時のMGCの姿勢には感服するし、感謝する。

 さて、今回のモデルは再販もののHW製。いつものショップで新品購入したものであり、定価15000円のところ、・・・・・円で入手。ほかにもいろいろあったが、手にとって見ると懐かしTransferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P210-0061くなり、また、実はこのスタイルに魅力(クラシカルで色っぽい!これに比べればP220やP226はダンプカー!)を感じていたため、30年ぶりに自分のものとすることになった次第。







Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 3:01 pm



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What some people might actually feel nostalgic look at this model. After two rounds of regulation, which was released first オートマチックブローバックモデルガン resin (product name of the time "SP 47 / 8"). Put a big, carved model of a model in the history of history.

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I bought at launch. Look at magazine advertisements, by mail order without considering the consequences, that I distinctly remember my parents scolded etc..
However, when taken in his first feeling is complex. I felt a strong feeling uncomfortable with the warm light of the specific resin. A little bluish in the resin, I think that the grip was a brown and black mottling. And appearance, the upper edge of the slide is not too much standing and waving to form some kind of plastic or "ambiguity" was.
And internal structure than simple really. MGC something completely different and unique original. Of course not Shotorikoiru straight blow-back scheme, independent disco no nectar "withdrawal method". So, without necessarily being the hammer cocks, and squeeze the trigger, "Kakon, Kakon" to be operating with Russia and trigger mesh ^ ^.

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To witness this model, disgusted with the future of a model, enthusiasts began to pull you come and listen. For those who grew up in a black metal model indeed, a strange light and warmth of this model must have been hard hit. Because it was released before the cart still used gunpowder caps, of course gunpaper Open Cartridge specifications. Fire was also side-firing system. However, unlike ordinary Side Fire models and independent F pins are provided, how the metal too! But the striking surface is eccentric to cart style if you will like Rimfire. Therefore, the same force again and again
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Dent in the rim and battered the port to use, to become a for Nasanaku It came at all. It's so mad, I, MGC issued a complaint to the postcard (-_-menu.)
He says "Well it does not have the cart. To do something" with.
I do, "and hopefully convince safety" has responded stating that.
However, the country's most accessible Rimfire .22 caliber bullet. Happened to cart This model is similar to the 22 caliber, but then I fear more in the high risk form of the so-called Rimfire. So we have the time, that feeling still has not changed (--).

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However, letters written in poor children, who then may still respond to the postcard very unfavorable position of the MGC will be impressed, thank you.In order to take root in the new plastic models, but also as a manufacturer must have been hard, more than that, the attitude of equal pay careful attention as a model enthusiast, even children, "a model I love! "I felt the passion of MGC. Once there was a such a time. Now, although this model made by HW resale. New purchases are always in the shop, just get ,····· yen 15000 yen price. There were also many other's and nostalgia for the hand Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P210-0061 Kunari also really attracted to this style (classic and sexy! P226 and P220 are compared to this dump!) Because it was felt, and soon it was my first time in 30 years. I thought at first, but I'll be graced with a beautiful bluing. Back at home, look closely again, still have a good sink. Also, because it basically does is still using the old molds, plastic is still the old sweetness. Same internal structure.
Incidentally, Firing pin was changed to plastic. Since the state of rough surfaces, the paper tries to put a little cleaner, so should be abandoned rather badly cut込Manakere surprisingly rough. Eventually wind up firing.
Cart is designed to use 5mm cap CP. The size is the same as for P08. Well, that went off during loading and the inherent meaning and side-fire. As a precaution, the cap pulls an empty cart, and check the position of the cart when loaded firing pin, I can only imagine hitting that much.
"Well it's not compulsory Furuotosupesharu" was worried that, well, from 6 to prepare to try the cart perfunctory, firing once. First, sudden outbursts at the time of loading. "I need Oh, I have no idea what is going to happen," I thought, since it never went off without costs. This is still a mystery. But what's wrong with feeding or eject, jam occurs remains Ejekushonpoto cart. I do not know very much tried to ascertain the cause to break down a few times. But that will be fired several times, the cart that had 2 jump from even though I have not explode. "'m Guessing" and I found that the state is held in a narrow cart is a little too open and to confirm the magazine lip.
Therefore, we made a little fire from both sides again and close the lip, hit this. Successful continuous firing just fine. Later, two magazines fire was really good shape. But I was surprised that the insert has been missing. This model has been inserted before and after the split, the first part has been the impact of the fire get out there, so just plug in only. Push too, will come out of it and if the ignition has been removed.
Later, the bond will be re-drying glue in the sense of reinforcing the barrel. I'm worried about barrel plating type, so durability. By the way, what was the old model broke barrels. Incidentally, I use flash powder for fun, this is perfectly fixed. Too well because I dont have to slow to introduce all. Maybe I go together with powder 5 Mirikyappukato? P08 used the same cart as the sound may be missing because the gas ignited large unexpected fun there is power.
In addition, the slide also has a governor as decent weight, but also felt fairly reactionary. Sorry to say but surprisingly, very interesting. Come to think of model-specific fire with a simple structure. CP can be used reliably operate the cart on a course might be going smoothly. I turned around, I think I know once you finally MGC design excellence. MGC's, old postcards out weird sorry.
In terms of money, but get a reservation, a model for beginners, enthusiasts recommend firing or dish. If the same price range, Marushin (Commander) is there, or which to choose your favorite. However, how to think on Marushin better after that.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11083
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 3:07 pm


