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 For Sale: MGC XM177 Colt Commando and RMI Colt 45

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Registration date : 2010-02-22

For Sale: MGC XM177 Colt Commando and RMI Colt 45 Empty
PostSubject: For Sale: MGC XM177 Colt Commando and RMI Colt 45   For Sale: MGC XM177 Colt Commando and RMI Colt 45 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 08, 2017 6:20 pm

I have a good condition MGC colt commando for sale. The boltface is intact but the interior of the barrel is plugged with no detonator pin. The price is $275 plus $40 shipping in the continental US. The RMI Colt is a very early version with "Caliver" instead of "Caliber" markings on the slide. The handle part of the thumb safety has broken off but other than that the gun and box are in good shape. The price for the colt is $90 plus $20 shipping in the US. I am happy to ship outside the US as long as all countries import regulations are respected. My iPad is not giving me the option to upload photos but feel free to PM me with an email address and I will be happy to provide. My eBay user name is jazzbutcher fan and I have 100% feedback there. I thought I would offer these replicas to forum members first.
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For Sale: MGC XM177 Colt Commando and RMI Colt 45
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