Real pistol grip fits with no modification.
real trigger guard fits with no modifications
real selector detente (for smooth clicks from auto to semi to safe) required boring out the hole in the receiver slightly
real pivot and take down pins, slightly wobbly.
real bolt hold open, had to shave material off the top, doesn't function with real or marushin magazines.
real rear sight, had to slightly bore out material from around the holes on the receiver for the pin to fit, kept the original plate spring.
real dust cover, fits but wont close.
real forward assist. requires boring out the hole slightly, but works just fine.
real magazine releases don't fit without shave material off the steel, but don't catch magazine because they don't stick out as much.
real stocks can fit of you file material off of them.
real hand guards are 1/4" to long. I'm going to be replacing the barrel with steal parts eventually.