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11083
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Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 3:11 pm


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11083
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Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 3:13 pm

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ただし、かつての金属モデルであれば、ストック内に4インチ、6インチ、8インチの各モデルが収納できるのですが、プラ製モデルは出来ません。Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P08rstock1


































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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11083
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website   Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 3:14 pm


MGC Luger P08 steel

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Model kit made by ABS.

Such as changing the method is a method Firing system hammer striker originally peculiar to the MGC internal structure, and a real gun is far away at all.

On the other hand, seems designed to prioritize work, have a reputation for its fire performance.

However, the lowest level of maintenance. Automag as the company's mind is put to decompose not be fired from the previous day.

There was something in those early use of gunpowder is a paper model of my old type of gas used as the inner seal of the cap while shooting 5 CP mm model.

The percentage of the size of the cart out ridiculously loud, like firing at the highest level is the model also can not resist outgassing.

However, the magnitude of inflammation 憚Re sound much, I really did not let too much fire. Perhaps there should be no more than 10 years, it was ignited.

I was allowed to stand at around sometimes refers to oil, so inside the situation because they did not seem too bad to catch fire. It survives because the magazine has been plated with it.

A silencer attached to the muzzle of the attachments to cover, screw type with it.

Instruction manual to see what type of overlay Kuni Hukashi barrel (LX's probe, the type that are used in the fire scene), but has not yet been touched.

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I have to own what may be an era of metal models, the details are not stored.
The press has made considerable weight silencer body iron is fixed exactly as genuine.

However, the attachment portion of the bead in contact with the firm will cut does not care at all anymore. From a rag anyway Laughing

There is another book that can be attached silencers, is one of the more chubby than those around the photo.

Both add up to nothing so just in gas leak from between the muzzle fire, making a gas seal rubber sheet, set to be muzzle contact with the unit.

What type of expansion and contraction of the stock made the iron press.

This is also true for the model was supposed to be metal, plastic-made models can be installed without a problem.

However, if the old metal models, four inches in the stock, six inches, I can hold an 8-inch models, the model can not be made of plastic. Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 P08rstock1

For models with metal Shotorikoiru so that when compressed to accommodate it will be around a little Shotorikoiru, the model is made of plastic Shotorikoiru is not, at all fit the size of that first look is well worth deformed Osamu Osamu is not without.

It was full of rusting old equivalent, apparently little has been polished with steel wool to get a fair game.

The body paint was sold only at the time of the Marushin "Blue Steel", and also filled with putty after the grip, we are painted with white lacquer paint. Near those seen in the no. It is worn out.

This model, or peeling back part of the plastic frame and barrel continue to fire the ignition is off, or toggle the pins do not seem to affect fixed.

The plastic portion of the rear frame Hagaremashita my models, the operation is not affected. It seems this problem has only one toggle pins are fixed.

In addition, there is also a small crack at the base of the barrel, do not care. Barrel from the exterior of the structure is covered with plastic, such as a metal chamber, Phra damage does not seem to affect much of the operation.

Note that only one in trouble, the trigger, trigger bar, not the best or the transmission of shear force, often pulling the trigger but the hammer fall.

How to adjust this point (bar triggers, cut the portion in contact with the frame, the deep-consuming and Malaysia) have been described in the instruction manual even when the pull the trigger, generally do so press the left strongly it works properly, and now have been left alone.

