Glad to see other members making some presentation boxes... our modelguns deserve looking after. So here's another presentation box in the making!
By chance I came across a deep wooden box on TradeMe (local auction web site) and won it fairly cheaply about 8 weeks ago was made of a nice Kauri (local native tree) with brass corners. I bought it without a clear objective in mind...
Then I recalled that last year I was lucky enough to by a long barrelled MGC metal Luger plus a Snail drum (Trommel) magazine. This year an artillery model came up for auction in NZ, and won that. They go with my standard 4 inch barrel P08 Luger..... but how to store them had been a challenge?
Now I have the answer.... so after trying various combinations for fit, this is the one I have chosen to create.
I'll post the completed box when it's finished - about a week or so, I reckon!
KiwigunnerPS I could really do with a shoulder stock for these, but I can't find a seller that has one in stock except for a Tanaka version. That is way too expensive for me.
If anyone can help, please PM me.