Post by toku Hi. Mark
An answer may be slow, but I tried to consider dimensions of Hudson and MGC, but a piston of Hudson has a short 2.3mm. And 0.5mm are big the inside diameter of a cart.
Therefore, I have to lengthen length of detonator when I use a piston of MGC for a cart of Hudson.
The share that the cart inside diameter is big may absorb an error by the elasticity of an O ring.
Various carts are used in the companies, but can use the cart which dimensions resembled for other models.
I have M1921(MGC) of a type to use paper gunpowder.
I can use a CP cart in this.
In addition, because an original cart of M1A1 of Hudson was close in dimensions, I remodeled one copy of a model gun and I was common and was able to use a MGC.45ACP rial size cart.
Dimensions of each cart are just what I did it.
Hudson CP MGC CP that it is made the cart which I have elsewhere a table on the following page