As mentioned in a previous post my CMC M1 Paratrooper Carbine arrived missing the extractor spring and plunger.As parts are hard to get and/or expensive to buy from overseas I decided to make one myself. Using an internet photo of a real spring and plunger as a guide, I found an ordinary 3 inch nail fits the hole in the bolt. I bought a spring that also fits from a local hardware store - slightly longer than required.
Not having a lathe I cut off the nail head and placed the nail in the chuck of my drill-press, then with the motor running I
very carefully used a basic steel file to remove excess material until the diameter of the nail just fitted the inside of the spring.
Rremoving the nail, it was cut to approximately the right length with a small hacksaw, and then finally measured to fit and filed and rounded appropriately.
After re-assembly and checking for correct operation the plunger was blued with Casey's Birchwood Bluing paste.
The finished part does the job, and cost $3 for the spring, which was cut to fit.
Well that's one more step closer to refurbishing my Paratrooper M1 Carbine.