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 another day at the firing range..

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another day at the firing range.. Empty
PostSubject: another day at the firing range..   another day at the firing range.. Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 9:07 pm

yestrday was a sun day..
i pick the family and go to the shooting range..
and give to my little daugther the change to learn how shooting..
another day at the firing range.. Dsc03480z
they use a little 22 lr single shot carabine..made by american firm's henry..
a gun sized for children's use..
another day at the firing range.. Dsc03483l
hit the target was fun..
another day at the firing range.. Dsc03482xo
but hit the water bottle over the target was more fun..
another day at the firing range.. Dsc03484t
my wife shootin a chinese type 56-1 S..
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Location / Country : Poland
Registration date : 2009-03-03

another day at the firing range.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: another day at the firing range..   another day at the firing range.. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2012 11:36 am

Royal hobby :-)

I wonder if the Queen would have liked modelguns.

another day at the firing range.. Queen-machine-gun-630x395
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another day at the firing range..
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