In this model, storage and unexploded flares have experienced a setback or a malfunction is not due to insufficient quantity. Anyway, working on a model without any problems.


It is 10 years since fire.

I wondered what to do, so I had a long leave, was operated manually in the sense that it did not have any trouble, before the adjustment is not firing at all. Just put the oil.

But just to clean the cart, I've caught the oil.

Prepared for two types of videos with no silencer and silencer attached and stock.

The first one is, without a silencer.

Since it should be a real gun 8 volley sure, I tried to load 8 rounds in the magazine, just put up from 7. Huh? I see you too?

So from one chamber, the magazine tried to load from 7 to 8 blaze.

As you can see the result is. Kou Shigeru too soon. The sound still huge fire, the best outgassing. Recoil is light, is delightful. Well, indeed MGC. We admire.

Not just referring to its better jump than I thought, eject the cart there are also variations in flight direction. This is a bit disappointing.

Second, is fitted with a silencer and stock.

Will feel like a sniper.

The development of six charge.

We also successfully fired.

The firing sound like muffled sound but was cut, treble boost is not such a small sound. And maybe, maybe that is a small gas leak from the junction of the barrel . Well, the Toshiba does not care but it is just not feeling.

However, some appear to be lingering in the final round of firing, this is the trigger for the defects mentioned above.

As an aside, I was fired once before to set the recording to see the status of the silencer, the silencer is great now that the rust out within a grand silencer Laughing

Then, while shooting for the life of the gas seal it only once. Be mangled in a single firing.

This is the first time, I noticed a small stain at all after firing barrel.

If I even try to fire 10 rounds from a barrel, in other models, but the sewage flowing in black, this model is such a thing. As I look to dirty Ditoneta seen immediately after the firing Raremase I. Is it because of the cap 5 mm? From this point of the model is hard to do much maintenance is helpful.

However, after firing, the rear portion of the frame and barrel Hagaremashita've adhered to for once stripped. The operation is not affected, a little 気Ni入Rimasen. To clean up and repair, the adhesive once again I'm going to catch fire, but might be a little better ahead. soon, and I thought I better get for taking part ・ ・ ・ junk.

Has often been exhibited in the auction, some of which seem pretty reasonable price. Shimashi to be honest, as well as internal structure, it is also fairly deformed appearance of the school who think that if the display.
Would not be an exaggeration to say fire pro-only model. Display faction metal Marushin P08 recommend anything realistic. ・ ・ ・ Little expensive but.

Added May 10, 2003

Some time ago, it has become a little talk about this model in your like-minded sites, while the inner Tanakaparakato (firing pin) that can be used without the knowledge.
We heard that and I got to my tests. The original inner (type I used caps sky) and indeed see the size of the inner side by side together with Tanaka.
I wonder what will not notice until now. But there is not even the original complaint, but was tired of empty cap set, you can use if inner Tanaka, the minutes become easier. But after that I really do try to catch fire, so that no problem according to your story, we decided to test fire without recording a sudden.

Fire scene

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The movie starts at 7 rapid fire of automatic fire from the side, behind the angle of the four blazing, blazing five little stiff from the backlight, etc. end up in front of blazing 7. In both laughing so smoothly, the sound is just a big fire, the gas exits Bambang. Contact has also improved the trigger was the last slump, can comfortably blazing. However, the inner O-ring life is short. I mean, after the first fire is always good to say out O-rings. 5 CP mm inner cap O-ring system which models or just outside in general, or is broken, and this model is no exception. O give me off if they stopped the problem in the cart but not the ring, which may cause failure and feeding stick or dive into the chamber where the momentum surplus. The cart is filled with so once again.
After the fire, including the portion was perfect decomposition chamber, and fell down flake has three O-rings, were also rushed in from the muzzle during firing. O would be about three times the maximum reuse of the ring.
5 Mirikyappukato CP system for the necessary spare O-rings (which are many) is. Has been described previously, this model lacks good rear frame made of plastic barrels. However, most of which is in charge because the actual operation of the internal metal frame, a little chipping and cracking is not no problem.
Funny looking like P08, and should not display.
Ladies and gentlemen, do not hesitate this is the model to be fired up to break Bukkake.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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【概要】 でかくてピカピカ光るマグナムオートマチックです。










Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website - Page 3 Automag0071 実はジャンクも含めるとMGCオートマグは手元に4挺あり、これを機会に、それぞれの内部フレームを確認したところ、エジェクターの形状が2種類あることを発見。ほぼストレートにエジェクターが前方に伸びているものと、全体が僅か内側に傾けられた上、更に先端部が内側へ曲げられたタイプがあるのを発見。おそらくストレートに伸びたものは初期の紙火薬仕様で、曲げられたものはCP仕様でなかろうか。





Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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MGC Automag
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It is with huge shiny Magnum Automatic According to the hearing office, only slightly smaller than the real gun, but it is more close to the real size of the metal Marushin models are about the size of that do not mind anyway.
Of my own, long before the kit was purchased from CP Shirubamekkimoderu ABS specifications.
In this model, the chamber can also bolt is made of ABS. It sounds like eventually HW models were sold.
The initial model uses a significant amount of gunpowder, seems gunpaper specification was to achieve a powerful blow-back is attached to the chamber filled with heavy metal studs. However, the internal structure is completely different and a real gun. The original mechanism is the preferred operating MGC.
Assembly quite annoying, but I thought a strange structure, as it is fired without adjusting for much anyway, remember that the tone was good. However, ABS is a drawback of the model, causing cracking of the bolt, I had long resigned to the display model to get an early gunpaper specifications Burobakkumoderu managed to fire a metal bolt that could be retrofit to revived as a model.

Hit retrofit bolts, internal metal parts are polished as possible. In particular, the bleach is a hammer and an important point which model (firing plate) on the bottom contact surface is carefully polished, to be cock hammer smoothly as possible.
The model and continued to fire long firing tip of the plate, but hit the rim portion of the cart, this is deformed, it seems as bad moves inside the vault. Specifically speaking, in the most backward position firing plate, caught the rail portion of the deformed tip of the bolt, the plate now refuse to move forward. Then, only that the diminished force of the hammer blow, you must be aware of the increase could explode. The first is simply replaced with a metal bolt, but other internal parts of the plate using the original model, so familiar with each other from different parts of years of use what is called habit still思Washikunaku the operation, after all the internal parts are now into almost total replacement.

In addition, this model is on the barrel chambers被Sari originally ordered to be turned over and pinned Ditoneta screw. But somehow, the model kits I had not been turned over from the first set of pins.
It seems only bond was apparently fixed. I tell you later, there was a lot of these models.
Peel off adhesive or repeated shock or fire, so one day have to missing Zutsu Pori. There has been, by chance, but you get a model of the auction design gunpaper that time, and view the model received a whopping穿Ri pin out of the previous owner turned over more force, to retrieve the Chamber to there. Fine, "dad-gummed" I thought, Well this is also the edge of something (tea stiff for what?), I thought, also replaced the metal chamber (Purachenba had cracks in the plating model actually.)
Thanks are times heavy. However, this is what I also say, for a blind pin fixing this chamber to prevent remodeling so I will not be taken off. Above all, in the normal way can not be removed first.I take considerable damage to an important model. In fact, I obtained gunpaper specification model was hurting pretty badly.
Wait, I stopped Tokimashou.

Characteristic of this model, while the trigger pull, the bolt will be forced to stop internal parts is that is a mechanism to prevent accidental discharge during loading. M16 metal company had also become a mechanism series, really, and thought it admirable thing. But not with this completely, but in rare cases, it may burst.
It is indeed a good thing to Moderuganrashiku Laughing .

[b]The blowback could enjoy well-made bolt when the original plastic, and much increase is impressive as a metal bolt.
CP uses a fairly large private cart, you can feel a kick out of ignition.
CP other than the long stroke of the piston inner cart, the heavy bolts Fururikoiru no problems.
The downside is poor maintenance. Maintenance is difficult to model anyway. It would be nice to have easy bolt外Sere, not so. 外Remasen to proceed with random turn on and long screws. This area, so there is a trick.


Have been connected to one of five blazing scenes with six automatic fire. The cart is heavy飛Bimasen so far, to eject it is surely open smoothly, hold. The situation is seen as a bad exit from the barrel of gas than other models to help you hear the sound Itadaitara fire to escape from bad things will not sound pretty good. Thanks dud very strong hammer spring Ito Shigeru rarely. They are interesting models to catch fire. I feel a little recoil Raretara Ino Shigeru metal bolt.
Automatic Magnum handgun as a model, in terms of power and DE44 Hudson is just hard to put better.
The operation of reliability and good side but there may be fire in Automag minutes. However, it boasts the longest amount Rikoirusuraido significant maintenance and good DE44 appealing enough. I would DE44.
Are you the chosen one?

