***Originally posted by mark ***
No, claymore it's always a good idea to check to see if everyone has seen certain interesting modelgun websites,modelgun-shops etc. So, it never hurts to post modelgun links..The link that you provided is an excellent modelgun site that the owner is quite proud of (for good reason too!) in fact, he has emailed me in the past about his site and he is a very nice guy!
As for the milweb site, that exchange site makes me sick with jelousy as even though Britain has some rather nasty gun control that is getting worse monthly(heck,where isn't it?)you still can have deactivated real submachineguns! I know that we can have real live machineguns in the U.S. but only in certain states and only after loads of paperwork, background checks,fingerprints,$200 dollar tax 90-120 day wait for the paperwork/transfer/approval and the actual cost of the gun itself! And my state is one of the prohibited states! So, the closest that i can get to a real full auto firearm is a modelgun!