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 WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor

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WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Empty
PostSubject: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2011 10:24 pm

Anyone have a MGC Mac 11? I am going nuts trying to find one that isn't plugged. I am even looking at, anyone ever use this thing? Yahoo Japan auctions seem rife with them but Japan being over in Japan, I would rather deal with a US based seller if anyone has one. I am in the California area
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Fight Designer
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WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2011 10:35 pm

I've got one in my rental inventory, but I'm not really looking to sell it right now.
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WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitimeFri Jul 29, 2011 1:15 am

Fight Designer wrote:
I've got one in my rental inventory, but I'm not really looking to sell it right now.

Got any pics of it? Anyone know anyone in Japan at least?
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Modelgun Master
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WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitimeFri Jul 29, 2011 2:56 am

I am in the San Fernando Valley, CA, I have one that I will sell.
But it has been used as a prop and has some cosmetic issues.

It comes with front strap.
Spare wood colored grips.
three mags two 32 and one 25 in a pouch.
and a bunch of brass.
I have 200 or so caps, that I could never get to work very well, I will throw in - I wouldn't have used them in a movie anyway, more me spending an hour or two trying to get it to fire for fun.

The bad.
1. The front sight broke off.
2. Someone sawed into the barrel where it meets the receiver, the metal inside the barrel holds it in place, but it was a strange mod, I can only guess why they did it, but you can't see it clearly unless you're looking for it.

$250 and it's yours.
email: figaropictures at (replace at with the symbol)
The movie it's in is "The Butcher" - it's playing on Showtime and avail everywhere - Jerry Trimble pulls it on Eric Roberts, but get's distracted and is shot in the head, he drops the gun, this broke the sight, and is why I won't use modelguns anymore, they break, and I get upset.
It's the first death - excuse the music, etc, someone else edited this compilation:


Last edited by pitfighter on Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:15 am; edited 2 times in total
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Fight Designer
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WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitimeFri Jul 29, 2011 3:39 am

Not a great picture, but mine's listed here:
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Modelgun Master
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WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitimeFri Jul 29, 2011 4:18 am

Nice site, Kevin!

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Fight Designer
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Modelgun Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitimeFri Jul 29, 2011 9:58 pm

Occurred to me I do actually have a decent shot of this thing firing, as a part of a behind-the-scenes on a (honestly crappy little no-budget) video I worked on a few years back... last shot in this video is the Mac-11 firing. You can see there was at least one misfire (probably a dud cap). The earlier shots we used a gas blowback version, as it's sturdier and less expensive to replace.
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PostSubject: Re: WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor   WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor Icon_minitime

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WTB MGC Mac 11 M11 with suppressor
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