Additional 2003.6.22

  Description of the scene after firing once, let me explain you first noticed it because there is little point now. During recording, eject failure occurred several times, was feeling a little upset. HW or just the inner O-ring that is worn, dirty because I thought it in the cart, or found to have worn diagonally Sogareta the tip of the ejector. Contact with the ejector was shallower for the cart and apparently did not eject the cart as well. So I tried to bend slightly inward end of the ejector. Kicking the cart on the tummy and try to ignite the ejection, at least no longer poor at all.
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Including the fact junk Automag MGC has four elongated hand, this opportunity, make sure of the interior of each frame, two found that the shape of the ejector type. And extending almost straight forward ejection, on the whole slightly tilted inward, discovering that there is a type of tip bent inward more. Perhaps those stretched straight early in the design gunpaper, or bend the CP not have been specified. By the way, this model originally was a CP model frame, the last bolt and chamber gunpaper models (both metal) when the replacement, the model for those transplanted gunpaper frames as well had been. CP gunpaper specification model to the modified, the shape of the ejection is confirmed once doing?

The fire first, but will be recorded by a silver model only, because I felt a little sad to see what the finished extrusion one last black ABS models that appear in the book. Junk-minute patchwork three naval vessels, was completed in, and the chamber body ABS, bolts HW, and firing methods, CP thing inside the frame.
Be the first time that the ignition.
So, the movie followed by a barrage of first single silver model, cancer has become one of the last and only pay for a pair. Mao has also failed Puroppumubi simple way. Can you see any (^ ^) But I should think a little more angle and zoom, Ingram firing away tired, just missing a little Tsutomu Sako. Moreover, despite their good form when ignited by itself, a production emergency, fire and begin to turn the camera together two elongated, and you may experience a misfire or become fully automatic, just get cranky (TT). Have also introduced, entertainment, tied between the first shot the first bullet of the black and silver, the error count of the number fired, they've become something missing between the last firing silver bullets.
Wait, can I・・・^ ^.
Is a digression, it becomes many times per Ejekutokato silver model of a black model, had scared every time. The cart guys, they scratched it hits the plate in one shot with heavy strapping.
But when I thought that Ingram, "I'm not you do it again!".


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Model is very unique. If you are a real gun, and that it is possible to use burst fire with three points while the stock semi-auto Daburuakushononri, operating system and points to Sutoretoburobakku deeply by a life ring, but the shot shell using 9 Miripara It is well known, appears with anything strange.

On the other hand appears to be a futuristic looking like a water gun. MGC is this thing I uploaded the model well. Will produce a model in his prime. Using a model system Daburuakushononrimoderu striker even more. Daburukaraamu magazine, in a sequential manner blowback double feed Opunditonetataipu 20. Announcing the launch of anomalous CP cart model ("Gun" featured in the January issue of 1983 magazine) that I do seems to have been actually sold is not well acquainted.
The stock also looks like it was finally sold in those days was slow, the situation on the stock will be omitted because it is famous.
3-point burst just say that was difficult.
How much for a unique model and was popular, but think Sore程, the famous game "Resident Evil" "2", and suddenly they became popular as a side arm emerged from the initial configuration of a hero As we feel that (the way I do it today, get all the hidden weapons. minigun is pleasure than anything else on hand.)

It seems that is trading at a hefty price to see a substantial auction.

Stock seems to be a rarity in particular.
Memories have watched the movie "Alien 2" only. Or from a futuristic form that was used as a side arm of the Marine Corps does not remember much.
Personally, in the climactic battle at a nearby uptake, Marines macho woman (who "T2" was out as well) to blaze the S & W's Shinguruakushonoto more impressive.

[Available] Background

If you do not need regular bulletin boards offer me the fact that there is VP70, was obtained by force by exploiting its position as the manager Laughing . Although it might be exaggerated, if not just say that many who wish to draw, how other people were refraining from their hands are listed first Hitoshi Hazime management. Because the position is a position that will have to understand the behavior of some reason, there is a sex maniac. This _(_^_)_.治Ran
What is up with the hope that those who appear to offer a stock offering as well Laughing .


