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 MGC Frontier Derringer

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2 posters
Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Registration date : 2010-03-10

MGC Frontier Derringer Empty
PostSubject: MGC Frontier Derringer   MGC Frontier Derringer Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 2:44 am

MGC “Frontier Derringer” Review
MGC Frontier Derringer Cards
I recently acquired this fine all-metal MGC Derringer through a Forum member. As I have no cartridges for it yet, I can’t do a review of it shooting – but I am sure other reviews of other Derringers have covered that!

MGC Frontier Derringer Derringer002

The only disappointment with this modelgun, is that the plastic grips are extremely aged and brittle – and the left hand side grip disintegrated completely when I attempted to slightly tighten the loose grips. 'Sad'
It was glued with an epoxy glue, but sometime soon I shall make some replacements – probably out of bone!
Like all Derringers it is very simple to operate -'jocolor'
To load: rotate the Breech locking pin 180 degrees and lift up the double barrels and load both chambers. Close the breech and return the pin to its original position.
MGC Frontier Derringer Derringer003
To shoot: Cock the hammer, pull the trigger. Repeat. (The firing pin is actually a cam which re-aligns the hammer to discharge upper & lower chambers.)

To unload: Rotate the locking pin; lift the barrels; push the ejector slide button to remove the empty cases.

MGC Frontier Derringer Derringer005
Then you can either re-load, or start cleaning!'cheers'
The photos speak for themselves. I gave the pistol a clean, a lube, tightened and adjusted some tension on the main lever cir-clip – and it all works fine!
MGC Frontier Derringer Derringer006
MGC Frontier Derringer Derringer008
This is a hard to get example of early MGC modelguns and I’m pleased to add it to my growing Western Collection.

MGC Frontier Derringer Derringer007

Last edited by kiwigunner on Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To add photos)
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

Number of posts : 333
Location / Country : Perth, Western Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-21

MGC Frontier Derringer Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC Frontier Derringer   MGC Frontier Derringer Icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2012 12:28 am

Jeez it looks like this review was missed aswell.

I really need to take a closer look at these forums, rather than rush through them while I am at work.

Good job! Smile
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

Number of posts : 556
Age : 74
Location / Country : Auckland/New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-03-10

MGC Frontier Derringer Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC Frontier Derringer   MGC Frontier Derringer Icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2012 12:22 pm

Thanks Ozi -- these posts are easy to miss aren't they! Shocked

But at least they're here for posterity!


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PostSubject: Re: MGC Frontier Derringer   MGC Frontier Derringer Icon_minitime

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