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 Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help)

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PostSubject: Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help)   Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 08, 2012 12:54 pm

First and foremost, hello to all! I'm new to this forum, and new to modelguns in general, having recently inherited a few from my uncle. And of course, I have questions right off the bat!

I am hoping for help solving a problem with my Mauser broomhandle wooden stock/holster. It is missing the piece that attaches the wooden stock to the groove on the back of the grip of the gun. Overall, the gun seems to be in good condition, all metal except for the plastic (faux wood grain) handle grips, and looks similar to some of the MGC models posted on this forum. The Wooden stock/holster is in excellent condition, and fits the gun perfectly: no movement once closed, nor is it a tight squeeze to holster the gun. I have included photos below showing details of the gun, the wooden stock/holster, and the "business" end of the stock where the piece is missing.

One thing I have noticed after extensive searching on this forum, and after searching for actual Mauser wooden stock holsters of this type on the internet at large, is that mine seems a little bit different where it attaches to the gun handle. Most are quite flat and flush with the back of the grip, whereas mine seems to have a chamfer or bevel along the sides, as if the missing attachment piece is somewhat more complicated than with most other models. Unique Canes has a piece that looks similar to what I might need for sale, but again, it looks simpler somehow than what my stock was made for.
Any help in identifying my modelgun Mauser, and especially help in locating a suitable replacement for the missing part, would be greatly appreciated.

Below is a set of photos that should cover the gun and wooden stock/holster, but do ask if anything is less than clear.

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062853855_7f73fa9d29

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062848849_cb8a635702

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062851183_ceda25c79a

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062841622_4b40ff3264

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062839113_cfcfa4db7a

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062846736_3530ec066b

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062844030_b372a1245d

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062833954_5321b0c73c

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062837550_66948240e1

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062835290_db70b5d58c

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062831233_de3e1f2a02

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062829135_12e86332cc

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062827032_d739ec961e

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062824345_33bf589b58

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062821787_091b5d41e5

Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) 8062820022_07f51662a4

Thanks again!

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Modelgun Enthusiast
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Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help)   Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 08, 2012 2:19 pm

The gun and stock you have are MGC the metal mounting piece has a wheel on it that pulls the stock up tight to the gun.
you will most likely never find this part. the after market stock dont have this wheel on them and just slip on the back of the gun and lock in place on the bottom with a spring loaded catch. but the mgc mausers are not designed for this type of catch. you have to notch out the gun it self for the little catch to lock in place. but now all the aftermarket stocks you see for sale either made in India, China , Hong Kong, Need an extensive amount of metal and wood working to get them to fit your gun and or for your gun to fit inside. If you look on ebay right now i have an mgc mauser with an aftermarket stock attached to it. and you'll also see that it took me about 3 days work to get it to fit and requires tools needed to do this type of work. any way wish i had good news for you. maybe someone on the fourm can help you find the part you need.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help)   Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 08, 2012 4:16 pm

Hi Duo,

Welcome to the forum once again Very Happy I'm glad to see the photo posting issue is now resolved cheers

I'm certain our members will be able to help you further, as you can see it didn't take long for ken's response to arrive. (thanks Ken Exclamation )


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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PostSubject: Re: Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help)   Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 08, 2012 10:35 pm

Thanks for the great info KHarris. I figured that the situation might be just as you describe it in terms of scarcity of the part, but at least it is nice to have confirmation of the manufacturer, and that the stock is original to the gun.

With your description of the wheel mechanism, the stock design makes sense to me now. If I am visualizing this right in my head, the wheel design would require that small hole at the center of the end of the stock, to fit a threaded "axle rod" of some sort, allowing the wheel to rotate. And I would guess that those inward beveled sides (at the end of the stock) allow your fingers access to turn the wheel, in order to tighten the stock against the handle.

As an aside: I particularly appreciate your quick response on this forum, as I was actually going to contact you directly via eBay to ask for your advice on this issue, based primarily on your listings there and on GunBroker, and your obvious expertise on the subject, as well as your proximity to AZ (on the off-off-chance you might have just such a part lying around -- wishful thinking indeed, I know!). I suppose that I should not be surprised that you also frequent this forum, but still, the internet does seem like a small world sometimes.

Anyway, thanks again!
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PostSubject: Re: Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help)   Hello! (and request for Mauser Broomhandle Wooden Stock Help) Icon_minitime

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