We are available in gray, so Parker is a steel plate inside鋳込Ma slide, I think late model. Slide the early ones are rusty-colored HW He was in the material used.
Since it was Satoshi Satoshi story in its own way into that junk from the front.
If you do not mind dirt and scratches, and will no longer do anything major parts missing or damaged (fire aimed from the beginning), so until it arrives at hand is to Orimashita rather nervous.
Get emergency situation at hand and the name is taken, the trigger引Kenai first fall on their own, cover the end of the striker slide.
Itashimashitara decomposed to confirm the internal slide and frame, metal parts are rust, corrosion, rust. Completely fixed to the inside Ditoneta barrel, light can pass through swelling rusty affairs. [/color]Inside the surface layer of peel off the plastic slide underneath the metal (iron?), Portion (also rust here) are visible. This is certainly great state ( _ ).
No wonder that people think it will be the disposal of the previous owner does not.

This HP is "junk box" is a sign listed in our model that deserves the name exactly Laughing .

Anyway, I stuck in a situation to take the dirty work of the whole, complete digestion first. At this point there is no documentation (at a later date, "Emperor" from a different part Itadakimashita. Thanks!), So relying on "Gun" was just published in perspective introduction of magazine articles. Because the structure助Kari・・・Although simple.
Dito was the removal of cumbersome.
Rod from the muzzle plug, Naka Naka has not come out on strike Purahanma patiently knock. I feel so originally shorter, and finally in frustration, in hammer blow. Worked in this way have become fat as Dito slipping around in a rust.
Is now pretty well surprisingly Dito磨Kimashitara brass brush, because it is an open type is worried about what the appropriate value in the range of sizes.
Parts ordered were mostly clean, found that the three parts is missing at this point than try and perspective. Slide the cover screws to secure the striker's end slides first. It screws right off the shelf potatoes.
Mediate Faiaringupin striker plate blocks then firing.
Find a suitable thickness of the metal rod from the junk again, cut to substitute. The length will be adjusted to see the status of the fire. The original case to the cart at a later date we have F-pin out. I wish I had・・・common. Last spring a small plate and slide set during firing. F probably add negative tension to the plate, I think that play a role during loading to prevent outbursts. This tension is unknown because the original, the only thing that fits no substitute inconvenience.
Functionally, knowing emergency, as part once it enters the assembly will be equipped with everything.
There may be a first assembly quite difficult. P08 Automag and I felt something in common. Well, I will somehow.
Since it was a terrible situation of the cart part, you will overnight soaking in the Saint Paul.

What is a little too far?
Hand out black tea just waiting grave.
Then try and assembled, will be able to trigger the operation without problems, especially with other work that would not be impeded by a relief.
However, combined with a long trigger stroke Torigapuru Ito Shigeru, I feel rather unique trigger changes (?_?).


○ rocky

Empty cart set the cap down to the Saint Paul overnight soaking in the dirt, checking manually feeding. Any problems there is not only truly original.
But as bad as the dirt that was stuck in the cart, to take up beautifully is that will be surprised. Dreadful, the power of Saint Paul! I was planning to fire, but wait until the weekend, the body faster than expected, and decided to try and catch fire, so little once We now complete in both the cart body. 6 available from carts, and grease inside the cap set 7 mm. Slowly slide back the first shot went off, so I'm afraid, we'll squeeze the trigger strange. First shot, fired bullets and also a nice following.
However, after the 3rd shot was a misfire is recovered in each of the first double.
There were no outbursts, misfire is noticeable. As a precaution and was digested, whoa, F substitutes plate spring is bent! This is the cause, good power hitting right message is how the misfire occurred.
Stopped firing at this time. ・・・見Tsukenakutsu tea and spring.

○ puzzle deepens

The next day, again from 6 × 2 test-fired. No problems at all from the first six, however, burst from the next six (>_<). Well, you are an integral Bye. Empty cart set the cap would go to the closed position and slide the cart broken out vigorously. Forward inertia of the striker block when closed, they will move forward because the cart. We will confirm the position of the cap to slide to the operation to prevent accidental discharge slowly, just slightly, between 1 mm and the cap is only slightly Dito not afford that. It is rather subtle. You may only have to appear before the proper position from the position Dito. But from the first six did not have it explode, I worry even more.
By applying a grease or oil well inside the cart, you may work by increasing the effectiveness Eakushon. Cart is certainly the first six from a clean, tightly applied to the oil, but is only the second time wiped clean with a tissue, fewer lower oil enters the air cushion between the inner and Dito Cart Maybe. Or put in the firing of explosives, it might not be obtained in a full stroke back. Check the manual when confirmed by retracting the slide to the full.
More likely to have strong momentum here.
On this day, and so far, after the homework later.

