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 Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box

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2 posters
Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Location / Country : Auckland/New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-03-10

Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Empty
PostSubject: Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box   Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Icon_minitimeFri Oct 05, 2012 12:32 pm

Glad to see other members making some presentation boxes... our modelguns deserve looking after. So here's another presentation box in the making! Very Happy

By chance I came across a deep wooden box on TradeMe (local auction web site) and won it fairly cheaply about 8 weeks ago was made of a nice Kauri (local native tree) with brass corners. I bought it without a clear objective in mind...

Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Kauribox

Then I recalled that last year I was lucky enough to by a long barrelled MGC metal Luger plus a Snail drum (Trommel) magazine. This year an artillery model came up for auction in NZ, and won that. They go with my standard 4 inch barrel P08 Luger..... but how to store them had been a challenge?

Now I have the answer.... so after trying various combinations for fit, this is the one I have chosen to create. Cool

Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Snaildrumkugers

I'll post the completed box when it's finished - about a week or so, I reckon!


PS I could really do with a shoulder stock for these, but I can't find a seller that has one in stock except for a Tanaka version. That is way too expensive for me. Sad If anyone can help, please PM me.

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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Registration date : 2011-10-16

Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box   Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2012 3:55 pm

Hi Kiwigunner,

beautiful box, i need a tall one for my P08 artillery !

Just one suggestion, have you think to make 2 levels, so the 2 luger will be up on the first plan and the trommel magazine behind. Because your box is deep.

Bon travail.
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

Number of posts : 556
Age : 74
Location / Country : Auckland/New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-03-10

Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box   Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2012 7:09 pm

Thanks for the great idea, merci!

I am still trying out different ideas - and because I also have a 4 inch P08 I was contemplating making another level for it. scratch

The other way to go is to have one fully assembled Luger (Artillery model), plus two barrel/toggle assemblies that can be inter-changed! I have seen real steel presentation boxes like that.

But that would be wasteful of two P08 receivers. Crying or Very sad - so I prefer to keep the whole pistol and box all 3 of them! If I do that, then I would put the 4 inch model in the bottom with the Artillery model - and have the Long barrelled model on top - as you suggest!

A bientot!


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Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box   Trommel Magazine Luger -Presentation Box Icon_minitime

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