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 HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeSat Sep 28, 2013 11:00 am

HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit

The first kit I bought gave me lots of fun and I didn't want to stop so I got myself another one.
The HWS S&W M19 6".
I did several mistakes with the previous kit, and I'll try to do a better job on this one, as well as trying the bluing method from HWS website Cerwyn linked few days ago.
Kiwigunner also posted a link link from a Japanese blog and even though I'm decades away from the level of their work, it shows what one can achieve and will inspire me to be more patient and careful.

HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno2_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno3_500
I definitely like those raw boxes! Somehow it means that the best is to come.

Open Sesame
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno4_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno6_500
Alright! Here's what you get. Instructions in Japanese, a returning card (maybe) and the parts neatly and simply arranged.
As opposed to the Marushin kit, some parts here are already assembled. Although it's advertised as a HWABS, it's rather light. (note: the box is not included in the weight)
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno5_1280

HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno10_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno1_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno3_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno4_500
The markings look good and the job on these are cleaner than on the Marushin.

HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno7_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno1_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno8_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvienQMX1rpidqno9_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno8_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno2_500
Here's what I'll have to sand before I apply any kind of finish. Not sure why there are greyish parts, but it looks like they cleaned the gun before.

The Grip
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno9_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno5_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno6_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mttvm987Fn1rpidqno7_500
Although there's a bad cut on the bottom back side of the grips they fit better than expected! Not sure yet if and how I can fix the bad cut though.

Overall Feeling
The material looks solid but could have been heavier. The markings are great and I can imagine how good it can look once the finish applied.
There's a lot to do with this kit and that's also where the fun comes from.
See you soon for the next step!

Last edited by cosmitron on Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeSun Sep 29, 2013 8:47 pm

HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit - Step 2
I couldn't find "Birchwood Aluminium Black" in the gunshop nearby but the seller suggested "Ballistol Klever Schnell Brünierung" (quickbrowning - bronzage rapide) and I decided to give it a go.
I also found some antique patina stuff at the Art supplies.
So here's the thing:
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno3_1280
The antique patina job is pretty easy. Painted the whole grip with a brush, let it dry a bit and swiped it with some cloth. Done.
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno5_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno6_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno7_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno8_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno9_500HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno10_500
The Ballistol Klever Schnell Brünierung worked surprisingly well! Some parts will stay brighter though and I won't get the blued effect on the mat HWABS material.
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno1_1280

I can't say it was a nightmare but the assembly was less easy than the Marushin one. Some parts could fit better and requires more sanding work or to be reshape. Springs are a tad small and to fit them where they need to be without losing them can be tricky. The whole thing feels more toyish.

I like the look of the gun right now though and will leave it like this for a couple of days and will see if I still wanna work on it. Smile

Last edited by cosmitron on Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Modelgun Master
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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 9:28 am

Salut L'ami,

Beau boulot une fois de plus !
Si tu continues les kits, tu verras que tu prendras le coup Smile
Ta peinture, je n'arrive pas à me rendre compte si cela rend bien ou pas, en photo c'est pas simple de se faire une idée.

Good job friend, you will see, the more you practice, the more easier it will be Smile

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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 10:11 am

Merci! J'aimerais bien continuer sur ma voie, mais les kits se font rares :/
Concernant la teinte il ne s'agit pas vraiment de peinture mais plutôt de brunissage. Je peux toujours passer un coup de vernis ou même repeindre.
L'avantage c'est que les détails restent très fins et qu'il m'est toujours possible de poncer les excès de plastiques et autres merdouilles, mais l'inconvénient c'est que si la matière première est mat la finition restera mat et les irrégularités dues aux différents matériaux utilisés sur la surface de base se verront toujours.

Thanks! I'd like to keep collecting those but I lack options.
About the tint, it's not actual paint but browning method. I still can spray it with lacquer or paint.
The good thing about the browning method is that details stay very sharp and I can still sand and clean the surface. But on the other hand, if the base is matte it will stay matt, and also, there are different materials used on the base (you can see it on the first post) and the browning process won't hide them.
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 10:34 am

Du beau boulot!
Je me posais les mêmes questions que Momocampo.

Nice job!
I was as wondering as Momocampo.
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 8:08 pm

Merci! En fait je suis pas très loin du mat façon Tanaka mais toutefois,en beaucoup moins clean. La teinte que procure le brunissement ne cache pas les différents matériaux de la base, comme sur la photo suivante:
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtwjfjcitI1rpidqno6_500
Même après plusieurs polissages ça reste visible selon la lumière.

Thanks! The tint is actually not so far from the Tanaka matte finish but the browning job won't hide the different materials used on the base as you can see on the pic. You can notice these differences depending on the light angle even after sanding and polishing.

Last edited by cosmitron on Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 10:22 pm

Just took this finish comparison pics, hoping they would help seeing the differences and appreciate (or hate) the Klever browning job direct on HWABS:
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtyjad5TGI1rpidqno1_1280
HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Tumblr_mtyjad5TGI1rpidqno2_1280

Last edited by cosmitron on Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 10:35 pm

In all that excitement I simply forgot to say a BIG thanks to Momocampo for the link to the shop, all the advices he provided and the inspirational work and words! bounce 
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Modelgun Master
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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 2:51 pm

You're welcome Cosmitron, when I arrived in this forum, a lot of members help me too.
You will see that is very usual in this forum to help each other Smile

Encore bravo et à bientôt Wink

Until later.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 8:13 pm

You really like those revolvers, don't you? ;-)

Nice work! Thank you for taking time to write and photo it for us!
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 11:16 am

Hahahah Why d'you say that? mmmmmm
Seriously yes. I started this hobby because of this fascination for Dirty Harry "most powerful gun in the world".
But this gives me a direction for what's next. Might pull the trigger on the S&W M1917. Smile
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 1:00 pm

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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 1:59 pm

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 5:48 pm

Trop fort :-)
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PostSubject: Re: HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit   HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit Icon_minitime

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HWS (Hartford) S&W M19 6" Model Gun Kit
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