[Movie] fire

Fire or something she said. Recorded for the movie is not good at all. The first is in good shape, 7-8 second half is likely to cause much more than that from the misfire and explode. Blazing in the first eight movies are fine, then it just went off.
What is involved Dito dirt?
Apart from the results recorded in the terrible, things that show you are my best level for this degree. Again, Opunditoneta, Daburuakushononri, striker fired expression, as a model that there is a feeling that the condition is too bad. First, it is not vital to prevent outbursts during loading, before stumbling proceed from there.
私Gotoki the utmost level of what this is about.
M59 380 Mulberry cart or the cart using some means to adjust, and it will be solved. I threw like pains along the way, please understand that in the present report. The yell will soon try again.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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MGC S & WM59
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MGC-made S & WM59 (ABS) appeared. However, I do not own model. Like-minded person "Haikyapa" model's own. Historically, "I leave a few models on hand, up the movie" in the request, and this was realized.
Plastic auto S & W and say, there are models made by Marushin addition, the internal structure of the real models made by Marushin capture the title. Shotorikoiru Marushinmoderu are reproduced artificially, even the other, except that the fire-side structure is very similar to the real gun. In contrast, MGC, including models that are fixed barrel, close to the original internal structure of the MGC. GM and Automag 2, P 08 and a common design. But for the working entirely on the MGC.
[b]Although the same side of fire, how the MGC that is better.
This cart model CP (7 mm) model specification. Rather than the real size, of magnitude in size with 380. Should be shared with the M76. "Haikyapa" From added, "HW inner Pequena too powerful. It had an inner venting" I advise you, and used the inner fire venting. But what was wrong with the chemistry of the inner venting hand, misfire occurs from about 3 per one magazine, 15 rapid-fire could end. Hence, the movie is edited as always by cheating (^ ^. "Haikyapa" The story says, but a dud of each magazine was that・・・at most once. Were recorded during the rainy season Rino Mori, maybe that is partly due to the rain, too (excuse).

Rikoirushokku ABS blow-back is not great for, while, Rite Kana they enjoy working with light ignition. However, the model you want Centerfire speaking honestly. "Haikyapa" from friends, in addition to this model, to take your two later. [b]Stay tuned because they will also turn up (^ ^).


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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 最後は頭に来て、ライターの火であぶったところ、見事ゆがんでしまいポシャ(××)/~~~。 で、すっかり頭の血管が切れてしまったので、ついでにバレルも切っちゃいました(^^;)v





color=#006666]「ABS製M16A1ではボルトが閉鎖時にボルトヘッドが慣性で前進してしまい暴発し てしまうため、同ABS製キットではOリング(ゴム)をボルトの上のパーツの孔(ガスチューブが入る部分)入れ、クッションとしていました。






Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Sun May 29, 2011 1:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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ABS model kit. I bought at an auction in the Middle Ages.

From those of the previous owner, received a call that will be upset but not firing, the wrong way and the installation of the ejector Why do not decompose, 直Shimashitara top form (MGC or so of course) becomes Mashita.

However, the front hand guard Shoboku are distorted by the aging joint.

Besides, the entire ABS plastic products for the Marushin M16 series after the operation, will receive the impression of lacking a sense of rigidity strangely thin. What a fine, but if the HW made of.

Also, I like the barrel is bent down a little. I think I can fix it with warm or hot dryer, trouble (not sure actually) has been unchanged since Houtsu.

But the performance is indeed firing. Bang, Bang, and vigorously Hajiki出Shimasu cart. There is no need to adjust the maintenance of the cart If you keep this terribly.

Besides, unlike the M16 Marushin system, pushing the entire rim of the cart system firing plate (made of plastic because it allowed), survives because of wear and tear so the cart.

But from what I've gathered, is that repeated inflammation swells the cart, and I have not yet occurred. The trouble then. I'll get the other new cart is difficult.

