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 WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer" Pricedrop!

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WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Empty
PostSubject: WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer" Pricedrop!   WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 14, 2018 4:00 pm

Im selling my Marushin Mauser due to lack of Money for my other Project.
I shot 5 Rounds with it bought it used but is mostly used.
I cleaned it a bit.

It comes with:

-Mauser M712
-5 Cartridges
-Original Box (i dont know where the inlay is tho i got it like that)

I thought of 170€ / 152£ / 194$ now 150€ / 134£ / 170$
+ Shipping depending on where you are from. But im open for Offers!

If you buy all 3 of my Modelguns youll only Pay 390€ / 348£ / 442$ + Shipping depending on where you are from.

WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Img_2022
WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Img_2023
WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Img_2021
WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Img_2025
WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Img_2026
WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer"  Pricedrop! Img_2024

Best Regards
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WTS Marushin Mauser M712 "Schnellfeuer" Pricedrop!
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