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 Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts!

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Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Empty
PostSubject: Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts!   Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Icon_minitimeSat May 13, 2017 3:04 pm

Hi all,

Been away a bit and have to get rid of my collection due to personal circumstances changing.

Here's my all metal Marushin Schnellfeuer, bought secondhand some years ago and only occasionally brought out as a display piece. The lovely gold finish can be taken off I believe. Some wear on the det pin but with some love will be fine. Includes 42 cartridges, 15 new in box.

Asking £160 plus post.

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170514

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170513

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170512

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170512

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170515

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170510

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170511

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170516
Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170517

Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! 20170518

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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts!   Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 03, 2017 9:32 pm

Cheeky PM sent
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts!   Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 10:21 am

Hi Vyking, Did you get my PM ?
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Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts!   Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts! Icon_minitime

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Metal Marushin M712 Schnellfeuer - lots of carts!
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