Series of 20 stations and 30 magazines, while it owns more than once Maguchenji 50 cart from it, I would like to blaze 50 Mottainaku away hesitant to cart to see the original shiny 貧乏性Masu Laughing

(Fire scene)

The challenge of fully loaded magazine with 20 stations. Firing by changing the way light ・ ・ ・ position. I lie (sweat).
I was going to fire from 20 consecutive Actually, that was only one shot to explode the way it was edited by concatenation of changing the position from which to fire again. Is not an excuse could be edited fairly good condition. Firing at the camera, especially the second half to blow gas from a long barrel, there is power.
More than anything, is your charm point behind my rabbit!

Of course, after the shooting, the camera frantically wiped!

The XM177 Marushin better understand the differences in the sound momentum of the gas or fire than this.

After that, although I somehow do a perfect barrel without sagging spirit.

Add Movie MGCM16A1 (2003.2.8 added)

MGC after a long time I made M16A1 type CP ABS・. When the last report, the downside is specified with the barrel. Then, I will make this pendant to straight barrel anyway, and warmed by the dryer, I tried a lot and leave with a splint or no effect.
Finally came to head in at a lighter roast, wonderful distorted away Posha (× × )/. In the vessels of the head, so I lose all had barrels cut in passing tea (^^Wink v And we become calm, but somehow ugly. I try to somehow find something good or I was Ategatsu various hand pipes. FLASH birdcage-type first came with from the beginning (was it?) I also was on hand for some reason, MGC M16A1 Flash hider types of metal for the three-pronged. Yoshi Tadasu and somehow makes it fit together. SF alone and I am glad the stage like a barrel of the gun used in movies (^ ^

Recently, this model will be talking about the bulletin board.
When you have heard it from you, leave your information listed. Ejecureto reinforcing ball

Operation of the ejector system for this model is arranged by a unique MGC. When the bolt back, relatively protruding forward from the left side is set Ejekutapureto bolts bolt touch the tip of the ejector body, the movement as a result ejectors kick the cart.
In early models, the plate is was a pressing plate just a model of late wear contact surface with the body of the ejector (curl) to prevent, it seems to be embedded in a steel ball a small contact surface . My model is an initial model from such treatment is not so to the contact surface is considerably damaged. However, when the operation is not caused problems so far. If you've Sore程no opportunity to fire, that you may well not worry too much.

Prevent accidental discharge
This is because I know the regulars without permission "I will Abain or" copy, so we have what has been written down to the Bulletin Board, please refer to there. "I will Abain or" Thank you.
"ABS-made M16A1 because they went off away to move forward inertia bolt head when the closed bolt in the ABS kit made by the O-ring (rubber) hole parts on the bolt (the part that contains the gas tube) into was as a cushion. XM177E2 advance to avoid adding to the inertia and click mechanism in the bolt head. There are bolt holes perpendicular to the direction of the part that contains the gas tube, ball bearings and springs have been added there, has been added to the bolt head recesses for even clicking. The kit and I both have組立Mashita, the fire was not only the A1, was still none went off. O-ring is attached to the kit the way things are just too big not enter, how to cut the part was included in a model magazine Challenger "C" - set to the state. (Just the size of the O-ring if there might be a problem, because there might be better fit coming out in the larger size) or more ".

Inner ○ (piece firing pin)
Earlier "LX probe's" I can tell you from other than the inner cart CP, M16 seems to be a short inner cart minimal. The usual stuff about 8 millimeters・At 6-7, M16 for about 8 millimeters. The reasons are well understood and may possibly prevent outbursts as well. To the CP and the other with the inner will, in one glance know which is.
On us to not make a mistake.

The first movie, tip of muzzle-up reviews. I pity the white background is invisible gas. Then, after changing the angle followed by a short cut, the last 18 automatic fire (・・・should be.) Here you can see that the gas begins to blow. Folding is greater for the firing sound, but still good shape model, the concern is with a hammer. It is a zinc alloy, is quite striking surface is dented. Sore程frequent fire is not to such a severely damaged・・・. And owns a pair of the same model again, one can spare a little uneasy with the hammer is secured. Heat oil to clean the inside of the cart, the inner O Watch out if the state fire ring, an excellent model for us to operate a near-perfect. The end of 2002, MGC from one of a series M16, HW made M725 (was it?) Was announced resale. Has become expensive place than before but no way, be realistic, reliable operation in the ignition, the Marushin M16 2 can be a good one from the series to be honest.
If you feel there should be rigid steel HW. If you wish to folding can be easily ignited, will by all means should be purchased. I think that is what this part also provide a relief・・・. How about it?


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

Last edited by Cerwyn on Sun May 29, 2011 1:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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