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 FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 573
Location / Country : Iowa, USA
Registration date : 2008-11-26

FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun Empty
PostSubject: FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun   FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2015 11:39 pm

Up for sale is a gem for anyone’s collection.

This is a rare, open-barrel MGC M1921 Thompson model gun.  You can see in the pictures that it appears to be in exceptionally good condition for its age.  The upper receiver is still a nice black color instead of the gold color often seen on the older MGC’s.
It still has the old paper-type detonator and old charging bolt with the screw in extractor.  The gun appears to be unfired as it is very clean.  The bolt face is worn from manually cycling (original owner?).  I only tried cycling it a few times and found the old cartridges have a very, very tight fit with the detonator so I gave up on fiddling with it until I could have it converted to the modern carts, detonator, and bolt.  It was my plan to one day convert this to CP-BLK cartridges, but now that the new CAW M1A1 is coming out, I think I will look to sell this one to make room.
This is a great piece of history as it is, or maybe you can make it your project to convert it to firing.
I have 5 unfired cartridges for it and the original box.  Box is a bit worn, but it is nice to have for collection purposes.
Item is as-is.  It is not new so it will have wear and marks.  In my opinion, it looks very nice for its age.  The mag does not have rust, but does have a couple of dings.  Model is complete and boxed.
I will ship this internationally, as long as it is permissible.  Asking $500 for it (plus shipping), which is a real bargain I think for a model of this vintage and rarity.
Please PM any questions.

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FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun <a href=FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun DSCN2334_zpsw2ltckax" />
FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun <a href=FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun DSCN2336_zpsveomwnfy" />
FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun <a href=FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun DSCN2338_zpslnwarrty" />
FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun <a href=FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun DSCN2332_zps2ffszfdl" />
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FS: MGC M1921 Thompson Open Barrel model gun
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